Thank you to master of hair for posting these on his profile!
cat_biggrin cat_smile cat_redface cat_stare cat_xd cat_3nodding cat_blaugh cat_gonk cat_scream cat_stressed cat_sweatdrop cat_xp cat_whee cat_wink cat_sad cat_surprised cat_surprised cat_confused cat_cool cat_lol cat_mad cat_razz cat_cry cat_evil cat_twisted cat_rolleyes cat_exclaim cat_question cat_idea cat_arrow cat_neutral cat_mrgreen cat_ninja cat_4laugh cat_rofl cat_pirate cat_talk2hand cat_burning_eyes cat_emo yum_burger yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_hotdog yum_onigiri yum_pie yum_pizza yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_tea gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright gaia_crown gaia_gaiagold gaia_nitemareleft gaia_nitemareright gaia_spoons gaia_kittenstar classified_northkittenstar classified_jet classified_reve classified_diedrich gaia_star classified_poo
I'm pretty sure there are more (like TekTek emotes or something. whatever) but I don't have the tektek toolbar nor do I want it so HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!!!
[EDIT] I've never posted them onto the forums and I don't know if they work there but they work when you preview your post.
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Ever wondered what goes through a dinosaur p***s named Molly's head? Well reading this journal won't help. Try going to her profile and seeing her other accounts on other sites. What will reading this journal help you with? Nothing, but it will make
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The WG's OFFICIAL Stalker and Crazy Homeless Person
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Thank You Miteux For The Scarlet Mist!!!
The WG's OFFICIAL Stalker and Crazy Homeless Person
Out of a group of 100,000 murders, serial killers, rapists, and what-not, I am the most likely to murder your face for the lulz. I'm serious. I really am.