Episode 8 Eight
As Digerashe, Gotzoma, Momo, and Kioko attended school Digerashe learned hand to hand combat, How to use a sword, and how to use her magic to control elements. She was extremlly good with water and fire. These two element reminded her of her parents in a way. Water nice and pure used for survivle and clensing. Fire burns and distroys domanates and is out of control blazing red and yellow. She started to remeber their hari colors were like water and fire. Her mothers was beatiful, long, waves and cures at the ends, Ligh blue and alway glowing. Her fathers was Red and was outlined with yellow at the tips of his hair it was always different than others hair the only other person with that hair was Digerashes Uncle her fathers brother. also her brother gotzoma but he is nothing like thier uncle and father cause of his personallity and his health conditions. Digerashe though of how much she missed the way things were. Then she thought made I can go live with uncle and she then ran to Gotzoma and the others and told them all. Digerashe remebers meeting Her uncle, his wife, and their two twin children.( in need of editing)