The College I'm determined to get into is The Art Institute of Michigan in Troy. I've wanted to go here for the past 5 years. I've been into art since i was born, so this College is perfect for me. I take great pride in my work and put abit my heart and soul into ever piece. I don't have any doubts as of this being the College I want to attend. Troy is an AAA rated city, meaning it's a prime location for learning and expanding.It will be a great place for a hole new world of oppertunites to explore.

They offer a wide reange of entertainment such as; museums, theaters, and even jazz concerts. These activites will give me great inspiration for my future work at The Art Institute.All the activeties i can not only have wonderful things to draw and creat but i can get involved in the great sctivies and interact 1st hand with the different kinds of art thats around me.

My art teacher once told me you dont draw something with your hand you draw it with your heart.She tought me how to see things in a hole new way.She helped me inprove my art ten times and helped me become a fast learner.Im very eger to learn what this collage has to offer.The school will be great to stimulate my active mind and give me the skills i need to learn more about all kinds of art.The programs at the school will provide me with the selective knowladge to succed in my art based career.

With the many art teachers working to help me make my art work the greatest it can be will help me be molded into a modle student and an even greater artist.With diversce student body the studies will be more expanded to meet all the expectations and needs of all the students.The programs of the school are carfully planed for supporting for each individual artist and there talents.

At this art collage i want to learn more than just how to draw but to really know about the art and the artist behind the great works they have created.I have learned alot as my life went on ,teaching myself how do do things and learning the hard way on what not to do.In my oopinion the best place i can really get as much knowladge and experiance is at The Art Institue of Michigan.