Character Profile Legend
Name: The name of the character
Race: The race of the character (Default to Human)
Age: The age of the character.
Skills: The types of skills and powers the character has.
Novice: Novice skill level entails that the character has only a nominal amount of talent and experience with the skill in question. A beginner.
Apprentice: Apprentice level skills are those where the character has a very rough understanding and very little experience with the skill in question. A student.
Journeyman: Journeyman level skills are those where the character has sufficient experience and a confident understanding of the skill in question. A professional.
Expert: Expert characters are those who have a dedicated understanding and prolonged experience with the skill in question. A teacher.
Master: A master of a skill has an intimate understanding and a life-time of experience and more often than not possesses an innate prowess
Afflictions: Any curses, diseases, traumas, or phobias the character has.
Passive The affliction has no evident or outwardly effect on the character. Such as being a carrier for a virus.
Minimal The affliction has barely noticeable or subtle effects on the character, with relatively benign symptoms that are easily suppressed.
Moderate The affliction is outwardly noticeable and has an obvious effect, symptoms are impeding but can be suppressed readily.
DetrimentalThe affliction is evident at a glance and it's effects are obvious, symptoms are debilitating and require regular maintenance to suppress.
Terminal The affliction is obvious and it's effects are impossible to hide, symptoms are painful and relentless and maintenance can only serve to alleviate pain. The character will die of the affliction.
Equipment: Any equipment the character uses often, or keeps on their person.
Mundane: The item in question bears no magical, psionic, or supernatural properties; often serving as an object of pure sentiment.
Magical The item in question is of Arcane or Divine magical design and may require some sort of trigger to activate: such as a command word, casting a certain spell, or a specified user. The item in question may also possess a intelligence of it's own and consequently it may also possess a means with which to communicate. The item in question may also trigger some mode of defense against theft or use as stipulated by it's creator or wielder.
Psionic The item in question of a psionic design and requires the user be gifted with some sort of psionic prowess before activation is permitted.
Description: A description of the character
Notes: Any notes about the character after it’s creation