Okay... so I played a few games here and there and did some surveys. The most annoying thing about watching ads is they are usually the same and thank goodness no viruses. That would be bad. If your browser does support refresh then it will let you earn more G-Cash.
However in the process of doing such one waste a lot of energy. This is not a scam but rather how the site is currently working which most adminstrators tell you not to refresh the page. The only way that it would be most annoying is if the tree was taken off and put on the next day.
Anyway, this does not involve generators. This is to mainly avoid surveys that require someone to pay or comment on personal information - the refresh that is.
Yet, I enjoy taking some of them I also agree that to make a good community it must be an interest to the public. Gaia Online was a lot harder before the new site came out yet it takes time. People in parties usually will be better off.
You do not have to like a person but feel free to help someone. It makes a person feel good about the dignity of self and efforts to ones own benefit.
So I also ask for help every now and then.
One does not have to spend money on virtual currency but it will be a lot harder or time-consuming to earn. So I learned my lesson from Luna Online with g-potatos. That site people would use a generator because they have no way of making money without being ripped off. Gaia is a little more user friendly but you still have the crowds.
I talked to some variety of people. The ages are currently thirteen on up. I will not exploit a user's name when it involves this but wonder about the community and factors on Gaia. What is interesting is I feel as though as I just learn more I can socially interact with those across the world even those close. I have seen people closer fall away as I talk to people far and different.
Apparantly... in a english translation... it is common to understand ones formal language as well as the other. But today I here a lot more information as it goes along in my own. - A tower of babel story. But that was the ancient past - so say us biblical scholars and people who believe it. This is both a crisis and a benefit to many.
Anyway... that is off topic. The point said is there is a clearer understanding defined by the user action process. It is not one that goes against the user but rather clearly stated as for the user benefit rather than consumer or developer; such a rip off being a Tron-sided view. Both sides have a flip of a coin.
And for those who saw futuristic movies that were beyond their time at the moment, such as Tron Legacy, Nine, and Star Trek Generations. Surely these were the types that people try to avoid besides the flow of information that is already supported and out there, that is suitable.
Please note that is just so people today don't fuse a technological history into a living society even though we use a server or computer as a base location.
Right now, I do not see these things happening in my local area. It is to say that life is peaceful. A bit boring perhaps.
Sometimes because of this people get involved in worldly affairs. But I could understand why in some cases. It is not to torment but rather to understand dignity of ones talent, being noticed.
I do not want to complicate the issue by an argument but if there is any opinion towards my journal, feel free to comment.
Please note that I clearly define myself as a basic member and not better than anyone else in such a matter of intelligence. And with that... my persona changes throughout as people try to understand a little more where this guy comes from.
Well I have to say, if you are born around my time or earlier and still living, clearly one must know history by view, observation, and or translation of time periods.
Rather I use resources at hand. It is not the fact I steal it but underestimate my fullest impact on a society. Cause I do not know what other people think. Whether opinions be the same or not, clearly one thing is certain.
All of us are unique in our own way with talents. It is just as one uses such that provides a structure to a rise or decline.
When one person's emotions are underestimated or understood sometimes people feel insecure. I find no harm in that or weakness but rather difference of integrity and character.
It is courage that people should build up in others rather than fear but such on contrary is the opposite. A man's regular nature, law, division, seperation, nothing more than an outburst and a cry for help to live or believe in others for one's own future.
Perhaps I scare people when I watch or observe online. That is because I am honest about the way I feel with a clear conscience. It is the fact a world forgives me but the only one who cannot is oneself. Such an uncommon or perhaps today it would be common feeling. Yet no girl or guy out of fear would talk to me.
If it is you observe a person watching usually the best thing to do is to wait rather than to approach. If you feel like commenting so let it be depending on the acts of the person at that time. I do not verify this as a method of tactic. But rather an understanding.
If I had the time, which probably it has already been done, I would write a book on understanding and ethics of people online. The only delima is how would society feel and litterally feeling what is the fear that people have or cause. Such is not of me to state at this time. For I do not know if people would read as much as I write.
Because they find it boring or known usually it is not read. I find it interesting to see topics thrown in the trash or archives. So I dig through them. Usually books I find withdrawn from librarys if they are on a free take me hope table I read them. The problem with this is information is updated and not useable with the old. Surely there is a final edition of each chapter that I have not seen or some people have tried to steal from others.
Rather... I not steal it but base society's role from a source of intellectual spans. Everything I know is in the mind, but sad if it is forgotten.
I lost fifteen years of life from being pushed down the stairs during my highschool years, became disabled because my brain shutdown - took a four month long recovery period; that no one would hire me due to conditions and I would have been done or in college by the age of seventeen.
It is the fact not that I be choosing it. But rather it was of no avail. So life in college is pretty boring when it is going back and forth from home with life under a parent's rules. And relationships online far away do not work usually - so I learned that a hard way or by experience.
During those months basically, I could not hold a spoon even or remember all my family with friends forgotten. So be it that now I forgive those people enemy or not. This fellow had to relearn everything within a year locked up on the sixth floor of the old Palmetto hospital. The doctors they should have done better than keep a man away from people. So this was my fear as well as many others.
I find people interesting with a worse life or circumstance that is affected by surrounding.
Let me tell you my circle of friends. Perhaps this will give you a general idea and if you feel the same way, then I apologize on your behalf.
- Most people are in college away. I never see them or rarely.
- The closest people are in my church. They do not talk to me much, but we have the tendency to talk. Yes it is a place of respect and yes I am a Christian. We are persecuted rather for honesty and hopefully not the practices of moral actions though each religion has one. At least in my time I hope this is a proper definition defining ones character.
-A far away distance of people who have suffered similar matters if not worse or better. I take time to understand even though one gets cursed at a lot for trying to know another. Also these people some I have helped cope with suicide, drugs, energy motives, excedera and well you name it, the most popular but most dispecable issue in society. But the choice is up to them and others with these issues whether they meaning you or me and all accept life or not for what it is and whether people could see a friend or resemblence in me.
- A girl I promised to be with. *sigh...* (personal matters) And yes. This is trouble on a guy for issues. But... he takes time to understand his partner just like a girl does. And for people to be wrong in these affairs simply just infuriate a person that is with all the sarcasm and inappropriate relativity to society.
- A dog... - closest family companion and loyal.
- The family does not communicate well to each other. We try. We can put up with another because they are the people who we are given in life. I apologize to those without this and feel sorry that they had no chance to see hapiness with them.
Basically what keeps me going... even though I am bored to my wits, wanting risks, love, affection, understanding, excedera; it is this.
(See the words below.)
A desire...
To crave...
whether time with hapiness or sorrow reach...
Strikes a will.
That soul in mind or spirit...
A wrong act or correct subdued to judgement or relation...
Will always be...
With God (though some may not believe)...
Supported By others even if they disagree or agree...
With A multitude...
Of Persona.
They call me weak, cause of my dignity, body, and mind...
Yet... I see them and judge also do I for I am not perfect.
And I know their suffering as so the storms that come.
I cannot tell their direction in life.
But observe similarity in my own.
What keeps me alive you may ask.
Is the answer family - The answer no. They contridict me.
Is it friendship - no. - For they leave me.
Is it suicide - no, though a man can conflict his spirit at heart and die.
Is it the economy - no for it is chaotic at its core and nature.
Is it food - though it is a recommendation we cannot live on food alone.
Is it religion - about religion... Even I have doubts in practice and belief.
Is it ones conscience - no. Even it is wrong and perhaps I am now.
Is it your intelligence - no. For it is faded and scattered abroad.
Is it yourself - no. For I also make the wrong choice at mind and action.
Is it your condition - no. It causes me pain physically and mentally.
Is it your social cues - no. For I do not use them fully or understand all.
Is it shelter - no. A man can hide in seclusion and lose a life experience.
Is it money? - no. Though it is a need it is not of my hands.
Is it water? - no. But it is needed to live, I rarely drink it.
Is it women? - no. Everyone wants to marry that is hopefully out of respect and dignity, though I will one day. Tell me. Do they support you?
Is it a man? (opposite sex only) - no. I am one imperfect yet unique.
Is it dignity? no. For even it is hated and despised.
Is it the past? - I refer to this. But it is not of me to understand it.
Is it the present? We all live here and suffer.
Is it the future? What I do will influence that.
Then what keeps me alive you may ask, for a whole list was given.
My answer:
When that time comes. Even I will understand my source and a reality unbroken. Everything that was given to me it fades in the shadows. I see the light my eyes open. Better to be blind than to understand. For what I understand it is of me, beyond me, and above and below. How can one deny existence? I doubt even I comprehend it all. I suffer the reality of others. Yet they also support or neglect. I can tell where technology will lead us in the next couple of years, but that is one area of life. Basically... everything I described to you people. Is a man's source in the world - a carnality of nature and need. What it takes for a man to live is a will so strong that no man has. That is faith in the highest that even I not have. I rely on many. Yet they are afraid. Do they elect me? the answer is no because of insecurity to the self. I pity those who judge others not saying I never do that.
(This is my deepest secret. A will that a person cannot break. Is something that cannot be physically touched. And that is a source of life to a man. They persecute and seek after such. But much is of the courage that a man has and his stupidity to put it out into the grasp of the world and the firmament.)
It is not of me nor my place to talk about another. But I do regard the criticism people may have. Usually when someone curses their brains out of stupidity I laugh in my mind and some report. It is cause I know words cannot reach though they hurt in clarity of understanding.
When one sees the world for what it is and has lived longer than I have. They shall see experience and virtues of what people take advantage of today.
Yet even the old things hold their grudges. I stay young in my heart though I grow physically. Innocent but imperfect is the soul of a child at heart. - Not saying they are mature or immature or adults like moi.
Last but not least...
They dignosed me for aspergers, a socail/mental conditon. I can see why it is called a psychosis. LOL. - Cause people like me are intellectually smart, crazy, or misunderstood in our own ways.
They should have called it Chronic or Time's Scar. ^-^
Anyway... It was a reset button for me as well. And I believed it helped me recover with support.
Thereby stating... I now submit this information hoping others can gather and learn from it.
If there is anything offensive please comment on it.
I take time to fully write down my findings as it pertains to me and other topics.
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