I didn't realize till I got to the clinic Tuesday that I was getting a limited ultrasound, therefore they didn't check to see the gender of my child. All they looked for was if it's heart was working and to clarify I was pregnant. Needless to say, while she kept looking for the heart (it took the nurse a while to find it), I was able to see my unborn child and I could fairly speculate at least one thing for sure: It was very, very healthy. All it's bones/joints are in the right places, which is good. We think it is indeed a girl even though we weren't told officially as we saw no hints that it was a boy. I was told I'm due around June 12th but Kage, being the math person he is, added it up and we both think I might be due earlier, like in mid-late May or earlier in June. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here! ~VirgoBushin~
Nina Layne Williams · Fri Apr 07, 2006 @ 04:26pm · 0 Comments |