Arthur Joseph Curry
❝ King of Atlantis/ Joe Orin ❞
There are creatures in the deep you couldn't imagine in your worst nightmares.
xxxCity of Avalon, The entire Ocean.
xxxCity of Avalon, The entire Ocean.
xxxA p p e a r a n c exxxxx
- He's Twenty-Five, Stands at 6'4" Strong build despite his amphibian nature, Likes bright colors and wears them often. On land he wears a grey overcoat and black on pale green suit. His eyes are green hair a sandy blonde. His facial hair grows rapidly and requires constant grooming. His shoes, when he wears them are loafers, and he wears a wet-suit beneath his clothing at all times, no socks. His build is slightly larger than a normal humans, though smaller than that of a normal Atlantian. His hair is of medium length and always seems to fall into place. Arthur smells like the sea, no matter how far away or how long out of water he's been. Arthur does not hide his Identity.
Arthur has a prominent jawline and brow, despite having overall soft features. His blush is paler than a humans and because of this his skin seems a tinge more yellow than the averaged human. Aurther always has an Atlantian pin in his coat.
His Trident is made from Atlantian technology, and can easily move and be used in the water. When the trident is not in the water however, it's unable to use its major functions. The Tridents functions will be listed under Abilities. Arthur hates hats and rarely wears them. He does wear glasses above the sea line to limit his superior vision and filter the sunlight. Arthur's wet suit is sleeveless and blue. It's made from Surface technology and is much more fragile than Atlantian attire.
- C o s t u m e xxx
His Atlantian Armor is skin tight, scale armor, donning the colors of Atlantis orange and green. A letter "A" is on the chest in a glowing color, gold above water pure white beneath. There are ornate designs in the shoulder and legs of the outfit. His Atlantian wear is most often worn when he is in Atlantis or fighting on their direct behalf. His Trident is Three Long Spearheads, welded together with golden Atlantian steel. It carries the designs of past Kings of Atlantis on it's shaft all the way to the butt which is th Atlantian "A"
His Atlantian outfit is just for show, he tends to typicality just wear his blue wet suit and carry his Trident.
xxxB i o g r a p h yxxxxxx
- HISTORY - Arthur was born in the City of Avalon, FL to Elaine and Phillip Curry two marine Biologist kidnapped at an early age he was exerimented on with stolen Atlantian technology, resulting in his abilities. Arthur spent his childhood in a tank under constant observation. When he was twelve his captors planned to move him to Miami for further study, however Arthur was saved by Mera, who heard the calling of the Atlantian artifacts. In Atlantis he was called the second Orin, and trained as their Avenger, and future King.
When Arthur turned eighteen he faced his first threat, an oil spill that threatened not only his adopted people, but also the surface world. Successfully using his powers to save miles of coast land he had hoped to remind the world of their undersea neighbor. Instead he was met with hostility. Nations claimed ownership of Atlantis and threatened war. Donning the armor of the first Orin Arthur traveled to the United Nations where he explained in horrifying detail the results of fighting the oceans.
It was through council of the Canonicals of Atlantis, and with the assistance of the aging Mera, that Arthur built the Treaty of Free Waters. The free water treaty allowed for surface movement, but gave strict restrictions on waste disposal, and animal hunting.
Mera, his adopted mother, soon died. Arthur threw himself into the role of king. For a number of years the treaty seemed to hold, but soon the habits of surface kind returned. When an Atlantian Colony was destroyed to increase landmass in the south east Asia area Arthur sent an Ambassador, when he returned he explained the lack of cooperation Arthur sent a flood, sinking a large portion of their shoreline and one city without warning. Before returning to the U.N. Though criticized by the surface kind Arthur forced his voice. There was nearly a war before an agreement was met. Arthur built an Embassy in Mane at the sight of his great-uncle's lighthouse.
Arthur realized his calling when the natural disaster of 20XX He found himself saving Atlantian and Surface dweller alike. It was then he saw how fragile the surface existence was and how dangerous a threat they were, not to his own people, but to themselves. Then on he began helping when needed, unable to hide himself for long he soon gave up the idea of a secret identity. Spending most days in the Embassy.
- A b i l i t i e sxxx
Trident of the Kings: Built at the height of Atlantian Technology, The Trident is a powerful water tool, able to communicate with Atlantians throughout the seas. As a weapon it is deadly, undulling blades with a back hook for griping. It is a sign of Atlantis's Waring people and History.
Artificial Biological Adaptation: He is artificially biologically adapted to the deep ocean environment, giving them the ability to breathe underwater, enhanced sight, hearing and strength. He can withstand extremes of temperature and pressure that allow him to plunge into the ocean depths and resurface without harm. His metabolism must also be extremely efficient, given that he does not suffer the effects of nitrogen narcosis, the bends or other deep sea ailments common to normal humans, under normal conditions.
Amphibious Nature: Aquaman, can breathe both water and air, but must return to the aquatic environment at various intervals; this length can be prolonged by the humidity in the atmosphere.
Enhanced Sight: His ability to see in the murky depths of the ocean allows him exceptional night vision while on land.
Enhanced Hearing: Able to hear great distances beneath the waters, though not as acute on land
Enhanced Smell: Able to discern sent beneath the waters.
Superhuman Strength: Able to lift great amounts even on land.
Superhuman Speed: He is so far one of the fastest swimmers at sea even for an Atlantian. On land he's faster than average, though he's not really tested himself.
Superhuman Endurance/Durability: Has resisted the force and vibrations of earthquakes on the sea floor. Pain tolerance is well above any humans, but he's far from bullet/blade proof.
Marine Empathy: He speaks and understands the languages of the sentient sea peoples unaided, and has a limited ability to communicate with non-sentient sea life. He cannot speak directly to them as his predecessor could, but can send and receive emotional impressions and desires, such as communicating a need for help, but noting complicated. He is working to expand the latter ability, and has been able to "see" through the eyes of nearby fish.
- W e a k n e s s e sxxx
Dry Out: If he doesn't return to the water after so long he slowly dehydrates and can die. The more dry the area, the less time before he needs rehydration. Though he can rehydrate himself via bottled/tap water and drinking, it's far better if he immerses himself.
Mortality: Arthur is not blood Atlantian. His life is a quarter of theirs and he isn't as stable. He's just as weak to weapons as any human, armor or no.
Light/Sound refraction: Due to his heightened vision and hearing leaving the filters of the water causes him extreme pain. To counter this he wears earplugs and thick, refracting glasses.
xxxP e r s o n a l i t yxxxxx
- Arthur has a deep rooted fear and hatred of the surface. His memories of being trapped in a tank for years still haunts him. He also hates aquariums and has threatened to steal children and place them on show for Atlantis. He took back the threat saying they'd be crushed before they reached his home. He loves the shoreline, and despite himself, the people who live there. Often saving many he has learned to love both people. Now his greatest fear is that he will have to go to war with the surface. The fact he may have to choose to slaughter people is something that haunts him everyday.
For the more standard things he love swimming along the Barrier Reef, Japanese Sushi, Pina Coladas, Rain, Paddle Boats, and Pudding.
- A l i a sxxx
When not saving people Arthur is the Ambassador to and Ruling King of Atlantis. His word is law beneath the waves and it is sometimes hard for him to adjust to the rude and ignorant people of the surface. He wears his haert on his sleeve and can often be found In his Embassy or the local Sea Shack Bar that he secretly owns under his adopted name "Joe Orin"
Orange , Green