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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 5
Believe Chapter 5
by Matthew Stephen Hyder
Page 20
Kokoro's Side
(March 21, 2011 Monday A.D.)

Now that my real journey has begun, I don't know where to start! I wonder if I should go out into the fields again next to the beach and see if I can find some wild herbs, or maybe I can go buy them from a shop that sells medicine. I knew I at least needed some more things to heal myself with and cure my wounds, but I wonder if I have enough protection. I wonder if my weapon is even strong enough... I hope my dad doesn't mine me getting rid of his favorite spear that he left me. I might need to sell it just to get enough money to buy a better one though. I wonder how else I could get money... Oh! I forgot that I picked up some stuff from some of the monsters me and Ai defeated. I wonder if their worth anything...
With that in mind, I was off to go get some supplies! That's when I remembered I forgot something else... The flower! I needed to see if it was okay... I wonder if anyone in the area was growing it.
As I went up to the place where the flower was growing, I noticed it was in pretty bad shape... The flower was bent and a little blackened, and some of it's petals fell off... That poor thing... I wonder if I can use my powers to heal it.
Kokoro: "I'm sorry those people were mean to you, but their all better now. I healed them and I can heal you too, so please don't die..."
I used a little bit of my healing powers on the flower. To my surprise, it actually worked! The flower springed up like nothing happened. The color in it came back to life. It's a miracle!
Kokoro: "Yay, it worked! I'm so happy! You're going to be okay from now on, alright?"
I smiled it at with glee. I know it sounded silly, but I patted it as if it was a pet or a child. Plants are living, breathing things too you know! They need to be taken care of just like any other living thing...
That's when I noticed someone come out of the house next to the flower. I was a little scared to see a stranger walk up to me so suddenly like those other people, but when I got a closer look, it turned out to be an ordinary girl, and she seemed very happy.
???: "Oh, you fixed the flower! How did you do that?! Thank you so much for helping it stay alive!"
Kokoro: "Oh, um... You're probably not going to believe this, but... I got magical powers of the water element and I can heal too, so I fixed it up."
???: "Ooh... Neato! Can you show me proof?"
I showed her by extending my left arm. I opened my hand and concentrated all of my energy to that one spot... Then an orb of water floated in midair.
???: "Whoa, cool! I wish I could do that! By the way, my name is Marigold. What's yours?"
Kokoro: "It's Kokoro! So, did you grow that flower?"
Marigold: "Yep! I got a watering can and filled it with water from the river down town. It's the same river as here, but it's much cleaner. I wish our town didn't have a place like this... I wish it was much cleaner and my family was richer... A person can always dream though, right?"
Kokoro: "That's right. Although I think one day everything will change... We'll get new homes and cleaner clothes and better food to eat, and the river will have fresher water in it."
Marigold: "You mean... You think it will be more than just a dream? It will really happen? What makes you say that?"
Kokoro: "Oh, um... just a good feeling."
Marigold: "Ooh, I bet you're going to do something with your powers, right?!"
Kokoro: "Um, well... My friend told me about this place... called the City of Dreams. Somewhere in there you can have all your wishes come true... but with all the monsters around, it's very dangerous. Only someone like me can go there."
Marigold: "Ooh... It sounds like a bed time story my parents would read to me! If you make it there and come back, can you tell me all about it? But wait, you're just a kid! Shouldn't a grown-up go with you instead? Or maybe... You got powers that not even a grown-up has, so you're even stronger than them! Well, am I right?"
Kokoro: "Um... I guess so... and sure, I'll tell you!"
Marigold: "Yay! Does that mean we're friends?"
Kokoro: "Oh! Friends...? But I just met you! Um... Alright, sure! We're friends now!"
Marigold: "Thank you! I'm so happy! You promise will be friends forever? Let's shake on it!"
So we both shook hands. We were now friends. Now I have two! Things are turning out so well! What could possibly go wrong?
Mow I went off to go to the heart of town. People were everywhere. Grown-ups were buying things and kids were playing in the streets. Everything was so much cleaner and prettier... I couldn't help but shed a tear.
Kokoro: "It's not fair... Why can't we live here? Mother, father, I will make you proud! I'll find a way for us to be here one day... You'll see..."
Thankfully, no one heard me talk to myself. I didn't want people to think I was weird...
I looked around and wondered where I should go first. That's when I noticed a general store. I went inside and bought some more herbs. Then I looked around some more and found a clothing store. That looks like a good place to go!
I went inside and noticed all the wonderful clothes they had for sale... Clothes for all ages and genders that came in all sorts of shapes and sizes. It made me think how strange it was that boys and girls wear different clothes and that they have to wear the same type of clothes their whole life. I wonder what it would be like for a girl to wear boy clothes or a boy to wear girl clothes... Oh, what am I thinking?! That's too embarrassing...
As I sat here daydreaming, the manager of the store showed up. It was a fairly middle-aged woman.
Manager: "Welcome! Oh, it's a kid! What are you doing here?"
That's when she looked me over and noticed my ragged clothes. She took one whiff of me and backed away.
Manager: "Pew! You stink!"
Kokoro: "I'm sorry, I know... I'm very poor. I have some things to sell though."
Manager: "Oh? And what would that be?"
Kokoro: "Um... some special stuff I found lying around."
I showed it to her and she seemed a little suspicious... She seemed pretty interested in taking it off my hands though. How come some people like to collect things so much? I wonder if I should have that as a hobby after I'm done with all of this... I could have some to keep instead of selling them, or maybe I can make something out of it.
Manager: "Hm... Alright, here's some money, but I suppose you'll be giving it back in exchange for some clothes?"
Kokoro: "Yeah, I guess that's pretty silly, huh?"
Manager: "Oh, not at all! I guess you could say it's like a trade. You need a bath first though. Come this way."
Kokoro: "Huh?! There's a place to take a bath in a store?!"
Manager: "Yes, well... Normally we wouldn't have something like this, but over time we noticed that our customers were poor people that finally found a way of obtaining money somehow, just like you. They were too dirty and smelly for us to handle being around however, and we couldn't let them dirty our products, so we installed a bath area. Now come here please."
Kokoro: "Yes ma'am."
I walked with her until we came to a little room. A sign next to the room said it was called a bathhouse. There was water spread all around for people to soak in. I couldn't tell if it was just plain hot water or if they put something in it. A part of me felt like the water was so inviting, but at the same time, I thought maybe it was a little too hot... I put my foot in it and was shocked from the heat so I quickly took it back out.
Kokoro: "Oh! It's a little hot..."
Manager: "Oh, don't worry, you'll be fine! It just takes some time getting used to... Now come, take off your clothes."
This made me feel really uncomfortable. I've never had a bath before! I didn't want her to see me... naked....
Kokoro: "Um... wh-what?! *blushes* I-I can't do that!"
Manager: "Hey, it will be okay... You should be glad that I'm a girl just like you. You have to your clothes off so they won't get ruined! Then again, you're getting new clothes aren't you? Well then I wouldn't want to get more dirt in the water than necessary."
Kokoro: "Oh... I see. Wait, so is it wrong if a boy sees a girl without her clothes on?"
Manager: "Um, well, y-yes! The reason for that is... Well, you'll understand when you're older. Although at your age it wouldn't be a problem if your daddy gave you a bath."
Kokoro: "Oh... I'm confused..."
Manager: "It's alright... You don't have to think too hard on it. Now please, take off your clothes."
I gulped and breathed in and out to steady myself. Then I did what she told me... I took off all my clothes. I was really shy and turned around.
Kokoro: "*Blushes* Um... N-now what?!"
Manager: "Now you just go in and I'll pour some water on you and get you all cleaned up, but you got to get into the water itself first."
I went in and was completely overwhelmed by the heat at first, but then I just let it all soak in... It felt really nice... I can't believe I've been missing out on something for so long that ordinary people do on a daily basis.
The nice lady poured hot water all over my head. I was starting to feel a little drowsy...
Kokoro: "Oh... Can I get out now? I'm getting exhausted..."
Manager: "Oh, is the heat getting to you already?! Well, I suppose we can stop now. Let me go get a towel to dry yourself off."
The lady then came back with some white, warm, fuzzy thing. It felt really cozy wrapped all around me.
Kokoro: "Now what?"
Manager: "Now you got to pick out the clothes you want of course! Don't worry, I put the sign on close for a while so no one will be in the store except me and you."
So then I went back into the clothing area and found a pretty blue dress. I told the lady that I really wanted it.
Manager: "Ooh, good choice! Are you sure have enough money for it?"
That's when I forgot all of my money was in my old clothes! I also realized she probably didn't want it all dirty, so we rushed back and I let her wash it in the water. She then counted it and told me I had enough and plenty more to spare. She said she'd give it back to me once I try out the new clothes.
I put the dress on and looked at myself in some display mirror. I looked really nice! I felt like a new person. I was now ready to do anything! Now the world will see who I was truly meant to be!
Manager: "Now don't you look like a dashing young lady! Is there anything else I can do for you?"
Kokoro: "No, that's okay! Thanks!"
Manager: "You're welcome! Come again soon!"
So then I left the store and took around to look at other stores. I then saw a store selling weapons, but realized they probably wouldn't sell weapons to little kids... Then again, the lady never even seemed to ask me for my weapon. She even seemed too busy to ask me where my parents are. I was afraid some other store owners would eventually ask me... but I had to what I had to do. If I already have a weapon with me, maybe they'll let me get some after all.
So I went into a weapons store. Spears of all shapes and sizes were lined up. People seemed to only really use these for fishing. I don't know if I would want to eat some fish now though if a lot of them are monsters... I wonder what monster food would do to your health or even taste like.
I was sat there spacing out again, the manager of the store finally recognized me. He was a fairly young looking man with a fierce look of determination and seriousness. He was a little scary...
Manager: "... Hey... What is a little kid like you doing here? Where are your parents?"
Oh, I really dreaded that question... I didn't want to lie, I knew I would feel terrible, but I didn't trust grown-ups... They wouldn't understand my mission like Marigold would...
Kokoro: "Oh, um... Their outside. And, I um... already have a weapon, see? They lent it to me so I could learn how to fish too! My dad said he was already as young as me when he started fishing!"
Manager: ... Really? Hm... Just be careful not to hurt yourself or anybody, alright? Do you even have the money for all this though?"
Kokoro: "Oh, of course! I didn't just come in here to look around! My parents lent me some money!"
Manager: "Oh right, kids and their allowances... Alright, go ahead and take a look."
I had no idea what an allowance even was, but I didn't dare ask that. As I looked around, I wanted to find one that was as big as mine, but had a sharper point. If it was too big, I wouldn't be able to carry it because of my small size. I only found one that fit that description.
Kokoro: "Um... I want that one."
Manager: "Okay then. Where's the money?"
I didn't know if this man was greedy, impatient, or just brief and to the point, but he was starting to make me nervous... I pulled out my money and gave it to him. He smiled a strange kind of smile... like he was proud of himself and was about to laugh at me, as if I would foolishly hurt myself after all. I didn't like his attitude one bit...
I had to sell my dad's spear for it though. I didn't seem to have enough money without it.
Manager: "Heh heh heh... Well then, here you go missy."
I took the new weapon out of his hands and strapped it to my back like always. I felt like I could do so much more now. I'm really glad I wasn't in too much of a rush to go to the city!
Kokoro: "Um... Thanks mister. I'll be going now."
Manager: "Alright. Bring someone older with you next time though, alright?"
Kokoro: "Um... yeah, got it!"
So now I left and I thought I was finally all set, until my stomach started growling...
Kokoro: "Oh.. I didn't realize I would already be so hungry!"
I was about to go into an ordinary market when I noticed a place called a... restaurant? Before I even got a chance to really look around, the smell all around me went straight to my nose. It smelled really good in here! I could myself drooling... So I quickly wiped it off with my hand and went to asked the manager how all this worked out. It was an old man with a beret on his head. He looked really friendly!
Manager: "Welcome! Oh, you're a rather small one, aren't you? Well, that's fine, as long as you have the money... Is it just you coming in here?"
Kokoro: "Um... Well, yes, but... I've never been in here before. What do I do?"
Manager: "Oh, well, you see... All you do is wait until you have a table that's available for you, and then you take a seat. Then you have a look at our menu, a listing of all the things we have to eat and drink here. Someone will then come to take your order. It may take some time, but just be patient and we'll serve you."
Kokoro: "Um... alright."
Manager: "Just wait a minute, a table is not yet available."
I waited and waited until I was able to go. Each tables was apparently given some kind of number. I sat down and looked over the strange thing they called a menu. There was a lot of choices! But then I noticed something called... Shrimp Pasta and a drink called White Tea. I thought that sounded really good... That's when some lady came by and asked what I wanted. She was really pretty.
Waitress: "Oh, hello there! I'll be your waitress! Is there anything you need?"
Kokoro: "Um... yes, I'd like this Shrimp Pasta and this White Tea."
Waitress: "Oh, well I'm afraid your drink will come first, and then will prepare your food."
Kokoro: "You don't get both at once?!"
Waitress: "I'm afraid not, but you'll be okay! Just hold on!"
I waited until my drink came. It was really hot! I took a sip though and was so amazed at how good it tasted.
Kokoro: "Wow, this is really nice!"
I then waited for my food to arrive. It felt like forever... but maybe that's just because I was a kid.
I looked over at the food I got. It looked really nice... I took a bite and tears of joy wouldn't stop flowing...
Kokoro: "This is the best meal I ever had in my whole life!"
I didn't know if anyone was staring at me or not, but I didn't care this time. I know I was in a bit of a hurry to leave for the city, but I wanted to savor every moment I had with this wonderful meal. I don't know how often I'll be able to eat stuff like this again. Each bite I took made me feel like I was in paradise... I bet the other people here think it's good too, but not THIS good. I feel a little embarrassed...
The lady then came to pick up my dishes and I had to pay her. I was nearly broke by now, but I'm sure I'll get plenty of more money later.
Manager: "Thank you! Please come again!"
Kokoro: "Oh, don't worry, I will!"
So then I finally left, fully satisfied and ready to head out. I must have had what was the biggest grin I could possibly have on my face.
I wasn't quite sure what direction of the city I should leave from though, but I decided to follow the opposite end of the river from the way out of the slums that lead to the beach. The river was flowing very gently and I could see little fishes swimming around. I giggled at how cute they seemed and continued on until I was finally out of the town.
I then decided to camp out once I felt like I was about halfway there. That's when I thought to myself... How strange is it that a ten year old girl like me is on an adventure all by herself? I guess anything can happen though, especially if there's talking monsters that can give you magic powers. You just have to believe.
I lied down on the ground next to the fire I made and went to sleep... I dreamt of my past life, of my parents, and me and Ai playing together... I hope to see her again soon.

Page 21

(April 8, 2011 Friday A.D.)

I woke up feeling great. I got a bath, some new clothes, a stronger weapon, some good food, and no monsters attacked me either. I wonder why...
Kokoro: "*Yawns* I have a feeling that today is going to be the best day ever!"
I then giggled to myself because there was no telling how much better today will be compared to all the other days I'll have. Should I even really have the best day ever at 10 years old? Still, I've sure done a lot for a girl my age.
I got rid of the fire with my water magic. It may have seemed like a waste, but I didn't know how to put it out.
I started to walk and walk until I finally saw the city. It looked amazing, even on the outside. Even from afar, I could tell this city was gigantic.
Kokoro: "Is that it...?"
I wasn't quite sure if it was really what I thought it was. I really wanted to make my dreams to come true though... but I don't want to be the only one that happens to. I want everyone's dreams to come true! If that was possible... I don't want those poor kids to suffer anymore... or any of the people in the slums. This is about much more than just me, my family, and my friends. This is for everyone.
I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the city... That's when I noticed something strange. I just woke up, but when I went inside, I looked up into the sky and it was already nightfall! Big, fancy buildings were all around me. No lights were on anybody's homes. I looked inside, and I couldn't see anyone! No one was outside either. It seemed like they were hiding... If there even is any people. Or maybe their already sleeping? This place looked so beautiful, yet a little scary... Did no one live here anymore?
Kokoro: "Wow... It's so beautiful... and yet... It looks abandoned. This must really be the city! I finally made it!"
As I kept walking, I noticed some strange, ghostly looking creatures. They attacked me too! So I had to fight them off. I never realized that the monsters would want to take over our homes if they had the chance instead of living out in the wilderness... How strange...
I kept walking and walking until I found what must have been the city plaza. That's when I noticed a giant monster! It looked... like it came from another world. It was so strange looking... I don't think any of these monsters came from some kind of animal like most of the other monsters I've seen so far. I wasn't sure what they are. I knew I had to destroy this thing though... but it didn't look like something I could fight on my own. Oh, how I wish I had someone else with me!
As I looked into it's eyes, I wonder if this was one of the monsters that could speak... Summoning up my courage, I asked it a question.
Kokoro: "What... are you?"
It seemed to ignore my question, and somehow it looked angrier. Just what did this thing want?

Atama's Side

(April 12, 2011 Tuesday A.D.)

Before I left for the City of Dreams, I realized I would probably need to make preparations. I know I of course needed to restock on some herbs, but I wonder if I needed new equipment as well. Am I really prepared enough for this? Hm....
I thought and I thought, and well... I decided I should at least get new clothes. I didn't want anyone to know that I'm a runaway orphan, and these clothes are so tacky and not very sturdy at all. Definitely not fit for an adventurer.
So I went to the town square and tried to find some stores to buy stuff from.
I started off with a clothing store. The manager there was a very serious looking middle aged man. It was a little scary... He seemed like he would be better off as a governmental figure, not someone doing something like this... I wonder why he was interested in clothes for...
I summoned my gut and asked him I wanted to buy something though.
Atama: "Hello sir. I would like to buy something."
The man eyed me with suspicion. I knew this wouldn't be easy...
Manager: "... Your clothes... are you from an orphanage?"
I had to think of something quick! Come on Atama, you are a genius!
Atama: "Oh, um, no, I just dress like this so people won't mug me."
The man still seemed a little suspicious with my story...
Manager: "Hm.... can you prove it? And aren't you still a kid? Where are your parents?"
Atama: "I'm not a kid! I am a midget. And would an orphan have all of... this?"
I can't believe I just said that with a straight face. I took out some spoils I got from the monsters though. Oh, did I not mention that? Well, I felt like I should study them if I had the chance. I didn't think I would have to barter with them like this... Oh well, it's for a greater cause than satisfying my curiosity.
Manager: "Whoa, those look quite rare... Fine, we'll make a trade. I'll buy this stuff from you and you can pay some of the money back on whatever you want. Have a look around and see what you like. And you can change in that room over there. Although, maybe you should take a bath or something first, because you kind of stink, and your clothes seem very dirty..."
Atama: "Oh, I take baths all the time! And I try to wash these too, but I guess wearing them every day makes them a little raggedy... I mean, it was sort of a hand-me-down anyway, so I guess it was kind of useless. Ha ha ha ha..."
Man, I felt so bad for lying and I must have looked like such a dork, but I had to do what I had to do...
I looked around and saw a brown set of gentlemanly clothes. That looked perfect!
Atama: "I would like to have that please!"
Manager: "Hm... alright. That sounds like a fair deal. Go ahead and try it on."
I went to the dressing area and put it on. I looked so good, it didn't even look like I was the same person anymore! I felt like a little prince... I was one now one more step to becoming a true adventurer!
Atama: "Thanks!"
Manager: "You're welcome! See you again!"
See me again? Did my clever lies and my interesting monster items really fool him into wanting me to come back? Wow... I can't believe I got away with this... Strangely, I felt a little good and proud of my cleverness. I guess every human is born with both a natural sense of good and evil, even me... If I'm going to be an adventurer, no... a hero... I wish I could find better tactics to use and be more.... pure... Hm... Maybe I could get some allies to help me with that. Maybe I shouldn't even be the leader... I may be smart, but I'm a bit weak... Well, we'll just have to see about that....
All of a sudden my stomach started growling... Everything has been happening so fast, I forgot that I needed to eat something this morning. I guess my sign of rushing things is proof that I'm still a kid...
Atama: "Ugh, I'm so hungry... I need to find some place to eat."

(April 14, 2011 Thursday A.D.)

Before I went in, I checked my money. I still had so much left over! A big smile then spread on my face.
Atama: "Wow, I feel great! I feel like I can do anything!"
I then realized I was talking out loud. Gee, I hope no one heard that... I looked around and as it turned out, no one was paying attention to me. Phew, that's a relief...
I looked around until I found a restaurant of sorts, perhaps a cafe. I went inside and looked around. It was amazing... I never seen such high class furniture and decorations before... Although since this was a simple town, the place was quite small.
Atama: "Wow... Even for it's size, this place is incredible..."
I looked over to the manager who was a fairly young woman in fancy clothes. I wonder if everyone has to wear clothes like that or it's by choice. It was hard for me to tell if it was better than my clothes than I had on or if mine was better, or if they were about equal. I'm not used to making my self look like a rich person when I'm so poor... This is definitely a strange, but interesting turn of events... I didn't really understand fashion in clothes or objects, but I would love to learn somehow...
I was pretty certain I would be able to figure out how this all worked out by myself so I went up to talk to the manager.
Manager: "Welcome! Oh, it's just a little kid. Are you sure have a enough money for a place like this? *Giggles*"
The woman was just laughing at me... I knew she didn't mean harm, but it still hurt that I was looked down on because of my age... Because only grown-ups are the ones that should have real power and money, and unless I was born from a rich family, a kid like me shouldn't be able to come up here. It seems these clothes aren't at all amazing as I thought it was, but I suppose anything is better than my raggedy orphan clothes...
Manager: "Is something the matter, sir?"
Atama: "No, not at all! And well... We'll just have to find out, won't we? Can you show me to a table, please?"
Manager: "Oh my, aren't you mature for a boy your age! You're quite precocious, aren't you?! I'm afraid it doesn't work like that quite yet though. You'll have to wait until a table is available for you, so please sit down on the bench over there with all our other waiting customers. Thank you."
I found it strange that she thanked me before I even did what she asked. The world is a strange place... And what did she call me? Precocious? I actually never heard of that word before... but it seemed to mean a kid whose like an adult. Am I really like that already in some ways? Hm... I'll be sure to memorize that word. Maybe I should even keep a journal of my travels.
I looked at the bench full of people. It was a little crowded, but the people weren't anything of special notice. I'll tell you however that they were all fairly middle aged and no kids seemed to be around. It would be nice if parents could bring their kids to eat here with them. I know I would love that. But the fact that they weren't quite young like the woman that worked here must have meant they had to save quite a fortune before they could even eat here. For simple food. Did food like this usually cost so much? It won't even last the whole day! Considering you have to eat a whole three daily! It seems like a waste... I wonder what the people used it all on...
No one seemed to notice me spacing out and daydreaming to myself. Today is just my lucky day, isn't it? I took a seat at the very edge of the bench. I wondered what else I could do with my time...
I couldn't think of anything, and so I waited and waited and started to get bored. That's when the woman called on me.
Manager: "Little boy, your table is ready!"
That's when the people on the bench finally paid attention to me and looked at me. I didn't think it was possible for someone to acquire a new fear they didn't already have, but if people are going to be more than just stuck to me, but STARE at me as well, well then... I must have a fear of tight spaces, or at least a fear of unwanted attention... Although I'm sure I would be more comfortable if I was just up in front of the lady before they did that...
I got up to the manager and ignored their murmuring. Was it really that big of a surprise? Geez, to think that I might turn into them when I grow up... Maybe it's natural for them to be surprised. If I wasn't on a quest right now and lived a normal life like them, I would probably grow up to be the same way. Thank goodness I didn't... It seems a bunch of good things are making up for the bad, but I still have to deal with everyone's suspicion of me. What a nuisance...
The manager then showed me the way to my table. I thought to myself however, who would look after the counter? But I suppose people wouldn't dare make a move or they'll be stopped by authority figures, and no one wanted that.
As I sat down, I looked over what it was apparently called a menu, a listing of all the things they had. I found... some coffee and some egg thing called an omelet. It sounded like the perfect breakfast, but it also sounded like something a grown-up would have. I wonder if anyone would give me something extra if I showed them how big and tough I am!
Finally, a waiter came up and asked me what I want. He was a strange looking man with a mustache. He speaked very formally. I felt like I was at a ballroom party in an aristocrat's mansion. The pricing on the food didn't even look as expensive as I thought it was, although it was still quite high. Why were they trying so hard.
Waiter: "Would you like to drink something, sir?"
Drink? What about my food? Would I have to wait on that later? Oh, for crying out loud... What else would I have to think about?
Atama: "Um, yes, I would like some coffee, please."
Waiter: "Oh my, I'm not sure if caffeine we'll be alright for a boy your age, but I suppose I'll make an exception. It does seem rather charming that you would drink something that a grown man would have. Your parents must have raised you well. Alright, I'll make note of your order and I'll come back when you decide on what you want to eat."
Atama: "Why can't I choose what I want to eat now?"
Waiter: "Well, it's a bit complicated, sir... It's just the way it is in every restaurant because of our tight schedule working in here. There's even appetizers you see in case people already get hungry before their meal is ready, like a snack if you will."
Atama: "Oh, I see... Well thank you anyway."
Waiter: "You're very welcome."
It didn't take long before my coffee was already ready.
Waiter: "Here you go, sir. One hot cup of coffee!"
Atama: "Oh. Thank you very much."
Waiter: "Oh my, what excellent manners you have! Wel, have you decided what you want to eat?"
Atama: "Um... An omelet please."
Waiter: "Alright then, I'll be back soon."
I slowly blew on my coffee and then took a sip and quickly sat it back down.
Atama: "Yikes! How do people drink this stuff?!"
That's when I noticed tiny packs of sugar and a bottle with a strange label named "creme". With my sharp intellect to assume that it was used to balance out it's strong, bitter flavor. As I mixed the ingredients in and took another sip, it was a lot better. Now I just have to wait for my omelet.
After a while, I couldn't help but think how sad it was for me to be eating all by myself... I hope I can acquire some allies on my journey. I also thought to myself just how much more society could improve. I couldn't think of anything. I didn't know what more we could possibly want, but it may be possible even with all the monsters to continue to live for hundreds of years, and even in just a couple their may be many more things out already. You would think if we lived for thousands of years, they wouldn't be any more things to come up with, but I'm not so sure about that.... That's what I've learned from my teachings in the orphanage anyway. I'm glad I at least get to learn and not be a homeless poor person that doesn't learn anything... I don't think any of those people get help enough... How sad...
As I waited, the waiter finally came to me with my food.
Waiter: "Here you are, sir! Your breakfast is ready. Now then, I hope your coffee isn't too cold!"
I took another sip and realized it was just fine, but it was significantly colder then when I first drank it.
Atama: "Oh, um, that's alright, it's fine."
Waiter: "Well then, I'm off to serve other customers. Enjoy!"
And with that, he quickly left to serve everyone else here. I wonder if an old person can move as quick as he does... I would love to be able to do that, especially because my powers over the wind.
Now that I think about, since I even have the amazing power to change people's minds, I could have just cheated my way out of everything, but I'm an honest person. If I reduced the cost of everything though, it would save my life a lot more... Was being a gentleman like this really worth it? I assumed it was, because then I would slowly turn into an evil, or at least, very cruel and unusual person... I didn't want to be like that.
I slowly took a bite of my omelet and sips from my coffee. Before I even finished, I couldn't help but actually shed a few tears. I know I'm a kid and all, but I'm still a boy. Should a boy my age be crying? Oh well, I guess it didn't matter.. Perhaps anyone would cry if they had something this good after so much torture... In fact, it wasn't tears of sorrow, but.... joy? I didn't think that was humanly possible. How much do I have to learn still from the world? The possibilities are endless. I was so overwhelmed by everything that happened, I couldn't help but talk to myself again.
Atama: "I can't remember the last time I had a meal this good..."
I smiled with both sadness and joy, perhaps with bitterness as bitter, yet sweet as a coffee as I tried to remember if there was ever a time I was actually alive when my parents weren't around a few years older than an infant but still too young to remember them... Sadly, I couldn't think of a single thing... Maybe one day I should ask around town to see if anyone remembers me or even Yuuki's parents and if they were great people that made something out of themselves. I wonder if they would be proud of me for my powers or think I'm some kind of freak... Well, I'm trying to use it for good, not evil and make the most of it, so I'm sure they would be happy. Why wouldn't they?
The waiter finally came and I paid him the money. He was surprised to see me have so much. I think that man that was selling me clothes should have been an antique dealer, maybe even a black market salesman instead from all the money he gave me for it all. I couldn't help but think if all the stuff from the monsters really was valuable or if it was all actually worthless and people like me and him are confused about how much it should really be worth. Hm... Well, no use worrying about it now.
As I walked out, the manager greeted me one last time.
Manager: "Thank you very much! Your welcome here any time. We look forward to seeing you again!"
Atama: "Your very welcome! Goodbye!"
And I then walked out to see what else I had in store.

Page 22

(April 24, 2011 Sunday A.D.)

I thought and though to myself what else I could possibly do now. That's when it came to me. I need a better weapon. That is, if I could afford it. I wanted a real, short handed sword instead of this cheap kitchen knife. I didn't think the manager of the store would let a kid like me buy anything.
Atama: "I hope I'm able to do this..."
I slowly walked inside the store. Swords and armor were displayed all over the walls. I really wanted some armor as well, but I was afraid I couldn't afford it and I'd only be able to buy a weapon. Perhaps some other time if I ever come back or make it to another town, I'll buy some...
I noticed the manager though and as it turns out, it was an old man with glasses that looked more like a storyteller. He must have dealt with people using these things in ancient times to fight evil. That is, if monsters even existed back then or if it was just us fighting each other, claiming the other to be evil, or that their motives was something out of destiny. War disgusts me... After all our suffering, that's the last thing people should do.
The manager eyed me with suspicion. I wonder what I'll have to say to talk myself out of this one.
Manager: "Hm... What is a young one like you doing here? What would you possibly be looking for?"
Atama: "Um... my father is a soldier in the army, and he wants me to grow up to be just like him! Please sir, I need a sword for training so I can match my dad's skills!"
Manager: "Hm... I can't see why he doesn't have another one in store or buy one for you himself, but alright... Take a look around."
I looked and looked until I found one that was the perfect size for me. Sadly, it was the smallest one there, and perhaps the cheapest, but it would have to do.
Manager: "Hm... This is what you want? Alright then... Here you are."
Atama: "Wait, I want to sell this for so I can have an even better chance of affording it."
I may have sounded like a fool, but I took my knife out and displayed it on the table. Fortunately, everyone else was too busy trying to look for something to buy to notice what I just took out. The manager of course was shocked.
Manager: "What is this...? Why do you have a knife like this, little boy?"
Atama: "Oh, um, well you see... My dad wanted me to have that to defend myself before I learn how to use a real sword so I don't "poke somebody's eye out". You know how parents are, even ones like my dad. Ha ha ha ha... Oh, and he also wants me to learn how to cook, so it's my cooking knife too, but I don't think I need it anymore. Getting another knife should be easy, but getting another sword? Ha ha ha! That shouldn't be too easy, right?"
Manager: "Hm... Alright, I'll take your word for it. Here's your sword. Handle it with great care. Be sure to come back to tell me once you become a great warrior! No... a hero!"
Atama: "Alright, I will! Thanks!"
Manager: "You're welcome. Come back any time."
I couldn't believe how much I was able to get away with all of this... You'd think only an adult could do something like this, but I guess not.
I was finally ready to make it to the City of Dreams. I was so excited! I wonder what it was like there... I then walked out of the town and into the wilderness. I walked and walked until it was nightfall before I knew it.
I wanted to make it to the city in one day, but I was tired and needed sleep. I guess I really should start taking it slow...
Atama: "*Yawns* I'm tired... I guess I should already camp out for the night. I hope I don't need to rush..."
Now that I think about it, it must seem rather foolish of me to be traveling alone, especially at my young age, but what else do I have to live for? I'm an orphan. My parents are dead. I'm not like most kids. I haven't really done anything meaningful my whole life... so the sooner, the better. If I could somehow make my dreams come true, maybe even find a way for others to have their dreams come true as well, I will be able to find meaning in my life... and I wouldn't be the only one either.
I can't believe I already have this way of thinking. I felt ten years older than I really was...
Atama: "Mother, father, please watch over me, wherever you are... and please watch over Yuuki. He's my only friend so far..."
As I went to sleep, I dreamt of my whole life up until now, when I first met Yuuki, and how I was never raised in a real home, never even having real parents, brothers, or even sisters, and yet I was surrounded by people just like me. Just like me... While in some ways that made me feel better to not be singled out, it also made me feel worse that danger was on a much greater scale than I thought... The good memories balanced out the bad ones though and I was able to sleep in peace...
When I woke up, I felt completely refreshed. Not a single monster seemed to attack me either. I wonder if it was because the fire that I made. I put some plants into it too so I could create an aroma that might repel them. It seemed to have worked, unless they weren't in the mood to hurt me... This was a different terrain than what led to the ruins after all. Perhaps I would run into different monsters, and perhaps not... but that didn't matter. I felt like I was ready for anything!
Atama: "Alright, it's time to continue my quest!"
After a while, I finally saw it, the city... Even from the horizon, it was a spectacle to behold.
Atama: "Whoa... is that it?"
As I neared the city, I was finally able to go inside... I was shocked beyond belief. The buildings around me were towering all around me. When I looked up, it was already night despite the fact that I just woke up! It's like I was in another time... A long, forgotten memory... As I looked at the windows of each home, the lights seemed to be out and no one was around. It didn't feel like people were simply sleeping either. It felt like no one was here... but maybe I was just imagining things and this wasn't a ghost town. Despite how scary it seemed, it was also beautiful... Being here around all this advanced technology!
Atama: "Wow, this is amazing...! I wonder how it's already night... I must investigate this."
I walked around, looking at all the wondrous things around me. I had no idea where it was I needed to go, but I knew these dark buildings weren't the ones. I just had a feeling I knew what it was I needed to do...
That's when I noticed a strange, transparent, spectral creature. Was it... some kind of ghost?! It then swooped over me and I had to defend myself! I quickly fought it off and was curious as to why it wanted to kill me. Was it evil, or was I simply it's prey? Did it want to eat me? I was also amazed that if no one was around to defend their environment, it would be overrun by monsters. What about the food they need, their shelter, and the temperature of their natural habitat? Could they really thrive under human conditions? Do they eat people food? These monsters were really puzzling me...
As I walked and walked, I finally made it to what seemed to be the city plaza. Immediately, I noticed an otherworldly creature of enormous size and possibly strength. I know it sounded foolish, but I started to talk to it. I was hoping it would be like the ones that are able to communicate with humans...
Atama: "Um... hello there. I'm Atama. What's your name?"
The being glared at me with intense hatred, the same eyes as those monstrous birds. Even after all that I've done, I was shaking with fright, but I quickly gained control of my fear.
That's when I saw a girl from afar, keeping her distance from this thing but seemingly wanting to fight it. She seemed even younger than me! Could she be an adventurer too, or was she a citizen here?
Atama: "Run! It's dangerous here! I'll fight this thing on my own!"
Kokoro: "Don't worry! I can fight too!"
As I expected, she was able to fight like me. I wonder if she also had powers like mine or something else entirely.... Just how strong was she?
Tamashii's Side

(May 2, 2011 Monday A.D.)

I know I needed to be prepared for the City of Dreams but I couldn't think straight... I can't believe my whole life is a lie... If it wasn't for that stupid monster, whatever it was, I would be living in my real home, and I wouldn't have to deal with a burning hot desert and possibly religious fanatics... I would still be able to meet my adoptive parents too considering their actually my parent's friends. Or so they say... but I don't think they would lie to me even if they aren't my real parents. They still mean so much to me...
I wonder what that thing that caused me to be separated from my home is like... I wonder if the monster is actually a demon like the head priest that turned out to be a fake... I'm still shocked about that. How can a demon disguise itself as a human being? I have a feeling that no one else around me in this town at least is a demon no matter how evil they are. It's a good thing that demon was at least a somewhat obvious hypocrite. If it turned out to be one of my parents or my best friend I don't know what I would do...
To make things worse, I'm an only child with no brothers and sisters. At least I do have people to take care of me even if their not my real parents and a best friend but still...
Me and my friend are outcasted from society still from all the confusion and me and Mikomi are still single... Even if I stayed behind to be taken care of my parent's, I would be ridiculed by people as soon as I stepped outside... You would think they would listen to people like me now but they don't. People in other towns are probably suffering even worse than me with no parents, home, and so on. Where is God or our so-called guardian angels when we need them when things like this happen? What are we even living for anymore...
Tamashii: "Damn... of all the rotten luck..."
I kicked a rock as far as I could. Fortunately, no one was in the way, but that's because everyone was afraid of me. The streets were empty with people. They probably just bought some food from the market for the day and decided to stay inside until nightfall when it was time to sleep. That kind of fear can't be healthy, and I'm not an evil person... I almost wish I could slap all of them. But not just them, criminals too. What's there to gain from hurting and taking advantage of people? With people to love and depend on, people can share the things that they have and have a lot of praise that will motivate them to live another day. But if you do things like killing your enemies and stealing from people to buy and own everything around you, and yet have people hate you, is it really worth it? I don't think the followers of these kind of people even care about them as much as they seem... It's all just fake... and what is there to gain from being cowardly and not being to still take up for yourself? I mean, I suppose some people wouldn't have a chance but that's still better than running away... I would rather die as a hero than live my life as a coward.
With all these thoughts off my chest, I decided that I should probably buy some things to prepare myself like weapons and armor as well as more herbs of course. I wonder if they get imported or if they just miraculously grow everywhere... but that's when I realized I didn't have any money in the first place. I wonder if I could sell anything that I have for some then. But then... even if could, I probably wouldn't be able to. No one will let a witch like me have anything. I wonder if I could disguise myself...
After a while, I came up with an idea. I'll tie my hair back and use bandages to wrap my head around to make a turban. It's not the best disguise but it will have to do.
Tamashii: "I hope this works..."
I found a clothing store and went inside. I was surprised they were still open if everyone seems to be shut indoors. I was even more surprised to see that the disguise actually worked because I could already tell the owner of the store was going to treat me like a normal person just by their facial expression.
It was an old lady that seemed to know a lot about our culture over the years and the best methods from protecting ourselves against heat and cold among other things. I was pretty fond of the clothing I already had, but I wondered if there could be anything better... My family wasn't exactly rich but they weren't poor either. They were about middle class.
I didn't realize I was spacing out when the manager stepped in to talk to me.
Manager: "Um... young lady? Is there anything you would like to buy?"
Tamashii: "Hm... I don't know, they all look so good. You have an excellent taste in clothing."
Manager: "Ho ho ho ho, there's no need to flatter me, it's nothing special..."
Tamashii: "Well, what is the best clothing there is to resist hot and cold?"
Manager: "Hm... I think their all fairly the same, so that just leaves style. That's all there really is to it."
Style? Really? It's just to make myself look better? I have a feeling she's either hiding something from me for some reason or there really is a benefit to some of these clothes that she doesn't know about. Should I really waste my time on getting better looks? Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try... I mean, I need a better disguise than this anyway. I heard simple colors absorb or reflect the heat and the cold more than others. I find that to be very strange but it's probably true. She should know that too, but I suppose she doesn't make that big of a difference. That difference could very well be enough to save my life though...
I looked around until I saw just what I wanted. It was a fairly elegant dancer costume. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression of me, but I wondered if I would at least be more flexible in these clothes. Something felt strangely magical about them too...
Tamashii: "I want this one."
Manager: "Ooh, that's our most popular item in store! But you know these are for dancers right? Are you a dancer, or are planning to be one?"
Tamashii: "Well, not really, but I figured it would show off a nice fashion statement and it would be easier to move around in."
Manager: "Alright, that's fine, but do you have the money to pay for it?"
I then took out my monster items and sell it to her. I figured the unusual signs of mutation in the monsters would get her to buy it.
Manager: "Oh my, what's this? It looks so... otherworldly..."
Tamashii: "Um... my dad is a big fan of archaeology and he found the strangest stuff and thought I should have some of it. He thought maybe one day we could get rich off of it."
Manager: "Ah ha ha! Some men are so weird, having such wild fantasies! He should just be working hard, like me! I don't know how much money you can get from all of this, but I'll pay you a fair amount. I mean, I just sell clothes. I'm not exactly rich, but I'm not poor either. I'm just an ordinary citizen."
Tamashii: "So am I so I should be fine."
Manager: "Alright then, here you go."
She paid me enough for me to get quite a handful of other things. That made me pretty happy. I tried the clothes on and sold my old clothes for even more money. I won't be needing it anymore. Well, I suppose I could use a spare if my clothes got ripped, but I had confident in my abilities to not have that happen, or get even more money to buy even better clothes. The clothes made me feel like a new person that can do anything. I felt famous enough to get anybody I wanted... Hopefully whoever I go out with or marry wouldn't just want me for my looks or the money, but actually care about who I am... Mikomi, I hope whoever you find will be good for you...
Manager: "My, don't you look wonderful in those clothes! They really fit you!"
Tamashii: "*Blushes* Gee, you really think so?"
Manager: "But of course. You are a very nice young lady for your age. Please come again."
For my age? Did she know I wasn't really an adult and that I was a kid? Or did she think that even young adults had a lot of growing up to do? I don't really get old people sometimes, but if they miss the old life that they grew up with, I could understand that. It must be hard dealing with all the change in the world... even if it's good. I wonder what life will be like once I become old... It's probably best not to worry about the past or future too much though but to live in the present.
I walked out feeling pretty satisfied but not quite fulfilled and went to look around some more.

Page 23

(May 30, 2011 Monday A.D.)

Now that I got some new clothes, I wonder what else I should do... Maybe I could get a better weapon. I wonder if anything could be better than my own dad's mace...
Wait a minute... If I like my dad so much, how come I don't like other guys? Sigh... Why can't more boys be like my dad? He's so much sweeter and calmer.... He's not the type to just go around looking for any hot girl he can find. Not like my mom isn't beautiful though... But I'm sure my dad isn't one of those shallow type of people.It's too bad he was never able to get the powers that I have...
I shouldn't be too young to buy a weapon either, especially with this disguise. Or would that would make me even more suspicious?
That's when my stomach growled... Looks like weapon buying would have to be put on hold. But I just ate some food this morning! Man, the body needs to have too much in it every day...
Tamashii: "Alright, I'll feed you..."
I can't believe I was talking to my own tummy. I felt like a kid... I'm glad no one heard me say that.
I went around until I saw a nice looking cafe. I went inside and was astonished at how nice it looked. I wish my home looked as good as nice... Was this place still considered Middle Class?
I looked at the person in charge. It was a fairly young man that I could tell was very proper just by looking at him. I just wish I knew a boy that age that could be like him... To wish for Mikomi to have at least. I hope that boy that she likes goes out with her and treats her nicely...
Manager: "Hello there young lady! Please sit on the bench over there and will bring a table to you shortly."
I assumed he meant he'll find a seat for me to have later, not that he'd actually drag all the way out to the entrance. It would be rather silly for me to be treated like an important person after everything that happened. I'm sure he'd act a lot more surprised too.
I didn't think I had to wait before I got seated. I didn't really have much to think about that wasn't on my mind already. I waited until a table was available to me. Fortunately, it was where people outside the window wouldn't be able to look at me. Even in disguise, it felt strange to think people wouldn't recognize me.
A waitress then came to serve me. She was very pretty...
Waitress: "Hello ma'am. How do you do? Would you like something to drink?"
Just something to drink? Hm... Since I lived in the desert, I didn't think there was anything I wanted besides plain ice water. Maybe some day I'll try something more flavorful than that.
Tamashii: "Um... just ice water please."
Waitress: "Alright then. I'll be back shortly. Take your time picking out what you want to eat."
I checked the menu and I realized there was nothing that contained meat. I almost forgot that people don't kill animals like other people do. Except their not animals anymore... and even as animals, some of them eat people too. It's only natural for people to eat animals too. They say you get stronger muscles from eating meat too. I wonder why... I never knew what part of the animal meat exactly was...
I looked over the menu until I saw just an ordinary salad. It didn't sound like much, but I figured that I should start eating healthier... There isn't even much vegetables that grow out in the desert. In fact, there isn't much of anything, so I wonder where people get all their food... I guess they get it from the other towns. But if they didn't.... Oh well, not too much point worrying about it.
That's when the waitress finally came back.
Tamashii: "Um... I'd like a salad please."
Waitress: "Alright. I'll be back soon."
Yeah, especially since you don't even have to cook it...
Once she came back, I looked at what I had. It didn't look like much, but I tasted some of the salad. It was surprisingly good. I didn't think I'd like vegetables very much... Maybe it was because of the quality of the restaurant?
I drank some of my water too and felt very refreshed... I didn't think I'd feel this refreshed...
Tamashii: "Ah... Who knew something so simple would be this nice...?"
After I was done, I paid the waitress and I shortly left.
Manager: "Please come again! You're always welcome here!"
I felt very happy that this man had such nice manners. I wonder if he would still treat me that way if he knew who I really was...
It was time to look for a better weapon now. It didn't take long for me to find the weapons store. Everything I wanted was pretty much straight in the center of town. I admit, at least the people who made this place made it pretty convenient...
When I went inside, I was surprised to find a woman in charge of the store. She looked very... serious though, as if she could be an assassin I would never know it. She looked me over with suspicion.
Manager: "Hm... I've never seen you before. What are you looking for? Anything in specific?"
Tamashii: "Um... not yet. I just got here. I still need to look around."
Manager: "Alright, but don't take too long."
What was she so impatient for? I really didn't like these kind of people... The gender didn't really matter either. At least, I didn't think it did...
I looked around until I found a better, sturdier looking mace. It didn't look too big either. It was just my size.
I went up to pay the woman the money for the weapon.
Maanger: "Hm... You just want this ordinary looking thing? Well, alright. Anything is better than nothing after all. Do you have the money?"
Tamashii: "Of course. Here you go. But first I wanted to sell this too."
I wondered if the woman would think the weapon I had was better than the weapon I wanted.
Manager: "Hm... This is what you had before? Huh, no wonder you wanted a better weapon even if it's something small like this. This weapon looks quite old. Are you sure it still works?"
Tamashii: "I'm sure. I, um... had to defend myself against thieves once. They that I had a lot of money because of the nice clothes I had on."
Manager: "You do seem like you have a nice bit of money. People tried to mug me too once. It's usually men too. Sigh... To think that they own the place when a lot of them turn out to be people like THAT... but that's why I work here. Now no one will ever dare try to hurt me again."
Is this how people usually turn out to be when they have a lot of problems? Scary... but she didn't seem like a bad person. She just seemed a little rough around the edges is all.
I paid her the money and left, finally feeling satisfied. It was now time to leave for the city. I wonder what was in store for me... My real parents... my real home... It's probably all so different from my own. I was still really nervous, but I knew I had to do this. I had a mission to save the world too with my powers, however I should be able to do that... I have to know what's out there. I don't want to live in this city anymore... Even if the church wasn't around to tell us what to do all the time, I need a break from this hot weather. Maybe even forever. I just... don't think I was meant to live here my whole life. Look out world, here I come!

(June 9, 2011 Thursday A.D.)

When I left, I noticed that I was still in the desert. I wonder how long it would take for me to get out of it... That's when I remembered I needed something to carry water around with me. I couldn't die of dehydration... Not now when I've come this far...
Hours later, the sun was starting to set and the temperature started to go from burning hot to freezing cold... Sometimes I hate my home just because of the environment, not even the people... I got to start a fire before I freeze to death...
That's when I noticed a pile of sticks from an old campsite. I wonder why someone has been here before... Could they have been looking for the City of Dreams too?
I lit the fire but then I tried looking around for some water... I already hunted some monsters and ate their meat, so all I needed was something to drink... How do you drink water in the desert?
That's when I noticed the cactus. They were plants so I figured they needed water to live too. They were living things... but they didn't move or anything. They just sat there, soaking up all the nutrients of life... and I think their only real purpose is to serve other living things. It seemed like a pretty sad and lonely existence... I'm glad I'm not anything else but a human being...
I cut the cactus with my weapon and the water slowly started dripping down, but I didn't know how to carry it. By instinct, I cupped my hands together and the water filled up in my hands. I started to drink the water even if it was a bit murky... It tasted kind of nasty, but at the same time I immediately felt refreshed.
As I sat down next to the fire, I started to think of Mikomi... She's my best friend... I really loved her... I wouldn't be who I am without her even with my parents... I think I might even be in love with her, but I'm not sure.. I'm so confused... Mikomi probably just sees me as a sister though... She even has a boy to ask out... I wonder who I should be with then... Mikomi, I hope you'll be okay...
I started to lie down and fall asleep, even if the sand got all over me... I started to dream of my childhood, of my parents raising me, when I was learning things, and I played with Mikomi... Oh Mikomi, you're just a kid... I wonder how people from the other towns would treat her...
I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. It wasn't too hot or too cold in the morning, and yet I started to feel a little thirsty again... I felt like I was stronger than I thought I was though, because I knew I could still walk on even without any water...
After a while, I finally saw it, the City of Dreams... It was beautiful even from far away...
Tamashii:"Wow, is that it...? Is this thing really real?"
I walked inside and was awestruck... The buildings all around me seemed empty... It was a little scary, but the place still seemed beautiful. Everything was so big... and when I looked up, the sky was already night. I guess they don't call iThe City of Dreams for nothing... but still, what kind of magic can keep the City at night time every day? That must be some really powerful stuff... I wonder what it would be like if I had that kind of power... It seemed a little scary, but I was willing to do anything to save the world. This was all so much for me to handle... I can't believe I was able to even make it to another area of human civilization on my own!
Tamashii: "Wow... it's so magical...!"
Coming to a new area like this all by myself... I felt like I was inside a dream myself, but I knew this was really happening... I wonder why everything was so silent though? I had a bad feeling about this...
That's when I noticed a strange, see-through monster. Was this some kind of ghost...? The monster suddenly attacked me, which wasn't too surprising. I quickly defeated it with ease. It made me wonder... If no one is around to protect their homes, does that mean monsters will take over it? That's a scary thought...
I pressed onward until I made it to what appeared to be the heart of the city. Standing before me was a monster of enormous size... I couldn't tell if it was good, evil, or what...
Tamashii: "Um... hello? My name is Tamashii. Can you speak?"
The monster said nothing. It just glared at me... I knew that whether it was good or not, I had to fight it like always to make things happen for me. Everything that wasn't human was just another obstacle, and I was ready to take them all down if I must.
I started to take in my surroundings first to see how much fighting space I had, when I noticed two kids nearby! A young boy and a girl... but when I looked closer, they had weapons! They couldn't possibly be... No, that's impossible...
Tamashii: "Hey, you two kids! Run away! Don't worry, I'll take care of this monster!"
Kokoro: "Don't worry, I'm a hero too! I can fight!"
Atama: "Me too! That makes three of us! Welcome to the team!"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing... Were these little kids... the other heroes...?

Page 24

Shintai's Side

(June 12, 2011 Sunday A.D.)

I couldn't think straight... What just happened...? Did Suru and those guys really...?
I had to calm down, if that was even possible... I took a deep breath, slowly closed my eyes, and opened them... Yep, this wasn't a nightmare... This was really happening...
What the hell was the point in my power then? Suru is dead... and the other guys may possibly be dead because of me... Did that make me a murderer? No.... not if they tried to kill me first...
I dragged Suru all the way to the hospital in hope that he's still alive and that they can fix him. Suru... You were the only person that ever really mattered to me... You and me never got the chance to be married either... Me and you never got our first kiss either... I mean, I suppose I still can if I'm still alive, but you... Well, I suppose dying without love like that isn't the worst thing that can happen to someone... At least me and him got to be friends with each other... True friends... only like what those guys were... If you can even call them human...
Shintai: "Rest in peace Suru..."
I laid him on the steps of the hospital because I was in a hurry. I didn't want anyone to find out about this... Now that I think about, I should really prepare for the outside world first...

(July 8, 2011 Friday A.D.)

I kept walking until I found a store that sold weapons and armor store. They also seemed to have clothing, all in one store. If they had in

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