Normee Afé T'Mri Oona
Wild World Resident
Race: Laxforan, Female
Age: 15
Village of Origin: Oona
Birth Moon: Afé during Vaalhya
Weapons: Elbow Blades (Dual, Close-mid range)
Magic: Grave, Esuna, Charm and Thunder
Outstanding Physical Traits: 5'7. Pointed ears and elongated canine teeth
Personality: Normee is obsessed with finding her one true heartbonded, so she tends to be flirtatious with just about anyone. In battle, she is showy and tends to play with her enemy. Loud, outgoing and energetic, she can make friends with or annoy you quite easily.
Bio: One child out of a large family Normee often had to compete for attention with the other kids in the household. Normee saw how her parents doted upon each other and seeing the care and attention they gave to one another, craved it herself. She is what you would call capricious. One minute she'll swear she'd like to stay home and run the village one day, the next she's saying 'what the frell am I doing here?' and running off into the forest to see what else there is to see. It was exactly the later kind of mood that struck her when she first ventured out. And now no one, not even her family can keep her tied down to one place.
Pet: A golden furred Minuula with red rings around her legs by the name of Vasros. Vasros comes and goes as she pleases though, because as she has a mate she hates to be away from for long. The crimson-eyed, pale-furred creature has been Normee's friend since the Laxforan girl was 11.