★1337 5P34K - 20k

★Auddle - 1175k

★-x-DBD-x- -

★ Serenith - 175k

★ Faux Desires - 8000k

★ Morphine Rush - Bitter Frost Singles x20, Super Prize Singles x10

★ Semper Tigris - 5000k

★ Gendocide -

★ Hipsterism - 10k

★ B R A I N - (Letter is June '07)

★ c h o c o l a t-s -

★ Treint -

★ Anon from a Secret Santa Event - (I don't know who you are but thank you so much ; o; <333

★ c h o c o l a t-s, Treint, Wyvern Doll, Lenea Myu-hime (Teamed up) -

★ l Jose l - 2600k
Awesome Donations!
★ OMG ITS JINX - Furugasa
★ priinzeziita89 - The Experiment 6th Generation
★ Mitzuki_rei - Catastrophe!, Orange Gift Box, Dionaesil 1st Generation
★ A Pen!s - Elemental Hair, Flame Sword, November 2005 Letter, Whip of Ice, Angelic Parasol, G-Blade, Shadow Spirit, Mecha From, 66k
★ Black x Angels - Changeling Baby Girl
★ Destinyswonders - 116k
★ T H 3 unique O N 3 - 13k
★ An Anonymous Benefactor - Green Corallus Egg 2nd Generation, Mana Seed, Pt.An.sa Embryonic Vial, Monster Lab Coat, Jack's 2k9 Pumpkin Lantern, Pumpkin Pie Slice, Ocean Summer Top
★ Unlucky FourLeafed Clover - Wingding (Phase One)
★ Valorous Kioshi - 30k
★ Neko Tifa-chan - Bad Moon 3rd Generation
★ Soulless TeddyBear - Tama's Basket
★ death-hime01 - Green Corallus Egg 1rst Generation
★ DoomTampon - Timmy
★ x kyra_vega x - 10k
★ Tissot - Bailey
★ poison hakushaku - Coocoon 1st Generation, Voracious Fog
★ tinkerboricua - Yemaya's Pearl
★ Howling Sword Zangulus - 25k, Kottan Bell 5th Generation, Changling Baby Girl 5th Generation]
★ Madame Lee - Blue Security Blanket
★ Zilchy - Hidden Ace
★ Cammander_luciFluffyStein - Pora Ice (on my head) 4th Generation, Ubi Ramen, Frostee Treets Green Apple Grunny Dreempop
★ Wolf_Blaze - 100k
★ 2010s - Wing scout sneakers, abundant garden x2, SDPluss #229 - The Circus Grunts
★ schnauzers4Robin - Black Drome Egg
★ sonogreen - Baby Jack Mask x2, Jack's 2k7 Plate, Jack's 2k7 Boots, Jack's 2k7 Gloves, Jack's 2k7 Pumpkin Beret, Jack's 2k7 Headphones, Silk Bowtie, Jack's grab bag 2k7 (8 of 8.), Worthless Black Giftbox, 4th Anniversary Super Roman Candle, 4th Anniversary Super Blue Candle, 4th Anniversary Red Roman Candle, Frontier Skies Wind Medal
★ M i i z u i i - Orindae 8th Generation
★ Auriga La Shock - Chapeau Demonique
★ Cat Angel Is Me - 30k
★ Zombpocalpse - Sulfuric Brawler, Black Tennis Wristband x2, Liam's Puka Shell Necklace
★ Beezerific - 4k
★ rayflo_7 - Regular Ghost Sheet, Golden Tiara, Mini Monsters Katsumi Kokeshi Doll Card, Pancakes, Ticket x4, Token x10, Black Ink, Yellow Ink x4, Blue Ink, Orange Ink
★ Objects of Amusement - Pirate Emote Mask
★ kurdapia - Mr. Bad Guy Pants
★ sushi pot - Winterland Snowball, Toadstool, Sapphire Plume, Catastrophe!, Cornes Demonique, 10k, Devilish Headphones, Bitter Frost, Spirited 2k6 giftbag, sprinkles scarf The Sun(OM NOM)
★ -xX - Yuki - Xx- - Thank You Letter For June 2007, Toadstool
★ BRA BRIFS - 6k
★ Dreams To Come True - 10k
★ LadyShi - 15k+starter items
★ HoboJoe24 - The Gift, Jolly Jacket, Bat Eye Patch, Skull Eye Patch, Jack's 2k9 Boots, Nihonzaru
★ KathyMariexo - Apprentice Charm
★ Corrupted Symphony - 95k
★ oO_Ichy_Oo - Gravypuff The Turkey Plush x3
★ lady mirror - Cherry Feel Better Lolly, Sppoky Imp Hoodie
★ spotsvannia - Nara, Snowman Mask, Red Raggedy Doll Boy Shoes, Blood Night Helmet, Prisoner's Top, Fightin' Jack's 2k10 Pumpkin Cravat, Cravate Demonique
★ Milkshax - Holy $#17 1st Generation, 25k, The Watchmaker
★ sidnificant - Dead Parade
★ Ophiuran - The Big Top, Holiday Cardinal
★ Doom-Cookii3 - 25k
★ ProbablyurDad - Elemental Wings
★ Tamiya kinder - 25k
★ bara_chan69 - Dander 7th Generation
★ iurehnfoiho - Dionaesil 8th Gen
★ Noir Resurection - Lost Chapter x5, Crystal Box x2
★ tinkerboricua - Checkmate 2nd Generation, Cecil. Deinocti's Oath 1st Generation
★ Chariina - Staff of the Angels
★ Mistress-Okami - September 2010 Letter
★ Aubryelle - Anesidora's Woe 1st Generation
★ SkyMessenger - Baby Blue Shower Cap, Heart shaped box of sweets
★ Naughty_Nymph69 - Canadian Bacon, Gilded Aviary
★ rebeljd -Galileo's Telescope
★ IDK my BFF Voldie - Trick or Treat Tote 6th Generation, Death Whisper 6th Generation
★ xtwilight - Frontier Skies Water Medal, Frontier Skies Fire Medal, Frontier Skies Wind Medal
★ Khaotika - Enchanted Book 10th Generation
★ 8 Anny 8 - 1k
★ Tamiya Kinder - 25k
★ Ichigo_Kurosaki2 - 10k
★ Ziti Lo Mein - 800k
★ iKikibo - 100k
★ AberzOOmbie - 2011 Gaiaversary Cupcake
★ Keithiya - Resolute Hero
★ Simply Indescribable - 150k
★ Berrysama - Demonic Mic
★ Beat Freakz - Snow Deer Companion (x2), SDPlus #155 Earl
★ Wyvernlet - Peanut Butter Crunky Bar, Rose Shower, Eastern Sun and Western Moon
★ BrokenxBell - 93,185 Tokens
★ Elle a dit - Love hurts, Rose
★ Pythonesque - Water Sash
★ iiPocky-Hime - High Tea
★ Tinidril - Pora Ice
★ Onyx_moonz - 65k
★ radioactive alchemist - Traded her first gen: Masquerade, Infernal Spirit, Kottan Bell, and Seracilla Pendant for my later gens
★ sounds like a plan stan - Mystery of the Stolen Sapphires
★ iHidden - The Wretched, Freki the Red Wolf, Samurai Yoroi, Oculus Mythica, St. Baldur's School Uniform Shirt, Super Powers, Orange Body Dye, Moon's Watcher
★ One Past Midnight - Astra-I: Spectacular Golden Halo
★ BlueFlame90 - Two Turtle Doves
★ B l u m i - Demonic Anklets
★ Sakura Danielle - Queen Dorado, Ascended demon, Nogitsune, AFK scarf, Legendary Mage
★ Anon Gifting FTW - Queen Bee
★ Kupo Wrath - Rose
★ Dorkisaurus - Rose
★ S3THTARD - 150k
★ Genea - Seracila Pendant 1st Gen
★ PrettyLadyC - Sleepytime Romantic Pajamas