Owen the eternally-forgotten
Walking all alone on an autumn's eve night, you keep your head down to offer some protection against the chilly wind sending leaves nipping at your heels like playful puppy-dogs. Because you were looking at just the small space of the sidewalk immediately in front of you, you notice a pair of shoes. You look up and find yourself face to face with a strange person.
A very strange sort of person it was, who was at least a head shorter than you, yet you still needed to crane up your neck to see him. His hair had this distinct orange hue to it, while being completely blond, yet still pitch black. Was that a hint of red? And his eyes... One was dark blue, the other was brown. No, they were green, if you could call black green. And by ''black'' you meant a pleasant shade of light blue. His face over-all, though, had the sharp, chiseled features of a young man, that were actually soft and subdued like a young boy, and so pretty that are you sure he's not actually a girl?
''Hello. Give me your hand,'' he said in the high-pitched gravely wheeze of a choir of deep-voiced angels.
You were just so baffled by his indescribable appearance that you obediently put your hand is his outstretched hand. His skin felt hard and rough for the most gentle of touches yet still soft enough for the most brutal tasks.
Into your hand he placed a small parcel. Once it touched your skin, you could perfectly see him, as though your eyes finally decided to start making sense. Or maybe he was the one who wanted to make sense? His eyes were blue, his hair brown, his features soft and childish, his voice soft, and he was a little on the short side.
''A gift to the charming, from the disregarded.''
With that, he started down the path, from where you had come. The farther he got, the more he seemed to just sort of melt into the ever-growing shadows, becoming harder and harder to see, despite the lampposts.
...Why are you looking back? You can't remember why. Probably just some odd noise behind you? Yes, that is most likely the reason. Strange noises are never fun at this hour. You had better get going, for the hour grows even later!
Huh? What's this in your hands? How long have you been holding it, and how did you get it? Even more eerie still, it's addressed to you, and signed ''Owen, the eternally-forgotten’’.
Jingle the Hamster
You hear a nice tune coming from the field as you`re chasing the scattered grunnies for the event. You decide to follow it and see a hamster sitting there on the grass, just playing his guitar. After three minutes, he stops completely and you guess that the piece is over. He crawls over to you and asks &&Oh, have you seen Hamtaco?&& and as you look at him confusedly, he guesses you don&t and scurries away. He seems to have left his guitar though, hmm--
~Jingle the Hamster

Purple Poupon
I gift to you the best I can,
Bu the messages is from what I understand,
holds all the love I could stuff,
I hope this message will give you a grin.
~Purple Poupon

You see a young boy, with bunny ears and a straw basket. Wandering on a simple dirt path. He notices you and skips over towards you. &Hello umm?& He said it cluelessly but in a polite tone. & Nevermind. . .I just noticed you arnt really in spirit for the Easter it seems. & He said. & Well maybe take this. To get your spirits up Aye? & He digs into his basket and pulls out a nicely colored eggs, painted Red and gold. & I do hope chu like it. Happy Easter. and farewell & And with that he skips back onto the dirt path
~Principality of Sealand.
As your waiting in the meeting room, you hear a slight cough from behind. As you turn Germany stands there, blush covering his usually stern face.
&I, uh, thought you might like a g-gift. So here!& He says, before shoving a gift into your arms and fleeing.
: http://vocaroo.com/i/s07DAhwUNsTT
~ Matthew Williams
The stray Cat
ou walk down the street, petting your pet panda. You just finished going to the zoo to talk to the pandas. You really like pandas. You are the land of pandas!
&Meow& a black cat with scarlet-colored eyes sits on the side of the street.
Cats are okay, but not as great as pandas.
&Meow& the cat leaves.
The panda moves around in your arms. He keeps squirming that it's hard to hold on. He's looking at where the cat once was.
There's a gift. You know it wasn't there before. You look at the tag and it's addressed to you. The tag reads:
&Dressed in black
with a flower of pink.
I won't take this back
because it's perfect for you don't you think?&
~From The Stray Cat
Demon’s Kin
The walls closed in on her, blocking out all memory of the sun. Mary couldn't remember what it was like to walk down a sunlit path, or sit beneath a tree with her love. The images were like a painting splashed with turpentine, all runny through her mind, leaving her hands covered in slime whenever she even attempted to touch their surface. She was just another number, a chew toy for the creatures that lurked in the dark hallways of her prison of space and steel.
The sound of scratching shuffles and the smell of rotted flesh signified the beginning of her day. The wall in front of her melted away like sticky tar and two creatures in the outside hall, tall black shadows wearing clothing made of flesh, still fresh and slick with blood that ran down their wavering black bodies. She stared at the clothing as a point of hope, knowing that someday she would adorn their bodies and finally be free.
&Get up,& one of them said and Mary complied. The other creature remained silent, just like all the rest. Only one of them ever spoke and in her mind he was the Creature, something real and more dangerous, while all the others were just things. He ran his finger down her cheek and over her mouth, leaving a smear of blood that mimicked a the wry smile she used to have. The creatures grabbed her arms and started forward, down the cold black hallway, illuminated in red by a panel over their heads.
Mary walked between them, her bare feet barely touching the ground, which was a blessing, since they had long ago been scraped free of skin, leaving only dried blood and bone. They never healed her feet after their games, and Mary could only guess at the reasons. Not that she did much guessing anymore.
The creatures led her down the hall, past identical doors of solid steel. The further the walked, the louder it became, like a zoo of barely human monkeys screeching out in pain. She swallowed and continued to stumble along, and the two shadow beings smiled down at her with hungry grins.
-You are next-
Demon's Kin
N-Ni hao m-ma? H-hello....I..uhm...hi. I'm a little worried that M-mr. Russia will yell at me for telling you this. S-Sometimes...when he gets really mad...he...well...look at the gift...you'll understand. When he gets frustrated when you don't..uh..&become one& with him...this is what happens. Don't tell him I told you! I-I have to go hide now...
~ Latvia (aka Raivis Galante)