Last month or last year, I'm not sure when, anyway, my youth group went to go clean this person's garage and I was unfortunit enough to be the first to find... (Drum roll) A DRIED UP SQUIRREL!!! To make things worse, my youth leader started kicking it towards me. It was gross.
(Different day) While I was a school, a teacher started yelling/singing the Barney song "I love you, you love me..." It scared me. From then on, I called him the "Barney Man." He also tried to get everyone else who was in the same hall to sing with him, too...
(A few days ago.) We were dissecting frogs in Science class and these two guys were sitting beside me and my partner. Well, anyway, we were at the part where we had to take the frog's liver out and the two guys tried to get theirs out but they did it the wrong way so when they got the liver out, it flew towards me and my partner and landed right in front of me!!
(Different day) While I was a school, a teacher started yelling/singing the Barney song "I love you, you love me..." It scared me. From then on, I called him the "Barney Man." He also tried to get everyone else who was in the same hall to sing with him, too...
(A few days ago.) We were dissecting frogs in Science class and these two guys were sitting beside me and my partner. Well, anyway, we were at the part where we had to take the frog's liver out and the two guys tried to get theirs out but they did it the wrong way so when they got the liver out, it flew towards me and my partner and landed right in front of me!!
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