this is a song Im writing but its not a song yet just a poem I wrote when I found out that my ex. was dating a hore
here I go *takes deep breath*
How can you be in love with a person that treats you like s**t
Stomps all over you like your her b***h (Just telling you I dont do that to me dogs)
Everyone sees it but you
She plays you like a fool Breaking your heart and making you beg for more
She tells people crap and lies about it later
But still after that you keep calling her name
I want more for you
You diserve someone better, even better then me
You think she's your angel in a world of darkness
How can you love a heart sinker like that
I hope you liked it 4laugh
heres another peom:about how I feel about the person I love if you cant tell by the title(its not that good though)
What is this feeling I feel
It makes my heart race though the clowds
And my cheeks warm and red
It makes me want to look into the sky and think is he looking at the same sky as
I am the same stars, the same moon
Why is he the only thing I think of
Why do I feel his lips on mine even though we've never touched
I yearn to hear his voice even if its only one time
But whats this feeling I feel
Is it love heart
this is about my loving prince heart
My prince
Waking me up from that horable nightmare
With a kiss so warm and deep
When I opened my eyes that were closed so long and saw your beautiful
And then I heard your voice so sweet and calm saying those magic words I love
you with so much meaning to it
You take me on a silver horse and made my life a happaly ever after heart heart heart
this is about my stupid friend who judge people to much (not all my friends)
Why do people care who you love
Just because they look diffrent
Or you don't know them
You know, not everone's like you
He's not some freak or crazy as you say
I love him, so I don't give a dam what you think
If you yhink like that mabie I don't need you
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