Angela didn't take a bite of her dinner, instead she watched her father. Her mother was eating already, and she seemed content enough. She wasn't the one too please though. She had made dinner as per usual, and as per usual she was awaiting the judgement. If her father liked it, it was only verbal slaps, but if he didn't...It wouldn't be verbal.

He took a bite of the pasta, and chewed it for a second before scowling. He turned his head, and spat the contents of his mouth on the floor. "You stupid little c**t! Can't you do anything right?! I work my a** off all day, all I have too look forward too is dinner, and you can't even do that well?! I put food in the fridge, and I keep a roof over your head, and you can't even make a decent bowl of Pasta?" He said standing up.

Angela cowered as her father walked around the table. Without warning his fingers grasped her hair roughly. She fought back the whimper, but it was no use the tears were already welling in her eyes. Her mother just kept eating the pasta, and her brother was crying silently looking down at the pasta. "You stupid b***h! I'm tired of you being so ******** ungrateful." He said as he dragged her out of her chair. He whipped her around by the hair, and threw her on her knees in front of the front door.

"Get the ******** out of my house you vulture. You're fine eating the food I provide, and living in the house I pay for, but you can't even give me dinner? Get your s**t, now! One back pack, you have two minutes." He said crossing his arms as he looked down at her.

Angela scrambled up from the floor, and went into the room she shared with her little brother. She picked up her back pack from the floor, and roughly dumped it. She didn't spare a second as she snatched up clothes from her drawers. She took a pair of jeans two clean shirts, underwear, and a hoodie. She grabbed her phone, and her head phones. Lastly she grabbed her ipod. It was her prized possession. If worse came to worse, she would sell it. She ran out of her room.

Her dad was waiting for her. He smacked her across the temple one time."I said two minutes, what are you standing there for? You are no longer welcome here b***h!" He yelled preparing to hit her again. Angela couldn't bite back the sob in her throat. "I'm going.." She said quietly she stepped quickly up to her brother.

She kissed him on the cheek. "I love ya man." She said before turning and stepping out of the front door. She walked across the grass, and onto the street. She didn't know what she would do, but she had to figure it out. She would go back for her brother. He would not succumb to what she had. Soon it was all the way dark out, and she hadn't thought of anything that she could do. She didn't have friends or adults in her life that she could call.

She had wandered a few miles from her house. She was at the park. She had nowhere else to go. She came up to the park bench, she sat down dropping her backpack at her feet. She pulled the sweatshirt out of her bag, and pulled it over her head. By now she was crying again. She was scared, lost, and alone. she had no idea what to do. She didn't know what she could do.

Now there were tears running down her face, and she didn't even try to stop them. She was hiccuping with tiny sobs, she was a disgusting crying mess. She didn't even hear the footsteps, but soon someone was next to her. She reached up startled and tried to wipe all the tears off her face. It wasn't helping as much as she would have liked. She couldn't hardly see the stranger, then his hands were helping wipe her tears away. "Hey..hey please stop crying. Please, don't cry." He said as she was trying to dry it up.
He sat there helping, and cooing sweet things at her until she was finally finished. It occurred to her that maybe she should be freaked out, because their was a male stranger 'comforting' her. She didn't give it much thought. For now he really was a comfort. That someone cared.
"Hey, that's better. Now you can see that beautiful face under all the tears." He said smiling. You almost choked on your own spit. This guy was gorgeous. He had smooth tan skin, and hair that went in every direction, and he was relatively sizable. "I'm Jaime, what's your name sweetie?" He asked.
"I...I'm Angela." angela said looking down at her hands intertwined on her lap.
"And angela why were you crying so much?" Jaime asked. Angela continued to look down trying to get up the courage to tell him. After a minute it was like she exploded. She told this stranger everything. About her father beating her, her mother turning a blind eye, and her little brother witnessing all of it.
Jaime's throat was tight when he next spoke. Raspy."You aren't going to try to go back there without an adult. Come on. You are coming home with me, and in the morning we are going to the police, and my lawyer. We will get your brother out of there." He said as he picked up your bag. He shouldered it easily, and then he gently grabbed your hand, and then he took you home with him.
It felt nice, having somewhere safe to sleep for once. You slept easily, and Jaime did everything he said he would. Your father was arrested the next day, and they did get your brother out. For now you and your brother were living with Jaime. It was the best you could have hoped for.