Citrus Rue
Cutie Mark: Three [3] grapefruit halves
Talent: growing grapefruit and making all kinds of treats from them
Age: 24
Traits/Personality: Citrus is a very tough guy who - at times - thinks for himself, making it difficult to make true friends. He has a good heart, thou, but he chooses to show his tough side - because he thinks everypony will take avenge of him if he lightens up. He hates oranges and limes - despite him being a citrus-y type pony. Citrus Rue mostly keeps to himself and if he gets into a tussle, he tends to make damage.
Citrus grew up in a seemingly nice home far away from [Thea Cacao's town], but his mother was a perfectionist and will usually yell at him at every mess up. He had to deal with this his whole life, until he snapped and ran away from home. His bitterness kept all other ponies at bay, but if he was to live this town he would have to be a bit nicer. So, he found himself a job at a fruit tree orchard and eventually branched out on his own to grapefruits. {...to be continued}