Well it's wednesday and you know what that means! Oh yes you do... I know it...with my knowing powers of all! Why yes I am the all knower of things to know! My knowing powers for surpass that of meer... wee people. ninja ANYWAY. I got another event last night...which was a studded collar. I need to sell my unwanted items soon. But I upgraded my performance rod and have been fishing for a good part of the night. Oh I'm going to reopen up my rpg shortly. I've been feeling more and more like doing it recently. So that'll be fun or something.
Anyways um I honestly have no idea what to say. I'm just going at a ramble and saying the first things that pop in my head... I LOVE JULIA! Yes, yes I do. Erhem so I'm missing her right now but hopefully she'll get online soon. Hmm have you ever felt weird and just started doing things out of character? Or at least as far as you normaly present yourself? Take me for instance I'm not keeping an actual train of thought whatsoever. Oh look a butterfly... Um what? Oh yes sorry I just have a journal block or something... At least I haven't felt like writing anything for the last couple days.
WAIT! I remember something. Someone contacted me about a room they have to rent. Depending on how far they live from my college. I may or may not move there. From what they say it sounds good. 400 a month with utilities included, Furnished and um as the net! I love the net... oh he did say I'd have to share a bathroom with some guy... I wonder if he knows him? Hmm I mean some guy? Heh well more on that when his reply arrives! Oh how I'll share.... Hey! It's december isn't it now? That means that people can be all holidayish and whatnot. So what does everyone want for the holidays? I'm thinking of getting my sister that dog bone she's always wanted.
Well that was me writting that on her wish list when she was eight... but still it's been several years. It's about time she gets her wish darnit! ninja
<img src="http://tinypic.com/psvm8" align=right> Oh hey when I first got home I put together a few of my items for another avatar. I think that one looks decent at least. I mean look at it! It's like "Look at me! I'm a little dude!?1 domokun "
Yes I'm aware. It's flabergasting I know.
<center> gonk </center>
Eh if I feel like it. I'll update later.
Well off to that taco and whatnot. Don't need my brother catching on fire... again.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Thu Dec 02, 2004 @ 01:42am · 3 Comments |