I have decided that I would like to do a moon journal to keep my attune with things for the coming months of winter. It will keep me active and give me something to do since I have decided to write about how I feel every single day for every inch of the moon phase. I know some people only keep their moon diary for just an entire phase of the moon but I have decided to do a year long one. One that will incorporate the coming seasons because I find that seasons effect my balance so I want to see what it does coupled with the moon. So it's like a moon season journal.
I'm doing this on my Gaia journal for now. I was going to wait until the next full moon to arrive but I think I would rather start it today, on a dark moon. I don't have a book yet so that the reason it's posted here, to be copied when I get the book I want.
I will also post little things I find interesting as I go along.
Date Season Moon
Explanation Spells
My Feelings. Include energy levels, thoughts, and health.
Anything else important.
Feelings after moon gazing
Anything else important.
dancinginshadow · Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 09:54pm · 0 Comments |