Alright so I missed the Waning Gibbous. I feel horrible about that. It's mostly because I felt awful and happened to get drunk on one of the nights of the Waning Gibbous. I will never do that again.
November 6, 2012 Autumn Third Quarter
The moon is waning as it gets smaller again, after the full moon. As the moon seems to disappear in the sky, use this time to do spellwork to remove things from your life. The waning moon is a good time for the casting out of the old ways, banishing old habits, smoking, eating habits, the removal of troubles and worries.
Spells: Banishing bad habits, addictions, or ending relationships
I feel very run down and tired. I don't want to do anything and really don't want to get out of bed. I had a hard time doing that this morning, even though I needed to. I ended up going back to bed for a few minutes and it took me forever to get up and get around so that I could work out for the day. It was ridiculous. I also think that this feeling is why I missed the Waning Gibbous if you want me to be honest.
I also feel very bored. Like I have nothing to do in the world. But I want something to do. I want to be out and about. Instead I'm inside and lonely. I have no friends and I feel left out of the world. I have no one to talk to and no one to hang out with. So I feel sort of 'blah' all over.
I don't want to write wither. Rps seem lame to me at the moment. My body seemed to be counting down the minutes of every day and I have a lagging sense about me.
The distance is closing between you and your goal. The moment is finally at hand. It`s time to reach for the brass ring, ask for a raise or play your winning cards. Someone that you noticed from a long way off is standing face to face with you. You ought to feel relieved, but the suspense is killing you! The potential seems greater than ever. The first rule of bluffing is to look as if you know what you`re doing. Once you`re going through the motions, memory helps the actual meaning kick in.
This horoscope meanings nothing to me. It's too energetic for how I feel.
dancinginshadow · Tue Nov 06, 2012 @ 06:51pm · 0 Comments |