Trainer Story for Kusa the Grass type gym leader

Kusa was just a little girl who lived in Undella Town as she always would dream of what grass felt like. As a child, she was quite ill so at the will of her parents, she had to stay indoors most of her life. One quiet night, she slipped out of the house to try to see if she could find just an inkling of vibrant plant-life, as she always just sees sand or palm trees, living in a summer retreat sort of area. In a moment, she saw a small patch of grass near the beach. As she moved towards it, in a weird twist, it started to run off. She was so surprised that grass could actually move! And if that wasn't enough, the patch of grass had two pink flowers on the side of it. So as any curious child would do, she chased it. Laughing and giggling as she was running, she accidently bumped into what seemed to feel like a huge rock. But instead it was a giant Cloyster! It was angry that it was disturbed so it started to attack the little girl by using hydro pump. Then as Kusa was screaming for help, the small patch of grass revealed itself to be the Gratitude Pokemon, Shaymin!
The Shaymin protected the little girl by taking every attack the water pokemon could throw at it. Finally, Kusa picked the injured Shaymin up from the ground and started to run away. As she was running, she tripped on a rock and fell, bringing the Shaymin down with her. They escaped from the wild Cloyster, but they were both alone, in the dark in the middle of nowhere. Kusa started crying and wishing she had never left the sanctity of her home. The Shaymin kindly tried to wipe away some of the sad girls' tears, as it curled up next to her. It started to use the move, Aromatherapy so it's injures would be healed and also try to calm Kusa down. She stopped crying as she looked at the pokemon then looked up at the newly rising sun. It was the morning. She had'nt realized that she chased the Shaymin all night. Suddenly, she felt a sort of ticklish sensation that was caressing her arms. It was a wild, shiny Tangela! Kusa smiled brightly and instantly hugged the Vine Pokemon. The Shaymin nudged the girl and then it pointed it's paw, as it was asking to follow it. Kusa nodded happily and followed her new friend along with the Tangela. The Shaymin had lead her into a hidden grotto that was filled with pink looking flowers. There was a little bit of a skylight in the tiny cave just enough light to be able to see a bunch of other little Shaymin wandering around. It was as if the grass was moving! Kusa was amazed to see that not only did she find plant-life, but she encountered a rare Pokemon! The Shaymin scurried towards it's friends as they huddled around the flowers. A bright light lit up the grotto as the scared little Tangela jumped into Kusa's arms. The light vanished as well as the Shaymin. But they weren't gone, but instead had transformed into Sky Forme! They were all flying around Kusa and they lifted her up. As she was soaring through the sky, she held onto the Tangela tight and noticed a sign down below that said, "Route 13". She couldn't believe that she had ventured into such an amazing place! As she saw all of the plant-life, the tree, the grass, everything she ever wanted, she felt as though she became one with nature as the Shaymin landed on a cliff with flowers as far as the eye could see! And just below their feet, was the ocean Kusa knew all her life! She played in the flowers and rolled in the grass with all of her new friends! She noticed those pink flowers again as Tangela started to write something in the dirt. It was trying to spell something. "Gracidea" Kusa said as she saw what the Pokemon wrote. She smiled and put two Gracidea flowers in her hair. As the day was winding down to an end, she realized that she had been gone for more than a day. The Shaymin realized this and quickly picked the little girl up again as the Tangela hurried back into her arms. They looked worried as Kusa thought, "Maybe they can only be in this form in the day-time.. I hope we get back soon" as she looked down, she squeezed the Tangela tight for dear life. It was too late, as it was dusk. All of the Shaymin started to lose their forme and all of them, including Kusa and the Tangela, fell towards the ground. But then, five giant Tangrowth used power whip to safely escort the Pokemon and the girl to the ground. "Phew.. That was close" Kusa said as she hugged one of the Tangrowth, "Thank you..". She looked at the Tangela and then back at the Tangrowth, "My parents are probably worried about me, just as you are probably worried about this little guy" she said as she handed their baby to them. The Tangrowth gathered together as if they were discussing something. They then turned back toward the girl and placed Tangela back in her arms. She doesn't know that they, as Pokemon parents, gave their child permission to go on a journey with her. All of the Shaymin, now in land forme smiled at Kusa and they all started to walk away. All except for one, the one that Kusa immediately recognizes as the one she first met. "So then, it's settled" she said as she picked up her Shaymin friend, "We are going to start training for our journey! I should probably tell my parents first". Suddenly, a flashlight could be seen from afar. All of the Pokemon around the girl started to run away as she started to head toward the light. She waved to the Tangrowth and yelled, "I'll take good care of your child! We'll come back and visit from time to time!" as the Vine Pokemon knew what she meant and headed off. Kusa bumped into one of the people from her hometown as the person yelled, "She's over here!" and they brought her back to town. Kusa's parents hugged and held the girl as her two Pokemon friends hid on a nearby rock and waited for her. Of course what came after the heartfelt reunion would be a scolding talk about 'why would you leave the house'. Kusa told them both about her adventure and then opened their front door to let them she her new friends. It took a while for them to understand, like, twelve years, but after that day, her parents did let Kusa keep her Pokemon. So in the long period of time, Kusa, Shaymin, and Tangela trained. Tangela actually evolved, Kusa found a Ferroseed, a Sewaddle, a Chikorita, and a Lotad in some of her travels across Unova and they all evolved as well. Despite this, she always had to make sure to not stay from home too long. Her parents did promise her to let go eventually when she turned 19. Well, as luck would have it, tomorrow, April 1st was her birthday. As she was in her room brushing her long hair, her Pokemon were relaxing in her room. Her Shaymin noticed that Kusa was nervous. Was she having second thoughts about leaving or was she just really excited? Either way, her Pokemon were going to be by her side no matter what. So kusa had her Pokemon returned to their Pokeballs, except for Shaymin since it is a roaming Pokemon. She started growing Gracidea flowers by her window cill, part of Shaymin's training, plus she loves them to death. She still has those two gracidea flowers in her hair that she found as a girl. Shaymin revitalizes them every so often with aromatherapy so they don't look withered. They also seem to give her courage in a way. "Okay, my hair is all brushed, and I'm ready for my journey!" she said to Shaymin as she packed her bag, "Lets say bye to mom and dad". Shaymin jumped on her shoulder as they walked out into their family room. They were waiting for her with some extra supplies, running shoes, and a town map. "Please be careful sweetie," her mom said as she hugged her daughter, "Make sure to call us from time to time". Kusa looked up at her dad and smiled. He looked worried, so she reassured him by saying, "I'll be alright, really! I'll visit of course" she hugged him tight. He smiled and hugged back, "I'm so proud of you" he said. It was finally time to head off. After saying goodbye to them, she walked out the door and noticed the whole town was kind of barren. She was confused, but shrugged it off and headed towards Route 13. Only to find out that the whole town had gathered to say goodbye to their dear neighbor. "Good Luck!" "You can do it!" "Make sure to come by to visit again!" "We love you!" the crowd chanted. Kusas' eyes lit up as she smiled brightly and started making her way towards her journey. As she passed by the people of Undella, they kept handing her supplies and also giving Shaymin some berries. An hour later, she finally made it to Lacunosa Town. She decided to take a quick break and went inside the Pokecenter. As they had battled some wild Pokemon on the way, she left Shaymin in the hands of Nurse Joy while Kusa put her stuff down on a table. "This is so cool! I'm on an actual journey!" she said to herself. She heard Pokecenter jingle and knew Shaymin was fully healed. It ran up to her and jumped in her lap. As she gently petted her Gratitude Pokemon, a man walked into the Pokecenter. He gave Nurse Joy some of his Pokemon for her to heal. While waiting, he noticed Kusa and Shaymin as he walked toward them. "Hello there! I haven't seen you around Lacunosa." he smiled as he held out his hand "My name is Cilan, May I ask what your name is?". Kusa shaked his hand and said, "My name is Kusa, and this is my partner, Shaymin." Shaymin smiled and nodded as it curled back into her lap. "So, what brings you here?" he asked, "Oh, I'm starting a journey of my own to become a strong grass type leader" she replied. "Really?" he said, "You know, I specialize in Grass types as well". She smiled and said, "That's great! My first person to meet on my journey is a grass type user like me!". "I'm also a grass type gym leader. I run the Striaton City gym with my brothers" Cilan said, "That sounds amazing!" Kusa said as she smiled again. "Do you mind if I evaluate your Shaymin?" he asked, "Evaluate?" she said. "I'm also an A-class Pokemon Connoisseur." he said as he petted Shaymin, "This Shaymin gives off a very good taste! You both are very compatible partners". Kind of confused about that Connoisseur bit of his, Kusa just smiled and said, "Why thank you~ Shaymin is my very special friend after all". Cilan smiled back, "You know, I'm actually on a journey myself to perfect my Connoisseur stauts. My brothers are watching the gym soon and we are actually looking for a new gym leader. Would you like to consider taking ove---" "I'D LOVE TO!", Kusa interrupted. "My my, such passion! I like your style, Kusa!" Cilan said, "Well, try-outs are of course at the gym, so make your way toward there if you really want to be a leader". He marked the city on her town map, "It isn't too far from here, and you'll probably get stronger on your way there" he said, "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you! Good luck in the try-outs and Best Wishes!". Kusa smiled brightly with excitement, "Thanks so much! Maybe we'll run into each other soon! Good luck with your Connoisseur stuff!" she said as he walked out. "Then it's settled! We'll become gym leaders!" Kusa said to Shaymin while hugging it.
And the rest, as they say, is history~ She went on to become a successful Gym Leader!

"Prepare to face the awesome might of my grass types~!"