Hello... this is my dream look in GAIA!!! the stuff is so expensive and may look complicated but... EvErYoNehas a dream right?? of being something beautiful!!!
Here is what I would like to call " My NoRmAl SelF"
here I like to call " RoCkIn OuT "
here is the " 70'S ShoW
the " ThE LuNaRiC SiDe "
The stuff on the pic is the stuff here: Really Jacked Up Shirt , G-LOL Dark Mistress Top , The Jack-et , Black Leather Strapped Manties , Jacked-up Pants , Blurry VOX Sneakers and Lunar Cloak (Full Moon)!!!
and my most favourite " My AnGeLic SiDe!!!
This style has the following stuff in it... Angelic Camisole , Angelic Boots , Winged Anklets , Angelic Halo , Golden Laurels (Sparkle) , Angelic Bracelet (Glow) , Angelic Pendant (Glow) , Angelic Gloves , Angelic Collar , Guitar of Angellus (Caress) , Staff of the Angels , Mini Angel Wings and Guitar of Angellus (Wing)!!!
the stuff are expensive and hard to get!! It will take a miracle to be any of this!
I call it Nurse
Accomplished Looks:
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