Nicknames: Riri, Rois Athyrrei
Religion: Roistian
Race: Shapeshifter
Titles: Queen of Roistia, Doctorine of Death
Origin: Roistia
Occupation: Queen
Height: When battling she stands at 7"4, but usually she is 5"11
Weight: Variable with her figure and form. Standard weight is 140Ib
biggrin Likes: Aeri is fairly girly with her likes. Opting for loves of bright colors, cute things, Human Anime/Manga and receiving affection. She also enjoys being the center of everyone's attention and being top dog. It is noted she is significantly happier around Myst and almost seems lost without her being around. She also enjoys creating humor and making people laugh.
sad Dislikes: Aeri dislikes bad manners and men, especially male humans. She has a deeper dislike of demons and only considers a few to be trustworthy. Bad situations quickly get the upper hand of Aeri who is known to be very easily upset by little things that people say or do. She hates making bad first impressions and is upset if she messes up something, opting for high standards even with a first go. She has a huge fear of serpents due to years of poison torture via them, but seems to oddly feel comforted around certain varieties of Cobra and especially so around the Golden Arbok she's noted for.
Aeri was born in England during a routine visit by the late King (King Tyberius 'The Giant' Tyaelaria) and Queen (Queen Eleysia 'Bright Hope' Tyaelaria) to make peace negotiations between humans and shapeshifters which ended without a deal being made. She grew up in safety and comfort with everything catered for. Being the youngest child with her brother Inuart for company made her value family life over everything else. She was also raised along side an Angel named Myst, being the same age as Aeri they both grew up as Myst would later be made a Guardian for Aeri in her later life, a fate chosen by Former King and Queen when they found her and rescued her from a hoarde of beasts.
She spent her childhood with few problems, always on the lap of luxury and getting what she wanted. Her teenage years however weren't the same. At the age of 14 she was kidnapped during a walk-around town she was having, taken captive by a beast who sought to mate with her and create offspring powerful enough to enslave shapeshifters. Taken back to a hive of them she was forced to watch the brutal rape of her own kind in preparation for when she turned 18 and would be perfect for mating. She spent 2 years in this hell hole, being tortured for information she didn't know and tormented with the sounds of rape, murder and disembowelment of fellow shapeshifter females, young and old, taken from their homes for the enjoyment of the foul beasts.
When she was 16 an attack was lead by Inuart and Myst to free her, it was successful and allowed her to be free, it was on this day she announced her love for Myst and offered her own hand in marriage to the Guardian, a controversial move which looked to cause uproar but only brought celebration. When she returned to Roistia she was immediately placed under the watchful eye of a wolf wander by the name of Zylo Garoh, who gave up his life wandering with no goal to teach the young princess to fight and defend herself in trade for having a comfy lifestyle. From here she learned his Parkour Fighting style and how to control her powers over Lightning and mix them into the powers of sound and light she had naturally. But even this didn't prepare her for the brutal realities of war.
When she turned 20, on the very day, a largescale assault was brought to Roistia's walls. An army of beasts, mercenaries and monsters unknown attacked to overthrow the powerful city, the attack nearly wiped out Roistia and left it in ruin, with most of it's Army and only Aeri left as the only surviving member of the royal family, her brother died saving her from an ambush and her parents died defending the castle. Swearing on their graves she removed herself from the lifestyle she had been living in and spent a further 2 years rebuilding Roistia, working to the point of illness to restore the city to it's former glory. After the 2 years she finally married Myst publicly, bringing much happiness to her people and herself, she also took up her training again under Zylo to better herself at what she had.
The training was a rigorous process, she underwent training to extend her electrical powers, opting to take it from charges within her own body (stamina/willpower based) rather than Zylo's approach of using the environment. The various skills she picked up adapted her fighting style to match his Parkour fighting with a twist of 'Red Leg' fighting style from One piece, considering she watched a lot of Japanese Anime at the time of her training she took up a grand scale of Sanji's moves, adapting them around her powers. The training also helped her use rifles, which she chose to go for a customized musket, the ability to use a Kusai with chain and also use the Roistian ceremonial Katana. She spent all of her time around Zylo, who with Myst's help, taught Aeri most of the skills she now uses, although she is still only half way done with learning.
PokéRPC, not applicable during DMs.
After the constant training she decided to have a "self-declared" break with Myst, journeying across Kanto (PokéRPC), she arrived with only a handful of Pokéballs and the urge to try and live out the dream of being a Pokémon champion. Her first Pokémon she caught was a Pichu, found in Viridian forest she actually snuck up to it disguised as a fellow Pikachu and shocked it into the Pokéball, taking it off guard and capturing it, this did cause the young Pokémon to be wary of it's captor for some time. During her travels she caught a Golden Ekans after hearing a myth of one nearby Cerulean city, an accomplishment she does love to boast about and show off. Her other pokémon are an Aridos she caught in Johto, a Dewgong which was found in Seafoam islands, an Arcanine which had been abandoned by a mysterious ex-champion and a Togetic, hatched from an egg she had been given as a present. With this team she conquered the gym leaders in Johto and Kanto and even scored a win within the Pokémon League, sending her name next to famous trainers like Red. With these victories she was quickly a target for the criminal cell "Neo-Rocket", a die hard set of Team Rocket ex-admins and ex-grunts who had become disgruntled at being tossed aside and beaten by children. After a large battle against her she decided to join Neo-Rocket to change it's direction, using Pokémon for money but not harming them in the process and eventually regaining Rocket's former power within the realms of gambling.
Roistian Ceremonial Sword/Nodachi;

The katana which is specially crafted for it's royalty. Each king or queen is given one upon their rise to power. Crafted to exact specifications so it will be perfectly wielded for it's owner and also decorated as part of the crafting process to suit it's owner. The blade is made from a metal ore rarely found around Roistia and from one of the few known deposits. With the same strength as the dwarven material "Mithril" it can withstand a lot of punishment while dishing out slices which can easily take a tree down with one fell swoop. The Nodachi's reach is roughly 6 foot, making it slightly predictable during larger attacks. To a new user the blade seems a little lighter than a regular Nodachi.
Shapeshifting: Aeri is extremely skilled at Shapeshifting, capable of changing her form at will, whether it be height, weight, muscle mass or even gender. She can change her appearance in many ways and mimic any organic being she has seen. She is limited in this power by what she knows and has seen, she cannot copy someone's body perfectly until she has seen it fully. She can create different features for herself which is not limited to, but does include Wings, tendrils and extra limbs. Her shifting requires stamina and concentration and doesn't yet have any healing qualities past repairing minor cuts.
->Dragonskin Wings: Aeri can shift wings which have the strength of Dragonskin, These are extremely durable and can easily take blows from swords and other weapons with little damage, gunshots can cause a lot of damage but the wings can protect her from her body being shot up. The wings are heavy and make her flying slower and less nimble, but she has no issue with this.
->Angel's Wings (Fallen): Aeri was given the gift of being able to shift Fallen Angel's wings by Myst, the wings are made of the feathers of angels, but she always shifts with one black and one white. The upside to these wings over the later are they're easier to fly with and less heavy, allowing quick and nimble flight, but they're easily torn up by bad conditions and cannot withstand attack as well as the dragonskin wings. They can take bullets but are quickly ripped to shreds by a standard automatic gun.
->Tendrils:Aeri can shift to have tendrils and tentacles of any shape or size, these require a great amount of concentration and can be used to ensnare or strangle an opponent. They're not made of nothing more than flesh and muscle so they cannot withstand an assault but the numbers and unpredictability often win out. She can also change the tips to her fancy it is rumored...
->Devil Fruit: Power (Ope Ope Fruit)