For those of you who don't know what an apparition is, it is basically a ghost or phantom. Some people believe there are no such things as ghosts or phantoms or anything undead for that matter. Some think they are always evil and want to kill you. There are people who believe that some houses are haunted. There are even people who believe that ghosts are merely figments of our imagination... I can't tell people what to believe, I can't deny any possibilities. I can't say what is right or wrong about the subject. I think, that these apparitions are here for a reason. Whatever that reason may be... Whether to keep reminding you of the loss of your loved one. To stop you from doing something terrible. To keep you from making the same mistake as them. To show you the path they've walked... any of these could be the reason. Mine show me what I must do. Show me the next step. He helps me to become something important. Mine is the apparition of a truly great and wise man. I saw him when I was younger. Probably around nine years old. I haven't seen him recently, I worry he may never come again. Maybe I'm going in the right direction. Maybe he thinks I can lead on from here. I wish I could speak with him, even if it was only once. I have so much I want to ask of him. I've followed the path he has walked. Or at least that of which he wants me to walk. He sometimes whispers to me. But I never was able to have a real conversation with him...
One day perhaps I may be able to speak to him. You may call me crazy or mad or insane, well? What did you expect from "The Book of Madness"? I've learned to trust that man and I think he believes in me. The fact he is helping me in my time of need is proof enough. It's more than a lot of people, living people, have ever done for me. No offense....well maybe a little. lol Go, go with a smile! biggrin
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The Oghma Infinium Black Book...
xXBlade of ShadowsXx
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"As morning hues of sunswept fire caress your passioned face, alone with thee a pure desire to worship untold grace. My soul would cry in silent prayer to an hour swept apart. Your essence warms the evening air as I dance into your heart."