Hello, [Username Here], I'm the moderator for the RolePlay [RolePlay Name Here] that me(Kanshisha Enzeru) and my friend(gacobeee) just created. I was looking through Barton Town in the search for good rpers to send invitations to when I saw your posts. If you like, you don't even have to take a look at the rp, I would understand. I've had to turn down invitations because I was booked already. But I do feel obligated to ask that: if you would be so kind as to check it out, I'm sure we both would be very grateful.
Thank you for your time.
-- Kanshisha Enzeru
Main Thread
Character Profiles
Hello, I saw you RolePlay and thought it was a good opportunity for a character I hadn't been able to try out yet; but, he isn't what you'd call 'ordinary'. My idea for the character was something like a retired necromancer turned dealer, fiddling and meddling in things of magic in his past time, but sticking to the sidelines. His role in your RP--the way I pictured it--was on the sidelines as a risky information booth while also remaining mysterious. What type of information he would give could grant some potential plot twists, considering I imagined his age difficult to tell because of his involvement with magic.
This where this PM comes into place. [Front page Information Here]
I was wondering if we could work out a compromise, or if it was even possible to allow this anomaly to be in your RP.
Thank you for your time. - Kanshisha Enzeru
Post in Construction:

- ۩ | V I U T H E L I U MX XN U D AX XS A T O R | ۩
| Location | • East Cragugan Docks
| Company | • Ebony
| (O)ut(O)f(C)hances | • Blargy-Blarg
| Company | • Ebony
| (O)ut(O)f(C)hances | • Blargy-Blarg
- With imminent danger avoided for the time being, Viu's body finally allowed the adrenaline pumping through his system to depart. No longer dulling the pain or exhaustion from his nerves, Viu began to feel the full extent of the stress the run had caused. It amplified Viu's burning throat, the sharp stitch in his side, and his limbs that now left like melted jelly. These sensations rejected any notion of running again, or would to anybody but Viu. This was because of the fear Rein had instilled in him. If Rein showed up, his fear would drive him to the edge of his limits and beyond. Death would be preferable to the abuse and torture he went through, or would go through if Rein caught him again. And Rein was still looking. Viu knew this. There wasn't an object Rein got his hands on that he lost for very long. It was his job to do so, one Rein took very personally. The reason why was beyond him. Viu had stopped trying to understand Rein's grudge.
Several minutes had passed in silence broken by non but the sounds of the train unloading its passengers before one of them finally spoke.
Dragon - Escaped Slave
Dragon - Escaped Slave

Character name: Zenzaben Vder Brajoku(Pronunciation: zen-za-ben | vd-ehEr | brah-zjOhk-OO) - Grim Reaper
Age: Unknown
Race: Zenzaben is an ancient shape-shifting being of evil, a higher level of demon.
Job: Causing strife, death, and destruction
Weapon: Has none. His weapons come from his shape-shifting, so he could suddenly have claws and teeth, or a dangerous tail.
Skills: Zenzaben's magic falls in line with his shapeshifting,--like skin does along the surface of your body--it can not be used for anything else. He can, however, if he concentrates, partially change his body, but this is a little difficult and is virtually useless, unless applied to scare people or for emergency defense.
Bio/history: Zenzaben Vder Brajoku is the name of an ancient creature of darkness. This being once lived in an ancient city underground called, Irroka. Irroka itself was merely a legend on the surface, believed to be the living ground of evil and one of the gods of darkness it was named after. Legend had it that only those born there could find it, everything else would blind to it. This part of the legend proved true, for no king or all his subjects could find this fabled city. Unfortunately, it had a drawback. Because nobody could find it, it was a tall-tale. Even creature like demons and those like them were not proof enough. Only the creatures most ancient knew it was no such story. One of these were the Dragons. It was one of the reasons they built Erandyte Othlomendallia in the heavens; so that these creatures bred of true darkness could not get to them. They were wrong.
Some Dragons dreamt of life with the mortals. They dreamt the humans worshiping them, treating them like gods, offering them gifts and tributes. They could look like one of the humans if they desired, that wasn't a problem. Life would be better down there, they thought, and non of those beings of darkness scared them. So the few dragons descended down to earth against the pleas of their kin. This put them right into the hands of Zenzaben.
Zenzaben was jealous of the dragons wealth and power and so plotted to destroy them. To do this he had to start with the dragons living in the heavens. Latching onto a particular dragon of poor relations, Zenzaben filled his heart with lies and hatred over the period of a year. Full of anger, this dragon spoke out against the elders who ran the dragons council, believing they were unfair and unjust, holding large bounties of treasure to themselves and corrupting their youth. His voice reached far, and like poison through veins, he infected the minds of other younger dragons. This infection was assisted by Zenzaben, who continued to spin his webs of lies. This unhappiness grew for five years, until an indecent happened.
Zenzaben, letting this hatred grow, took dragon blades from the forges on the flouting island and took them down to the humans below. He placed these weapons in the hands of corrupt and cowardice rulers while creating rumors about the dragons they worshiped to several human cities and villages. This brewed for five years. The rumors had become a life of it's own now, and those kings and queens were now restless. A few months prier to the incident, they had joined together and made sinister plans to bring down the "tyranny" of the dragons. They planned for these four months, then put them into action. That day, each dragon sitting comfortably in their human palaces, fell from their pedestals either to their deaths or into imprisonment.
The humans acted so fast that by the time the elders got the news, it was already too late. However, that wasn't what started it, it was when they decided not to avenge their brothers. That same young dragon and his followers were enraged. They saw this as treason and rose up to take the elders political power in a rebellion. Seven years. That's how long the war lasted. For dragons that's not a long time. Unfortunately, the war led to destruction and sadness. Their beautiful land was scared, upon the land laid their bones, tinted red were the oceans. Not even Zenzaben knew what happened to the survivors, if their were survivors, not that he cares much.
Other: Zenzaben devours his victims.
Appearance: True Form. How he appears ⇒
RolePlay Process:
Roster/Profile Skeleton
Tyberryl's Guide to Magical Creatures
The Sights
The Locations
Magical Education
The Rumors/Most Wanted
The Laws/Tyberryl Holidays
The Roles
Time & Date/Banners
Memorable RPs:
War of the Orders {Open}
Leaps and Bounds (Open/Accepting) | (LNB: the B-Side)
Modern Knights: Crusade ((O/A))
War of the Races
{▶ uneaʀτн ▬ Lit. Fantasy | OPEN!
Incomplete Profiles: