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Eriale Maru
Community Member
[OC]Katrinis Elladorma
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First Name: Katrinis
Last Name: Elladorma
Nickname: Kat,Ella, Ellie or Kat-Lady(Add to the list if you want!)
Age: 18 (In human years, she's only half cat people)
Race: Neko (F)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Occupation: Assassin, Spy, Undercover Agent, Ninja,etc.
Powers:Controls the elements at her calling (Fire, Nature, Earth/Air, Water, Snow/Ice, Shadow in her regular form)
Weapon(s):Uses a variety of weapons hidden within her bags or sheath in her cases.

Personality (Adj./words):shy, sneaky, sly, quick, bubbly, friendly, intelligent, semi-confident, rarely sassy, the typical cat-like person, and compassionate
Likes: Other nekos, friendly people, cute boys and playing with her forms
Dislikes: Teasing/bullying of herself or friends (from strangers), extremely egotistical people, Distractions, The technological people and their scientists
Strengths: Controlling multiple elements, Mastery in her weaponry, Professional Assassin, and Natural leader
Weaknesses: Distractions, Uneasy focus/control, Teammates (possibly), Killing her friends and/or teammates, Full Body Exposures
Extra: Her forms of the different elements, changes her ears, tail and weapons due to whatever form she takes. She's a master of all weapons through her training, a casual cat who enjoys her napping and peaceful/quiet days. You will always see her yellow eyes, catty expressions, and her black collar with a yellow bell hanging from it. She has scars all over her body from the scientists picking at her body, sticking shots in her to inject new experiments, etc.

Katrinis is not a regular human, nor is she a full cat. This constant feeling of being half of one and half of another tortures her memories of all the teasing/bullying which happened in her time. She was born as a human in a quiet village out in the forest where nature was all around them. Her family remains unknown even to herself, for she was abandoned and placed out in the streets as a young child. Little did the family or she knew what would occur next, an invasion happened from cyborgs, technical beings of sorts attacked the once peaceful village seeking out all the children they could for their "new and fresh" test subjects. Katrinis was picked up amongst those children and never was loved or cherished since her birth and capture.

When Katrinis became only eight years old, she was thrown into a room all by her lonesome with nothing but a bed that was placed in the room. She laid down and stare up at the ceiling, pondering the situation in her head of how clueless and emotionless she seemed. The technically advanced beings opened her sealed locked room and took her by force to their testing labs, set her on the table to be inspected and strapped down. Feeling hesitant and worry while her blood rushed throughout her body, her body from head to toe was checked out, marking each box that she meet their requirements. The next thing that came was a shot to her arm, she lost all control as she became some kind of genetic mutant. She passed out from all the stress and tension from whatever they injected into her bloodstream and when she awoke she slowly opened her eyes looking upon herself and looking at the people around her.

The people spoke of their success and quickly shifted Katrinis to their presentation conference room to give a speech on their latest creation; having a sheet covering poor little Katrinis. Katrinis, who finally regain some of her conscious could make out some of the words from the scientists. "Here's our latest subject #101390, who has become a neko, a half-human and half-cat genetics." The sheet was pulled over while everyone stared in awe at the sight. Katrinis alerted tried to break free from the embarrassment and could not free herself no matter how hard she tried. The other scientists came to inspect her more closely and she felt more worried and scared than before, trying to shake them off her until she had no energy left. She passes out while they finish their reports and she's dropped back into her room on the ground. She awakes once more, startled and sitting up looking around. "What happened... to me?...", she thought to herself as she felt around her head and found ears, then felt around her back and found a tail.

She thinks back to what the scientist had said..."Neko..." the word ringing in her head. "A half-human and half-cat genetics." more words ringing in her head traumatizing her as she screams and cries. "Why... Why me out of all people!" She screams aloud as tears fell from her eyes, her pleading and cries of distress unnoticed and unheard. From there on out they treated her as a slave, constantly testing her until she was fifteen years old. The scientific facility was attacked and being bombed by some mysterious forces. Katrinis was just sitting on the bed in her room contemplating what she will do tomorrow and how long she will even be sane, when an explosion hit, shaking the building. Katrinis startled in shocked, as the building rocked with more explosions and sirens of the alarm system going off echoed through the building. The doors remaining sealed shut as the scientists evacuated the lab and testing zones. Katrinis was left in her room still, rolling around as the build went back and forth, she wasn't sure what to do and then was knocked to the sealed shut door and passed out.

The building collapsed to the ground and the academy known as "Lunar Scarlet" entered in searching through the building for any survivors. Kicking down doors, ripping them open, they used their powers to break the poor kids free. One neko was searching around the neko dormitory for any survivors, knocking on the door to Katrinis' room and listened closely hearing very faint breathing up against the door. The neko blasted off the locks and with all his strength broke open and threw off the door to the side and saw Katrinis laying there motionless on the ground. He checked her pulse and gently picked her up, whispering in her ear, "You will be alright now, you are one of us." The neko carefully placed Katrinis on his back and ran out of the building out to their cars and laid Katrinis in the backseat of the car, then drove off after the car was loaded.

Katrinis awoke from her sleep in a hospital room that seemed to just be a nurse's office after slowly looking hazily around the room. She closed her eyes and then rubbed them gently as she looked in amazement and saw a neko sitting next to her staring at her. She jolted a bit in astonishment and whined in pain, he looked at her softly and told her, "Well good morning sunshine, you are safe now, welcome to the academy," he said with a smile across his face. "You just rest here, we will take care of you from now on," he took hold of her hand, kissed it and walked off. She blushed staring at her hand and went back to sleep. As time passed by, she was trained and raised by the people at the academy, learning all she needed to know and still up until her age now. She vows that she will get revenge on those scientists one day for everything they did to her as she is taught more and more about her powers...

1.Earth/Wind Transformation: She becomes one with the earth and wind as she was trained up in the rocky cliffs and hiked the rocky mountains with her master. She learned to wield the blade, known as the Aerial Striker. She becomes to have more of a light tabby cat appearance through earth and wind combined and appears handy with hidden weapons in her bag.
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2. Snow/Ice Transformation: Out in the freezing, low degree temperatures, you can hardly stand the cold, let alone run nude through it all to obtain such the power. On her first mission she was to sneak out a snow/ice priestess and assist her in final moments. Through her teachings and compassion Katrinis earned her crown as part of her will to carry out her teachings and element strong and true. Katrinis proudly takes on this challenge and is taught the ways by the fellow snow/ice villagers how to properly use it and thus becomes a snow leopard to adapt to even the extremes of temperatures.
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3. The Maiden Transformation: As her missions progressively tested her wits, strength and ability, it did not go without also prevailing her body. Becoming one as a maiden was quite the chaotic duty, to be taught the poise and more lady-like approaches she adapted a rare pink color in her tail and ears to her mood and pride. Only after she successfully finished this mission did this become more than she expected. She became to be the maiden model for everyone so she is stuck with interviews etc. about herself and all until further development.
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4. Water Transformation: Cats don't really like water too much, the pressure of being under conditions and the soaking wet feeling of their fur everywhere upon coming out of the water. It took brutal training for her to master the art of being able to handle water and do it seamlessly to not make a fool out of herself. Being shoved into the water and being dragged to the bottom of the pool with an anchor to adapt to the surroundings was not a simple task at all. Through it all, she managed and her tail and ears change to the deep blue of the ocean to be an underwater feline. Showing that even water cannot stop a cat.
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5. Nature Transformation: Being one with nature is what she was born with at birth, being surrounded by the forest and fresh smell of the wood, meadows and trees. She became the ultimate test subject in the scientist's favor to enhance that aspect of her and use her natural abilities for their pleasure or entertainment. Upon being recused, she still had these abilities and was used for her self-defense rather than just to be some pet and wields a staff to further her power into one physical object. The staff known as a Willows Wisp, is what she obtained from her foster care mother/teacher and forever treasures it since her passing; always remembering her as she wields it.
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6. Fire Transformation: Through the depths of the volcanoes, through the sandy storms of the deserts, she picked up her tigress instincts; therefore changing her tail and ears accordingly. She became one with the ferocious flames and shock of the volcanoes, survived and stride through the dusty storms by burrowing away. Katrinis was than granted and respected by the sand and volcano villagers the fiery blade which was buried deep within the combined lands for her to seek out and take as her own. The cherished and praised sword known as Burning Flames.
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7. Sleepwear Attire: The academy providing not only shelter, learning atmosphere and food, they also give rooms in which the students reside in. Katrinis, ends up in her own room until she can participate in a team of sorts to be with her other female roommates in a corridor section of their own, while the males sleep in the other corridor of their team room. As she was completely exposed to the scientists at a young age, the academy clothed her to hide all they could of the things done to her body, forever scaring her memories only. Therefore, she's in a comfortable set of sleeping wear to have it easier in her sleeping at night.
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8. Casual Attire: No real need to explain this portion. She is a casually dress lady and enjoys simple outfits with easy fitting to her body. She tries to avoid anything that gives her away about her modeling position in The Maiden Magazines. This becomes complicated because the only thing different about her is the style, hair, tail and ears. Regardless, she keeps things to a minimal.
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9. Uniform Attire: Once again self-explanatory, the academy Lunar Scarlet's uniform attire around the school.
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10. Training Attire: Even though the academy has reasonably strict rules about their uniform policies, students are allowed to wear whatever best suits them for their training. After all, you can't hamper them down from what works well for their focus and combat situations. Never can go wrong with being simple and direct.
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She has many varied techniques through her training in her various elements. Her transformation effect in battle is done by creating a summoning circle, throwing up her bag and weapons in the air as they land on the corners of the star within the summoning circle. She twirls and spins back and forth between her weapons, calling out her desired choice of appearance and grabs that weapon or weapons. In the process of grabbing hold of that weapon or weapons she changes her appearance and flips landing on the ground in that part of the circle as it disappears, she stands up from her kneeling position on the ground and swiftly places her weapon or weapons out in front of her in defensive mode/presentation.

Weapons and Usage:
Aerial Striker: Consumes the earth and air as it's swung around up in the air and dragged on the ground. Causing an up-roar or uneasiness on the ground rising up the ground below her, creating a crater to hurl it at her enemies while she jumps off pushing it off to the right targeted destination.

Priestess Atonement: Consumes the snow and ice nearby to possess the obtained charged amount into the tiara placed on her head. She places her hands above her head creating a blizzard from the gems within the crown, throwing the tiara as a boomer-rang that comes back to her through the snow.

Water Transformation: Provides underwater breathing and allows her to make use of the water to project a stream of bubbles to lock her enemies in place or to use as underwater bombs.

Willows Wisp: Makes all the nature surrounding her come to life and be controlled at her will. Also, allows her to bend any part of the nature to assist her in her getaways or escapes.

Burning Flames: Hot to the touch, she can go head-on in combat using the burning embers effect to leave nasty markings, scars or burns when in contact with the blade.

Extra Hidden Weapons: As she continues with her training, she eventually learns more about her powers and to combine them in more unique ways to give her and her teammates the extra advantage. Carrying gas bombs, creating mist to sneak away, rocking the ground to cause earthquakes. She becomes more destructive with her abilities depending on the environment, opponent and her mood.

Niel Hullen: An instructor of the LSA staff department and one of the leaders in the agency department. He becomes very close to Katrinis due to his mission, years ago when he recused Katrinis and many other students from a laboratory long ago. He's become to be almost like a father figure to Katrinis, though she doesn't even know about her family at all, he's the only one close to family she's gotten so far.

Allison Allendale: A vampire, that she's recently encountered to become friends with. Where it goes? Who knows.

Marnie Evelyn and Seleste: A summoner and her water spirit, also recently encountered with the vampire to have a new found friendship. Marnie is extremely friendly and always searching for ways to comfort Katrinis in her most awkward moments. She also is very bubbly and tends to eat constantly since it seems to be her source of fuel for her powers. Marnie came up with the nickname for Katrinis upon meeting her, calling her "Kat-Lady" from that point on, Katrinis felt a little confused by the name but didn't seem to care otherwise. Her spirits seem to be interesting so far, for the ones she's encountered or at least heard of them.

Passarion Xavier: Relationship TBA


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