Name: Riku

Other Names: foxy, fox boy
Alternate Forms: Riku has two alternate forms that he can control voluntarily
Large Kitsune form:

Shapeshift human form:

Theme Song: Guardian of the gates
xxxPersonal Characteristics
Birth Date: September 28
Actual Age: 600
Appeared Age: early twenties
Astrological Sign: Libra
Primary Objective: Serve and assist Lady Juvia
Secondary Objectives: has none
xxxMental Characteristics
Known Languages: English, Latin
Savvies: tricks, scaring people, relaxing others
Ineptities: doesn't know when to stop/be quiet, importance of missions
Hobbies: napping, eating, playing, pulling tricks on people
xxxPhilosophical Characteristics
Morality: grey and grey morality
Character Alignment: True Neutral
xxxSupernatural Characteristics
Ability: Claw slash, mist spray, flame dance
Element: blue flames, mist
Strengths: Super strength, speed, hearing, smell, regenerations, transformation
Weaknesses: Strong disgusting smells, incantations
Restrictions: When in the moral world, he must stay in his small kitsune form to reserve his stamina and can only transform into his large 8-tail form when Juvia releases his seal that is on his forehead. As for his human form, he can only stay in that form for a couple of hours a day, less if he is in the middle of a battle and is using up too much stamina.
Extra Anatomy:Ears and tails
Weapon(s): Claws
Ability: strong as steel
xxxLikes and Dislikes
Likes: cats, sake, games, people
Dislikes: dogs, birds, boredom
Occupation: Familiar
Rank: ----
Boss: Juvia
Work Schedule: Whenever needed/summoned
xxxInterpersonal Connections
Immediate Family:
Allies: Juvia and any of her allies
Enemies: anyone against Juvia
xxxPhysical Characteristics
Height: 6 feet 0in ( cm)
Weight: 170lbs ( kg)
Nationality/Species: Kitsune
Blood Type: AB
Body Type/Build: Athletic, lean, slender
Skin/Fur Color: fair white
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: blue
xxxHealth and Fitness
Addictions: --
Handicaps: --
Phobias: losing his mistress
xxxSexual Characteristics
Gender: Male
Orientation: heterosexual
Significant Other: --