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The Tome of Long Lost Tales
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RP Character: Panthon Vanitas


Panthon is analogous to the word pantheon, meaning “all the gods/deities”. His family name, Vanitas, is derived from the 17th century painting style that uses objects and symbols of death and change to remind viewers of death’s inevitability. The shorter variant of his name, Pan, simply means “shepherd”. His parents named him in hopes that one day he would bring a great change to the world as a leader.

-General Description-​

Panthon is 12 years old and stands at a height of four-and-a-half feet. His body weight tops out at about 60 pounds. He’s thin, flexible, agile, and rather hardened due to his laborious and extensive exercise. His skin is often criticized as ashen and bloodless with the exception being the subtle pink tint painted across his cheeks, nose, and ears. Remnants of cuts and gashes scar the entirety of his body, each varying in size and shape.


Panthon is a half-breed creature who is a mixture of both humans and faerie-folk. His father was human and mother a faerie, but both are no longer living. The only family he has left is his older sibling, which he adores to no end.

        ***Faeries: In the Empire of Eternus, from where he hails, Faeries are horned like animals, winged like birds, and have large, glowing eyes. They are the average height compared to humans and contain a wide variety of magick powers that they develop at young ages. Their powers directly pull from the life force of the world around them, as well as the life force within them. Because of this, they live as one with nature and choose to live in the wildest parts of the world. Using their magick too frequently or in a large quantities drains their ability to see vividness in the perceptive world; their vision blackens and the colors fade from their sight. They become exhausted and require some time to meditate within nature to recuperate. The type of magick they have access to is entirely random and will only be known when the magick in their blood begins to flourish and manifest itself.

-Distinct Features-

Characteristics from both human and faerie folk are present, but when the blood of non-magick and magick species mix, abnormalities and unique features often occur.

His most noticeable feature is his large, blue eyes. Each iris exudes a glow of luminescent brilliance that reflects the presence of magick flowing through his body. The glow instills a certain feeling of peace to the onlooker, feigning an aura of delusional innocence.

His ears are long and pointed, while his nose is petite and flicked upwards into a slant. While his ears are larger when compared to a human, both features are still as small and delicate just like any other child.

His hair is platinum and wild. The sides of his head are shaved down, but the hair that sprouts from the top of his skull is thick, wavy, and frantically messy.

He has two pairs of premature horns sprouting from his head, still yearning to grow to their fullest extent: the first pair mimics that of a ram, sprouting from his temples and curling around his ears, and the second pair are thin and straight, taking root at his forehead and reaching back along his skull like a gazelle.

One of his most prominent deformations resulting from his half-blood mix is his tail. It is similar to the body snake, scaled and black, and the tip forms a non-lethal hook, not unlike the classic appearance of a devil or demon. The tail is prehensile and under his full control when needs be, but is often found wrapped around one of his legs or gently swaying behind him.

As with his tail, his appendages also share this black scaled coating that isn't found on humans or faeries. From the toes to the ankles and the fingertips to the wrists runs the black, scaly skin of a serpent before it blends back to his smooth, pale, human-like complexion.

His hands, toes, and teeth are all pointed and deadly sharp. He keeps his toes sharp for climbing, his hands for clawing, and his teeth for tearing.

One feature he lacks, as opposed to his faerie cousins, is a pair of feathered wings. Generally speaking, a faeries’ wings sprout from his back at a young age, the age that Panthon is right now. He just hasn't reached that point yet. It's known to be a painful experience, as the wings literally rip out from behind the flesh of the back and fill out almost instantly. It is said that the faerie-folk suffer through this evolution as the initiation into adulthood. It takes an extended amount of time for the wounds to heal, but the pain teaches that all great things come with a price, something that most of the other inhabitants of the world are ignorant to.

His voice is generally soft with a slight rasp and is somewhat effeminate.


The majority of Eternus is warm, and both of the siblings lived most of their lives within the outer linings of the deep forests that covered the lands. Along with the land’s deserts, the forests are some of the hottest places in Eternus. Because of this, Pan chooses to wear only what was necessary for warmth or modesty.

His baseline clothing is a pair of form-fitting black shorts that barely reach down his thighs. Hanging of his waistline is a skirt of sorts consisting of two flaps. The flaps reach slightly past the shorts and act as a second layer for wind resistance.

Hanging off his waistline is a black skirt of sorts that consists of two flaps that cover the front and back of his shorts. The flaps hang no lower than the legs of the shorts and serve as an extra layer for wind resistance.

He has a small satchel tied to his waistband and a small dagger strapped to his leg mostly used as a tool or emergency weapon.

His torso is fitted with a black, square-cut tank top that forms to his body just as the shorts do.

His feet and shins are wrapped in a black cloth tape that helps protect him from receiving abrasions on the arches of his soles when he runs. The wrapping only covers the middle body of his foot, leaving his toes and heels accessible to the ground.

More so to manipulate his image into something to be feared rather than serve any real sense of practicality, he will often mark much of his open skin with dark paint, mud, and colored berry juices, just as native warriors do to show himself as a battle-worn wildling.

-Personality Traits-

Panthon tends to be reserved when he’s around other people because he’s not used to being around others besides his older sibling. Even his kin may find it difficult to get him to speak of anything that may be bothering him.

He tends to avoid showing his emotions if he can, although he has a rather poor poker face, especially when he’s disturbed or excited.

His naive nature and hopeful demeanor can be easily taken advantage through candied words are a sweet delight to his ears. Although he is a smart child, false promises can easily lure him into a well baited trap as long as the promises are attractive to his desires.

At times, Pan can be very impish. He likes to joke, play, and get into trouble just like any other kid. When in the right mood, he can find himself play pranks on his sibling. Sometimes he pushes just a little too far, and his sibling knows all too well he sometimes doesn’t know when to stop.

When Panthon catches wind that his sibling is upset, he gives the biggest, warmest hugs and comfort that he can. Even if he’s the one his sibling is fighting with, he is overwhelmed guilt knowing that arguments shouldn’t come between them: They only have each other.

He values his relationship with his remaining sibling. There isn't a thing in the world he wouldn't give up for his older sibling. While at times he may sound cold or sour, his older sibling knows him to be a sweetheart who just has his periodic pouty periods like any fussy child. When he’s happy, however, there isn't another being in existence whose face lights up as brightly as his does.


His talents are mainly born from his speed, flexibility, and cunning.

Throughout his life, Panthon was forced to learn numerous “survival skills” in order to survive the harsh world he was born into. He’s learned how to pickpocket coin purses and small items from pockets, open locks with makeshift tools, track and hunt small animals with homemade throwing spears and knives, use stealth to move through shadowed areas without making a sound, and bluff his way through social interactions.

He has an uncanny ability for precise movements and acrobatic engagements. He can travel across rooftops at high speeds, keep his balance along small or narrow passages or ledges, and jump across long distances with adequate recovery to reduce damaging himself. He loves climbing up into the trees and pouncing from branch to branch. His reflexes are sharp when he needs to move, moving with the fluidity of a wild cat; he gains much enjoyment from moving in such a way.

He has a minor talent in crafting. He has a pan flute that he made himself and often practices.

-Favored Weapons-

His weapons are his claws, feet, teeth, horns, and tail, and are used in any way he can to fight. He uses his stealth tactics, speed, flexibility, and acrobatics to quickly take out his opponents, often before they know he was there. He also has two large daggers to use when he’s in a pinch.

-Usable Magicks-

Although the magic in his blood has yet to activate, soon it will begin to manifest and reveal to him that he has the ability of transfiguration. With strict, practiced use, he will be able to lift and move small objects from a distance, create invisible forces to push, pull, or stop things near him, and alter his own physical presence as an blinking or ethereal image. Transfiguration is a type of magick that after decades of mastery results in the use of forces that can bend and change the physical reality of objects or people, such as changing the molecular composition of objects or the physical appearance of a person, altering the weather, or even the manipulation the very progression of time around an object. But these abilities take a severe toll on the life energies of one's body. Simply moving a small object around for more than a few moments can cause novices to black out.


He is at home in nature. The trees, flowers, and wildlife all bring him joy.

Nothing makes him happier than being with his older sibling. He loves to poke fun with his relative, from jokes to teasing to pranks. He's very buddy buddy with the family member at the usual, but also has a soft heart that craves the love that only his sibling can give him. It hurts him intensely to argue with his brother, even though most of the arguments are caused by the fault of his own doing.

Meditating and practicing his acrobatic skills through dance and strategic movement brings him peace of mind. Although he enjoys it, prancing and dancing around in front of others, such as his sibling, sometimes makes him feel uncomfortable knowing that eyes are following him. The pressure of having viewers often cause him to fumble his rhythm, which doesn't help with feelings of insecurity.

He enjoys playing his pan flute for his sibling.

While it began more out of necessity than pleasure, he does enjoy skulking in the shadows of villages, picking out his prey to burglarize and make home with his gain and gloat. He enjoys the tingling flow of adrenaline that rushes through his body in a tense situation, and the strong pumping of his heart as it beats against his chest, and when the hairs on the back of his neck stand up on end while his skin prickles with goosebumps.


He refuses to wear anything on his feet other than the athletic tape wrapped around his arches. Shoes are out of the question, regardless of how cold or dangerous the environment may be. He feels that wearing anything on his feet will just impede on his silent movements.

He hates prejudice, something that he’s had to deal with his entire life. But in contradiction to this, he often cites that he hates humans for the torture they have put him through.

He has no favor of deities or other godly beings who watch over the world. They've never helped him in any of his darkest moments, so he shows no obligation of worship to anything.

He hates raised voices directed towards him. Arguments don’t last long because they usually end with him giving the cold shoulder.

He refuses to kill anyone unless it’s absolutely necessary. Sometimes, he gets so caught up in making the decision to end another’s life that he in turn puts himself in danger.

He’s peeved when called a child.


When encountering one of his fears, he tends to break down hard and becomes next to unmanageable.

After suffering nights of beatings and enduring the heavy drainage of his own blood through the lacerations of a small blade, all while dangling by the chained cuffs around his wrists that lifted his feet from the floor, he is now and forever terrified of being imprisoned or bound, even playfully.

He stands clear of any deep waters. Once during a harsh storm, he was swallowed up in a rushing river due to an egotistical mistake of thinking his bare feet could withstand the friction-less surface of a wet, moss covered stepping stone. He learned a hard lesson that day: Rapid waters are strong and will do everything in their power to fill up your lungs. This was another situation he was lucky his big sibling was nearby.

The thought of medical procedures is nauseating to him and the sight of such tools is paralyzing. It takes a great effort for him to stay still if ever the need of medical attention needs to be applied to him, such as sewing up deep cuts, the mending of broken bones, or the application of herbs that sting fresh wounds while they clean and remove bacteria.

-General History-

Panthon's parents were killed while he was still at a very young age by a guild known as Legion of the Empyrean, (Legion), a band of human warriors that hunt non-human creatures to cleanse the world of the existence of magick. They possess a strong sense of self-righteousness, egotistical stigma, and self-ordained justice. Pan and his sibling have been running from their interrogation for years. Legion has strongly integrated their influence in the ruling Empire, so their ranks are found everywhere. Even the common guard found in towns scattered through the Empire are employed by Legion, so they are virtually everywhere and always looking for magick folk.

-Most Significant Memory-

While Panthon was in a town raid to steal some food for him and his sibling, am unfortunate small child found himself in a wrong place - wrong time scenario. The child ended up being accused of the theft that had transgressed, and was sentenced to lose a hand for the crime, and when Panthon found out, he tried to step in. The shopkeeper argued that both of the kids would be punish, and in the end, Panthon ended the salesman’s life. As he ripped the life from the shopkeepers throat, he became enthralled with tearing the man apart. He could no longer control his hatred for humans, and the animosity that overtook him. He plunged into a fit of rage and dug his nails deep into the flesh of the human, unable to regain consciousness and stop himself from tearing away at the mangled body. The small boy who Panthon was trying to protect had been watching from nearby. He walked up to Pan during his insanity, pleading for him to stop, that the man's spirit had long left the body. In his fit, Pan spun around and slashed the life from the boy’s throat, blood spraying out onto Panthon's already sullied face. It was then he snapped out of the madness consuming him. He eternally regrets that day, and has an unmanageable difficulty with killing anyone, for fear of losing control of his self and turning wild.

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  • 10/19/14 to 10/12/14 (6)
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