These are the items I am now questing for, thanks to a few of my mates who saved their gold to have me achieve getting the Seal Slippers =] I love them..x.
x Seal Slippers ( Completed )
X Golden Laurels - 460k AHHHHHHHH!!!
x Black Leather Strapped Manties/Black Web Bustier
X Sacred Leaf
x Fairy Set/Fairy Cloth/Fairy Shoes
X Aoi Cache Pants
xWinter Fox Mink
X D-Tail eek eek eek
x Winged Anklets (QUESTING RIGHT NOW) eek eek
X Fresh Green Skirt :shock
x Coconut bra <3
Items Im Waiting For:
Kiki - From meh best mate who is questing one for meh,Lara meh wuv youuu &3
I shall update this regulary. Byez peeps XD Oh and thank you to all me BIGGEST donators, you all rock meh socks &3 razz
These are the items I am now questing for, thanks to a few of my mates who saved their gold to have me achieve getting the Seal Slippers =] I love them..x.
x Seal Slippers ( Completed )
X Golden Laurels - 460k AHHHHHHHH!!!
x Black Leather Strapped Manties/Black Web Bustier
X Sacred Leaf
x Fairy Set/Fairy Cloth/Fairy Shoes
X Aoi Cache Pants
xWinter Fox Mink
X D-Tail eek eek eek
x Winged Anklets (QUESTING RIGHT NOW) eek eek
X Fresh Green Skirt :shock
x Coconut bra <3
Items Im Waiting For:
Kiki - From meh best mate who is questing one for meh,Lara meh wuv youuu &3
I shall update this regulary. Byez peeps XD Oh and thank you to all me BIGGEST donators, you all rock meh socks &3 razz
Community Member
Your welcome and thank you soooo mcuh. <3 You make my monky socks rock and sing.