The Battle of The Bands Chapter 4 |
The Battle of The Bands
Chapter 4: The Red Carpet
As competition seemed to arise so did the media and the stakes. We almost could not tell AT ALL who was going to win! We all had big enough audiences and concerts and awards but the only OFFICIAL Battle Of Bands has an award ceremony. Needless to say we were all on the edge. Even the edge was on the edge! I was sweating and pacing Kira gave me a towel. "Thanks." I said almost sick and hoarse from nervousness. "Are you okay?" Kira asked moving close holding my shoulders. He always treated me like a princess which was kind of funny in its own way. "Well maybe it's the day..." I said sadly. I was so tired. "Just know that if we don't win I'll love you no matter what, okay? You're always perfect to me." He said and kissed me on the forehead. I was calm(er) for the time being.
"It's in a couple hours so we better dress up now, okay?" My fiance said. He always made things sound nicer than they were. It wasn't like The Talent Show and a million other things. There were REAL stakes. Not life or death. Even if in a way it was Good Vs. Evil as it usually is. A lot of that has to do with my destiny from the prophecy. It hardly mattered. It was a different issue at hand. I took a deep breath and sighed. I let my hair down with my emo bangs on my eye my Rapunzel length long roses and blood red hair got mildly curled and wavy and I did a thing for volume on it too. It took so long because it was so thick, big, and beautiful. I put on a black crown tiara none other than my princess crown. There was no shame in having it I loved it even if being a princess is hard. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like some small things like that but I don't like being a princess at all really because I'm no spoiled brat. I try to wear it like armor so it doesn't hurt me like Game of Thrones. I put black earrings with little diamond pieces, a black choker collar with a ruby on it, a beautiful low cut dress with short sleeves and a red bow on the chest and a regular black skirt on it and a long clear one on that and red bow on the skirt to the side doing the same thing. I also had on red cheetah/leopard tights, pointed black heels with roses on them, long black opera gloves, a gold and ruby bracelet, and a simple clutch purse with a dark red handle and is black and has a skull on it. For make-up I used a lot of mascara and false eyelashes, point black eyeliner with none under the eye, drawn on lashes, thick but classy black and grey eyeshadow, extra red and pink blush, and red lipstick that is almost black. I looked photoshopped but that was all just how I naturally looked. My dazzling diamond form always sprinkled in pixie dust and sparkles. I twinkled like stars all over my skin especially but my hair also had a lot of sheen to it. I looked curvier than ever too! I had a thigh gap, big bust, tiny itty bitty waist, and big butt. I was waiting for all the rest do what they did but at least I was done. I was ready to go. But was I really ready?
Kira came out and he was ready. There was never any man this handsome.(Except my dad but don't be gross!) He had his long emo swoop bangs some what fringey and messy and frayed but in a good way like Kurt Cobain but emo, he had on black liner and eyeshadow and grey undershadow, pale dead skin, his grey eyes looked so unbelievably beautiful, his shy smile, he had a black tuxedo like Tuxedo Mask, long naturally hollow face, snake bites, black nailpolish, a skull on his tie, and multiple earrings in both ears. I was beyond dazzled and romanced. I nearly freaking fainted but he was ready to catch me if I ever did. He gives me his arm. "Time to go, my lady." He says and hands me a rose. I gasped and nearly shrieked. I was so amazed and in love. He's THE perfect man. He took me into our gothic funeral limo rather than a pumpkin carriage like Cinderella but honestly I feel just as though he really did save me and sweep me off my feet like that though. He is the prince to my princess and my hero.
Me On The Red Carpet:

We drive over and not that long after the other band members looking like the rockstars we were and then some! Chiyo came in wearing the most gothic dress of the night by far! It was pretty much an ALL black wardrobe. It had a top like the bodice of a black corset and sheer black cloth instead of a fishnet top, black collar, a long traditional skirt with a long slit up it, fishnets, and sharp heels with X crosses/strap things. Her hair was wild and down but still pretty straight just a little teased up with a casual side part. For make-up she also went for a mostly all black thing since it did match her eyes. She had regular black eyeliner, heavy black eyeshadow, mascara, black painted nails, scattered false eyelashes, hollow peach countouring, and plain black but almost brownish lipstick. A lot like Taylor Momsen mixed with Felice Fawn.
Then afterwards Kiku's Prince Charming held her hand when she was leaving while leaving her carriage just like a princess. She had super straight flat spikey bangs and a bun, sparkly dangling diamond earrings with silver, a dark/medium blue tube dress with white frilly feathery white swan sleeves, long white opera gloves, dark blue heels with satin ribbons, light dreamy sky blue subtle eyeshadow, long gyaru false eyelashes, simple black moon eyeliner, cherry red blush, and bright red pink lipstick. She looked so stunning and classy while still being her usual cute self! Youkai wore a black button-up suit shirt, a long edgy black trench coat with popped collar, his studded/spike collar, a leather tie, thick black/grey eyeshadow and liner, painted black nails, matte black lipstick, and his hair was the smoothest thing ever parted to the side as always.
We meet up and walk arm-in-arm with our sweethearts as the crowd cheers. Cameras flashing everywhere! We also got interviewed. The reporter came up to us and asked "How sure are you that you could win?" Losing the awards would damage our entire career and make us lose it ALL and so could this loaded question. I tried to remain as honest as possible. "Well...I'm not quite sure of that." I said all stiff. "Well we ARE the best..." Chiyo said as Youkai laughed. Kiku covers her mouth. "What she means is that we worked hard and deserved it." Kira nodded and so did the guy and he walked away. We all gave her a look.
We mostly just had things like that happen and met with other celebs. It wasn't long before our rivals and enemies were going to be rocking The Red Carpet with us. And then we turned around and they were there. Annette arriving on scene first. She had a big white boa on her neck, pearl necklace, a long pink dress low cut to the stomach and a long flowing skirt and opens up to her knees, extremely tall pointed stilettos, she hair like Ke$ha that was messy and yellow, darker pink lipstick, a tan, blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner, big sunglasses, pounds of extensions and falsies and weaves, and french tips. She was a regular Paris Hilton! She had her MJ nose turned up even when she left her car with her co-worker running right up behind her. She wasn't much better. Her skin was way more tanned and dying looking, her big brows were blacker and made her look like a villain, she had on tan/nude pink lipstick, minimal eyeliner, mascara, a smokey eye, red cheeks, her hair pushed back and in curls with an alien head Bump It on it, a short tight pink dress with gold chains for straps, tall black platforms, and tons and tons of gold jewelry. They looked bad even though society says that bland and overdone is more attractive. Though any person's mind would change if they actually saw me. Seriously to those skinny girls: Look at YOUR body now look at MINE. Kira scoffed but tried to remain civil. For tonight and tonight only we had to completely restrain ourselves.
"Hey look over there!" A guy pointed. We turn our heads around. It was............GIGI!!! Gina Kowaru is in the building and she was late! She walked out about as snotty but far meaner. But she tried to keep her demeanor and stayed kind of quiet with a forced smile. She either had a secret or her period! Something was building up inside her from within! She had her usual shorter little green bob, up eyebrows, orange/yellow fading eyeshadow, long dolly falsies, black heavy eyeliner, green metallic lipstick, a green tube top(Think Tinkerbelle), a lighter green tutu that looked like flower petals, dark pointe shoes, and fairy wings. We just blinked. "Huh...anyways." Kira said continuing our thing until we got inside. "Maybe she's just jealous." I whispered. I never knew how right I was!
We sat in our chairs in assigned seats like school. Besides, you can only stand outside and answer questions and hear all those screaming fans and haters for so long! I sat by Kira and held his hand. We locked our fingers together holding on tight. The cameras and stuff were getting set up. Cameran and Annette gloated outside while Gina eventually went in looking, stiff, robotic, and depressed. It was like her spirit was damaged and made her weak or something like she was just that sensitive. She stayed out longer than us too though. All we could do was wait for our turn to do our performance and see who gets voted The Greatest Band of All Time. We were nervous and on edge. When The Material Girls took their seats they just glared. They were all acting kind of funny especially Gigi.
"WEEEEELCOME TO THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!!" A voice exploded. Youkai covered his ears. "TODAY WE WILL BE VOTING ON GIVING THE AWARD CEREMONY FOR THE GREATEST MUSICAL ACTS ALL TIME!!! OUR NOMINEES ARE: THE MATERIAL GIRLS, GIGI, AND VAMPIRE ROOOOOSE!!!" I jumped as he said our name. I gulped. They did face cam of us as we did it. Kind of like the Grammys and the Oscars. We mostly just sat in our seats to watch. I got a flicker of something lurking in the shadows. It was like a quick flash of green. I quickly ignored it and it quickly went away. "OUR FIRST ACT SHALL BE..." The guy yelled. No one wanted to be first to play. It was nervewracking. Annette and Cameran and Annette's boyfriend(seriously) went up stage if not to perform or to ruin it. "Gina Kowaru!" The audience got up and cheered. I just wiped the sweat off my brow.
She walked up onstage not being her usual cheery self. I was expecting some kind of Kpop medley. She looked downcast and dark a shadow over her eyes. She almost looks like she cried. After looking down a while she looked up. Her BG music played. She held her microphone up in her hand. The music was very poppy and cheery and there were lots and lots of lights. Right before she was about to sing the audience gasped. All in awe. Spiky vines burst through from under the stage shattering the wood. The vines and many other plants were on her. It was as if it were natural in nature like Tarzan and Jane. It was like Poison Ivy from Batman mixed with that Danny Phantom thing that possessed Sam. Her eyes were glowing and she had a Joker smile. She was literally green as envy. She cried black tears and some seemed to fall our her mouth too. Before we know it there are vines and crap everywhere! They knocked us all down and chased some people. People ran around everywhere. Kiku, Chiyo, and I stood up with fierce looks in our eyes. We knew what to do together as if we were connected at the mind like triplets. "Muwahahahaha!" The plant person said in a more womanly voice.

It was like Queen Chryslasis from My Little Pony(just to be clear I hate that preppy girly show however I like Queen C and Nightmare Moon and wish they'd won and kill them all) "Dance my babies dance..." She says jiggling her vines. It was wavy. She danced like a ballerina. "Glow and grow..." Chiyo and Kiku went to the sides of the stage and I was in the middle. I rushed back like a slingshot and flew up at her getting the Black Family Katana. Jumping up I said "Fire fury strike!" I slice and make a cut inches from her face. She had a forcefield and had all her vines with thorns wrap around my sword. She only got mildly burned. I locked eyes with her. "Nice try. But I do like your crown." She smiled with a hand on her wound taking 2 leafy moss hands taking it and put it on her head. "Hey!" I said as the blade and crown were taken. My binds only got tighter as I struggled. I got covered in blood, cuts, scratches, and torn clothing. "Heh." I smirked devilishly. "What?" She asked with stunned surprise. "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A NINJA!!!!" I yelled cutting myself out with my kunai and shuriken and threw that and some ninja stars at her. She shrieked. But she still caught most of my moves and restrained me again. "Rgh..." I groaned with tears in my eyes. The hold got tighter. "Hahaha...haven't you heard of a venus fly trap?" She asked with a smirk before wrapping up my mouth too. Like before I kept trying to wriggle out if not save my sword from that thorn bush. But it was no use! I needed a distraction. My eyes darted back and forth.
"That's enough!" A voice yelled. It was......KIKU!!!!! She raised up her Yuki Katanas. "If fire doesn't kill it then ice will!" She said jumping up super high raising her blades above her head and dive bombed and exploded with spirit energy. Some of the vines frozen and even shattered but the damage was mild cracked and she still held her aura. Kiku gulped. Gina growls with fangs and everything at Kiku bringing up her leaf hands to hold her. She was distracted enough as Kiku started to get entangled as the villain smiled meanly. Chiyo was in the corner. Kiku and I locked eyes and shouted "NOW!!!!!" I flew out getting my sword and cutting a huge vine. She moaned as it fell off and died. She got even more mad. She was still distracted with Kiku and my hit. Chiyo snuck up from behind using her daggers and stabbed. Digging out the roots. She poked her. She was yelling and got mad getting a bunch of dark vines and smacked us off. We fought as we did but were quickly getting on edge. I coughed and we all bled and could only use our magic to heal so much. We were quickly running out of mana. I jumped down like a ninja holding my sword.
We heard some barking. "No, Youkai stay here!" Kira said scared. Youkai was already in Full Werewolf Mode meaning he went feral with 1 gold eye and 1 red one. He charged in to tackle and bite but hit the dome and the vine hand that knocked him down in one sweep. Kiku almost creamed but had to push it back for the time being. We used the change to get out and attack and cut some more. She was still mostly in control and regenerating. We couldn't stop panting. The hand grabbed me again. I struggled. "Stay away from my girlfriend!" Kira shouted causing her to turn her head around. "No, Kira!" I said with tears in my eyes. He threw rocks and some of the chairs at her. They obviously dissapated and broke and bounced off like kickballs against the hallway. She turned to him distracted yet again. She decided to pick on a more easy target that didn't even have powers. "Hehehe..." She said smirking with her tongue licking her lips. I was still wiggling. She leaned and made a way over to him. I used the advantage to kick at the back of her neck. "Rgh!" She said getting shocked eyes then mad in pain ones. It held her off a good few seconds so most everyone got her at once. Youkai bit through the vines, Kiku froze parts of her, Chiyo and I were cutting, and Kira just yelled and threw things since that was all he could do. This caused her to get spinny and dizzy and while weaker the main pieces were still incredibly strong. Chiyo kicked and punched when she wasn't stabbing and Kiku used some magic too. It was no use though. As brilliant and awesome the moment was it was still just a moment. She spun around and nearly sprung but still managed to swipe us away. She was confused and her accuracy went down. She nearly attacked herself but still pushed us off like any other time. She opened the ceiling to steal rays and energy and light from the sun. I was panting so were the guys. "What do we do?" I think out loud. The place shakes as it cracks more more vines seem to come out. I see the flicker from the corner of my eye again. "We've done magic, melee, and warrior moves. Nothing is working!" I groaned. I repeated my question after that. Suddenly...my vampire senses were tingling! I relaxed my body as I felt things with my mind. "What are you doing?!" Chiyo screamed. "Don't give up!" Kiku said.
Suddenly...an arrow skids right past my head! It was sparkly and golden. I turned around and shocked in surprise. I knew who it was. I knew that glow more than anything. Everyone turns around and starts to notice too seeing them coming from the shadow. The arrow hit her shoulder and she made Godzilla noises trying to move closer to the assassin but held back by the strength and weight of her roots. There was still a big distance for range. "It's not what you do. It's what I do." A voice said. I gasp with a knowing smile. "Ohh!" I said in the looser arms of the beast. Kiku gasped too and Chiyo just looked over her shoulder. Youkai's ears perked up. Kira looked shocked but smiled pretty quickly. "What was your question?" The woman said finally getting into the light.
"ALICE!" We all shouted together. She loaded up some more arrows and only had to shoot a few. Much like before the distraction helped but the Poison Ivy ghost was still very strong. "It's not about hitting it..." She began to say. "It's about pinning it." She shot another with that pinning Gina's body against the tree like in Inu-Yasha.
We all gasped. Our mouths hanging down. "Phew." She said pushing a strand of her long brown back. She came into the light more. It was like the chapel light and flowers from Final Fantasy 7. She came out revealing her figure. She was as pretty as pretty can be! She had long brown almost auburn fire blazehair almost always put into a long braid parted to the side just like Katniss, green eyes hypnotizing yet piercing like a dagger like a jaguar's, warm tan-ish skin but kind of pale with only a few freckles which was otherwise like peach marble, long dark eyelashes, pouted matte red natural lips, perfect eyebrows, well-dressed even in more hipster clothing, skinny, and a great smile. She walked over kind of slow and real close putting her bow away. She did a modest smile as we all rushed up to her and hugged her. She looked down biting her lip with a little embarassment. "Wow, Alice! That was AMAZING!" I said. "It was nothing really..." She said scratching her neck. "You really helped us a lot." Kiku said as shy as ever. "Okay, who is this? And why is she even here?" Chiyo asked confused and annoyed since Alice really stole the show. "Well my name is Alice Bella Bloody Marry. And I am an archer and trained assassin." She replied casually. "I also go to your school." "So you were here...for?" We almost laughed at the question but then again everyone not knowing who she is is prior is going to be confused too and think it's out of left field blah blah blah. "Well, it was my destiny to be here. I knew the monster was coming and I was hired to be the one to stop it." She answered. We turned around to hear movement. We just remembered! She was impaled to the tree! We looked worried that we actually killed her! "Don't worry..." Alice smirked like any gothic little witch would. "It's a spirit arrow." It vanished from her chest. All that was left was her laying fainted on the grass.
"We have to do something!" Kiku said in a way we almost forgot we could before. She nearly cried and rushed over with us. Chiyo stood there somewhat glaring at Alice and Alice just walked with us slowly. Kiku waved her hands and did a small waterbending mist healing air spell. It was almost enough to wake her up. "Um...so how should we wake her?" I asked with a sweat drop on my head forcing a smile. "WAKEY WAKEY!!!!" Youkai barked loudly causing Gina to move in her sleep. I just punched him and bopped him on the head. "Maybe we could-" Alice started to say but Chiyo heard didn't want her to do it. So she got a rock. "No!" Kiku, Alice, and Kira said waving their hands. It turns out it was just a pebble that hit her gently and she woke up. "Whoa...what happened?" She said faded. "Well, sweetheart-" Alice started but Gina cut her off. "Where are we?!" She asked quickly getting more anxiety. "And WHO are you?" She asked before her vision got better. We just hung on and listened. Kiku put a pillow under her head and I was holding her hand. She gasped after Youkai licked her cheek. "Raven?!" She asked louder jolting up. "G-gigi...are you ok?" I stuttered. "Raven, Raven...I'm so sorry I was just so emotionally weak and jealous and I knew I was susceptible to spirits i didn't know anything of the destiny or the assassination or the powers or anything I'm sorry I really was literally green as envy." She apologized longly. "I-I know the feeling..." Chiyo said coming up surprisingly vulnerably. She was a tsundere who didn't let ANYONE win. (Except her bf who was to wait for her in the audience with a rose in hand.) "Sometimes it's better to look up to someone then to try to steal the spotlight." She said this in a Sasuke voice eyes jutting away forcing it out. Chiyo and Alice exchanged a nod and a smile which Chiyo quickly shut off to look cool. Alice giggled a little bit. Looking down you could see her dark gray eyeshadow, wing eyeliner, full lashes, and highlight all on her dolly eyes and her perfect heartshaped face. But not a HeartShaped Box though.
The tiara fell down with Gigi so I picked it up. "So is there still an award ceremony?" Youkai asked awkwardly and we all laughed. "If so I came prepared." Alice said warmly taking off her all her clothes. It was basically a jumpsuit like in Mocking Jay/The Hunger Games in general. We all quickly covered our eyes except Youkai but it turned out she dressed for the night too! She was wearing a long sleek black tube dress with sparkles in a lot of colors but still while being black and sometimes navy in a light thingy.
Like this: http://media2.onsugar.com/files/2014/01/18/089/n/1922564/73ab55686f84b53b_463550093.jpg.xxxlarge_2x.jpg
She had little black regular gage earrings, some piercings on her cartillage, bracelets, hair down and wavy, and a black choker with an emerald on it since that's her fave color. "Wow!" We all thought out loud. She did it faster than Ricky Bobby and was classy on top of that cake. Chiyo rolled her eyes a little.

Some people came out from hiding and back into the thing. "Is the monster gone?" A man asks. "Yep." Alice said with a nervous nod because she's weird like that. Chiyo kind of folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "And she did it." Alice said pointing to Chiyo. Then all the people flooded in including an interviewer. People crowded her and cheered. She got to be the hero like she wanted. Chiyo smiled and blushed in her usual peach tone. We all got back into our seats and accommodate like we could but the stage was still wrecked and a mess. We all sat in our chairs. "Why not just do it outside?" Youkai said shrugging. Then all the people in the audience cheered and shouted "YEAH!!!!" like pirates in a bar raising their glasses. "Why not use the other stage?" Kira added asking. "Why not both?" Alice shrugged as they cheer again and rush out to the other place.
We went there and it was later night than intended but that was okay. Whoever wanted to play inside could or couldn't. Annette and her dumbasses woke up from the crash from trying to sabotage us and the coke. (Sorry. Had to. lol.) Some people got their needed bandages and we set up stage. This was going to be The Big One! Gigi's act was still first but they were more lenient. Kiku nursed her to health pretty well though by giving her that waterbottle. She changed outfits and stuff too. You know, the curse and all.
Gigi decided to take the risk of playing on the indoors theatre. She was on that stage. The lights were bright flashing in oranges and yellows and tons of other bright colors. She's Ranka Lee mixed with Gumi/megpoid(Vocaloid), Miku, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Lady Gaga but also trying to be J-pop and K-pop like. There were these weird shapes and podium stands. She changed back to her usual style. She had her bob hair have buns with panda hairclips, yellow blue and pink red streaks on the bangs, icecream cone earrings, faded yellow gyaru-esque tube top with lace and sailor collar with a green bow, short yellow polkadot shorts with fluff on them, an eyeball bling necklace and a Gameboy one too, random bracelets, pink hole tights, purple nails, red fringey Uggs/cowboy boots almost, extreme long wing eyeliner, orange lipstick super glossy with yellow inside, blue hipster glasses, and brown eyeshadow you can barely see. Even the lights had lights on them. She sang her original song(s). "Pretty pretty feeling inside" She sang. The judges took notes and the audience voted as well as everyone else on Earth.

Then it was Annette's turn. Or "The Material Girls" turn. The lead singer walking in and acting like she's Marilyn Monroe. She decided to use the stage set up outside. It worked since they have more clubby music. It was a Miley Cyrus concert type of feel. Cameran and her reapplied a lot of make-up and fixed their hair until some guy said "Come on!" Then they performed. They had a big space for dancing and DJ K had his turntables there rapping with a backwards cap on as the girls walk back and forward all stiffy. Then they sang "Give me money please give me money I don't want to talk about it I want to go shopping oh oh oh~" Annette tried a Mariah Carey or Ariana Grande high note. "Ew." I said because I could see her panties. "Ooh~ Ooh~" Cameran sang beckoning then did the bend and snap thing. The bright lights and stereos and the neons in the deep dark night were like glow worms and seizures. They did every nasty kind of lap dance and everything pop and hip hop rap. After they finished they walked to the center then posed like Madonna.
There was not much time left before our turn. I was sweating and about to fall to pieces as we set ours up inside. All 4 corners were covered. Kiku and Chiyo in front and Kira and Youkai back and me at the very front and center. "You can do it, okay?" Alice said to my face behind the curtains. I knew I had her blessing. "Right." We nodded and held each others shoulders. I took in a deep breath before I walked in. Then I was there. Onstage with everyone looking. I sang my song "Many, Many Vampire Kisses". I almost immediately ran off stage all upset and scared as they counted the scores. There was no way we could win because of me and I was so super nervous. I was suicidal and depressed and despite healing I was still weak. I dramatically fainted as I ran away with Kira chasing me. They all run around me freaking out. They worried I was going to die just as the guy was about to announce it and we had to go back to the audience. I almost came a couple times. They stayed backstage for me though. I was starting to wake up. "AND THE WINNER IS..." The guy said holding an envelope. The card was out. "Vampire Rose!" He said. We all jumped up hopped up and cheered we went on stage like it was what we planned all along. Chiyo jumped in her boyfriend's Haru's arms and my mom shed a tear. Alice and our other friends, family, and fans screamed. I had never heard so much clapping and screaming and so loud in my entire long vampire virgin life. Everyone rushed in and hugged me. "NO! NO! NO!" Annette shouted with anger. Cameran just cried. Annette stomped out and ran to her daddy and BF and cried. Gigi was sad and remembered what Chiyo said before and just nodded and smiled. Kira gave me a bit fat kiss on the lips. It was even kiss cammed. Fireworks went off and they cheered for like ever!
"I think we've done all we could do." Kira said almost sad. "No. This changed everything." I said with wonder. Everyone knew I was right and that the sky was the limit. This was the best day ever! I almost never say that. We had the biggest gooiest happy tears.
We had been voted The Greatest Band Of All time and I could be happier. I'm really really happy about it. Yeah.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sun Mar 15, 2015 @ 03:18am · 1 Comments |