"Many p3opl3 ar3 prou6 of th3ir anc3stors but I can say I'm along th3 unlucky f3w that ar3n't. You s33... I'm 6isgust3e6 by h3r, r3ally... I hav3 n3v3r m3t anyon3 so far r3mov36 from mys3lf in all of th3 sw33ps that I'v3 liv36. Whil3 3v3ryon3 can b3 prou6 of what th3ir anc3stor achi3v36 in lif3, I'm only l3ft with sham3. H3r nam3 was Slypha, and sh3 was th3 most g3ntl3 troll you coul6 3v3r m33t. How3v3r, with that g3ntl3n3ss cam3 cowa6ic3.
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A collection of many things: vents, poems, and drawings, among many other things.
Persephone Cosplayer
[ 𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 / TOR ] - engaged
This is my face, I guess.
People suck.
I don't dissociate enough for this s**t.
Where'd I go?
[ A galaxy far far away ]
Art © myself