Avatar Art
General Information
Personality: Sexy and over the top! Loves to show off her curves and is extremely flirtatious!
Preferences: n/a
Pose Ideas: Anything mischievous.
General Information
Personality: Helpful, cute and shy!
Preferences: n/a
Pose Ideas: She can be bold, but overall she is a bit more drawn back. I'd recommend poses where she is a bit flustered or shy. Leaning on her staff or even looking away all cute like ~ !
General Information
Personality: Mysterious, but direct.
Preferences:You can draw her eyes with pupils and gold makeup above and below her eyes. You can include the skull in the smoke if you want, but not necessary. Make sure hair is BIG!
Pose Ideas: Sitting, legs crossed and smoking. Arms can be resting on either hip or crossed.
General Information
Personality: Whimsical and playful.
Preferences:You can draw her with or without the essence, but please be sure to add the black gloves!
Pose Ideas: n/a
General Information
Personality: Noble and kind hearted!
Preferences: For art, I'd prefer the tail of the blue skirt not be drawn. If you have questions about this, just let me know!
Pose Ideas: I'd like graceful or action poses for her!