Skiping past my day and going straight into the time I got home. I got home to see my younger sister alone on the couch. I thought nothing of it and went to my room, to get out of my work clothes. I noticed my broken mouse pulled out from the place I had it. As if someone apparently was trying to use it. I use a wireless mouse now on a graphics tablet. My old mouse is pushed back away by the monitor. But it was pulled out and wasn't like that when I left. It upset me that someone used my computer without making sure it was ok. But I wasn't goint to say anything about it. But then I looked down to my large pile of change I kept on my desk. To see only five pennies and two quarters.
I have been getting more and more upset, over my things getting stolen. Not only my stuff by my parents money as well, I always suspected my younger sister. She stole things when she was little, and was caught all the time. Well of course I suspected her every time money or anything disappeared for the last few months. I wasn't really to mad at this point, but I knew it had been done. My sister was the only one in the house, at the moment. So I went and asked her if she used my computer. She denied it and I said "Well my money's missing". At that point, my parents pulled in the drive way. I walked outside, and asked my mother, if she borrowed the change from me. She didn't know what I was talking about, so we went back inside.
I asked my sister again, she started screaming and swearing. I was calm at the point I asked her. But whenever she's caught in a lie, she gets defensive and starts yelling. Well it upset me at this point, not only was my money stolen. But I was being lied to, she was swearing at me. Which didn't make things any better. I got angry at the fact, my mother sided with her. I went to my room, got on the computer and, checked the event log. The last time the computer was turned on was 10:38 in the morning. But wait thats impossible! I was at work and marianne never once got on my computer. Oh wait, yes she did, I had proof but of course. She still denied it, and my mother didn't change sides.
It's upsetting when you catch someone in a lie, have proof to back your claim. But yet, nothings done about it. So I was upset but went back to my room. A few minutes later, my mother comes in to tell me. We'll if she did take it, it was probally to buy you a christmas present. I said well I wasn't upset that she used my computer, I didn't get mad at the couple dollars gone missing. But I couldn't stand being lied too. If she really did it out of the goodness of her heart for me. She wouldn't of called me names and screamed like she did.
You can tell when someones ashamed, of doing something for you, for good. But this time you could tell, she just didn't want to get caught. She's been stealing money and things from us for months now. We haven't eaten some nights because of it. It's not like it's a little thing. It's a really big deal, when your family hates one another because the suspect, them stealing their things. So now, I'm the bad guy. My sister decided to cry like she does every single time, and she's getting away with it.
I hate lying thieves.
Oh and lets add to the peppy mood shall we? Jacob, I'm aware your upset and feel guilty. For not being around, I understand your busy with your girlfriend. I know she's leaving in january, your time with her is limited. However, so is mine, I'm moving around the same time. Odds are for good, I won't be able to come back to visit often. It just won't be possible, I have to work and go to college. I won't be able to afford, paying my way through college, and my rent. I know our chances of seeing one another, is far greater than you seeing your girlfriend.
But again my time here is coming to an end, if you remember correctly. When my girlfriend was here, the only few days I could see her for a couple months. I made sure to get a hold of you, during the time she was here. So you wouldn't feel left out, I made sure we all hung out. As a group of friends, I didn't just say sorry buddy and leave you alone the entire time. I felt bad and included you, because I'm well aware of the fact. I'm not going to be around anymore.
I'm also sorry for making you feel like jim. I'm sorry for bringing that up, it's just when you get dropped off at home alone. So you can go and hang out with the exact same people jim did it with... kinda brings back old memories. Especially when what your told, sounds the same.
But I guess what I'm trying to say is,
I'm sorry for making you feel bad, I'm sorry for your girlfriend going back home. But, I wouldn't leave you out. Especially at a time like this, you wanted to make the last few weeks worth it.
So do I.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Wed Dec 08, 2004 @ 12:16am · 2 Comments |