Earth Name: Luna Maxwell
Saiyajinn Name: Endive
Age: 22
Birth Date: October-31-1983
Hobbies: Writeing and Drawing
Favourite Colors: Black, purple, and red
Favourite Foods: Cereal, and steak
Least Favourite Food: Liver
Strengths: Kind, Friendly
Weakness: Pride, Shadow_Shady
Goal: To become the strongest warrior and to find her true love and lifemate.
Energy Shyutou: An attack where the user forms their energy into a sword around their hand
Kabushi no Shyougeki Ha: User's ability to cause long distance explosions by raising their fist.
Ryu Ken: User punches at enemy and yells the name of the attack. Then the user is replaced with a giant golden dragon that wraps it's self around the enemy and constricts crushing them. It can also be used in other ways.
Genki Dama: The user asks to borrow energy from all life forms on the planet and forms a giant energy ball. They can then either absorb it, or throw it at the enemy.
Renzokou Kikou Ha: Continuous blasts of chi shot from the hands.
Chi Barrior: A barrior of chi. ((Duh))
Ki Aig An: An attack where one shoots a wave of chi at an enemy by looking at them.
Kienzan: A giant whirling disk of chi that can cut into just about anything.
Kaiou Ken: This technique makes the user ten times faster than normal plus inhances their sences.
Zanzouken: A person moves so fast, they leave an after image or images of themselves, fooling the enemy into thinking there is more than one of them.
Ring Jyou No Energy Ball: This attack shoots out five rings that goes around the enemies neck, both wrists and both ankles, pinning them to a wall.
Kamehameha: A wave of distructive chi.
Big Bang Attack: A large powerful ball of chi.
Kikou ha: Standered energy blast.
Character Bio:
Luna was born a Saiyajinn warrior. She, like Son Goku was sent off the planet Vegeta just as it was about to explode. The explosion hit her ship, malfunctioning it and seding it to Earth. There she was found by a hunter and taken to an orphenage. There she terrorized the other children. She grew knowing only hatred and fear. When she was seven, she was addopted by a family who had adopted another child that same day, a young fairy named Tink. The family had a hard time with Luna, but soon taught her kindness and love. When she was fourteen, she found a boy her age who was dieing of internal wounds. His name was Danni, he was half ghost, but died in her arms becomeing a full ghost. She tricked her adoptive parents into adopting the child and soon the three new siblings became inseprable. When she was eightteen, she left home in serch of others of her kind. She never found any and instead come upon an old ghost town. She rebuilt it and called it Haffa's. She met many new friends and a young man named Shadow Shady who at first tried to destroy her bar. Although his hatred for Danni was strong, she was able to convence him to change his ways.
Luna_the_saiyajinn · Fri May 26, 2006 @ 03:11pm · 1 Comments |