WOW it has been a long while, and holy crap did I go through a lot back then. Welp, I am in a better place now. I am happily engaged to the love of my life Angie, I swear I have no idea where I would be without this woman. She truly is an angel sent to save me. I love her so much, I wish I could do more to show her everyday. She loves me for all my flaws, she loves me no matter what my disabilities are.
I have begun my art again and I can see how much I have improved. I am actually pretty proud of myself. I have made it so far since then. I am living with a close friend and my fiance and we are happily making our way in the world. Putting my past behind me and removing the toxic from my life. I can see through the cloud and fog and finally live life to the fullest.
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart