...and she a punk who rarely ever took advice.
This is going to be, more or less, a ramble-y post about my time with Gaia..
I've been away from Gaia for a long, long time. I joined in 2010 and was online pretty avidly back then. I found out about it from a (now discontinued) anime convention 14-year-old me had been to with my mom, where they were handing out cards for some free items, or gold, or something. Though I didn't do a lot of forum posting because I was (and still am) pretty shy, I would play ZOMG all the time, wander about in Towns, and plan out cool avatar outfits. Then I stopped playing for about a year or so. I would log on periodically to do things or buy items, but didn't actually start "playing" again until around 2012, when I got really into My Little Pony, and joined my high school's anime club my sophomore year. I dressed up and roleplayed Fluttershy on here, as so many told me I was pretty much the real-life version of her. That only lasted a few months, though. That was the best year of my life (maybe I'll go into that one day).
Then, stuff changed, and I fell away from anime as a whole. Just a general disinterest in the stuff, I'm not sure why. But, I'm trying to get back into it; I remember really, really liking it as a media, and spending most of my free time watching it, reading manga, and doing other things related to the anime sub-culture. It's from a time when I was happier. I remembered this site, and came back online. I guess just in time to see it dying? I hope it wont, but I came back to a completely dead economy, the site begging for donations to continue (which I did because I remember my time here really fondly, and don't want it to die), no TekTek (which was really saddening), and GaiaCash and Premium items being shoved down my throat in the form of 12758 notifications daily. Okay, maybe not that many, but a lot. I hope with the old owner taking over, Gaia can be great again, like I remember it being. I want to say back when I first played, the only advertised cash items were two monthly collectables (and, of course, the cash-only shop)? But, I'm not certain. I remember it didn't seem like everywhere I turned, there was a cash item, or a cash chance item spin, or some other thing like that, though. And I wonder what's going to happen to the site, with Flash going down in the near future... Whatever happens, I really hope that Gaia doesn't die.
Other than that, I also got to look at 14-year-old me's idea of a profile. Boy oh boy, was that an edgy red-and-black painted pile of garbage. I'm gonna work on making that better but, for now, I just removed most of the content. Gonna slowly add back interests and stuff, and maybe try for a bio when I'm not so tired.
Sorry for this big ramble. It's late, and I'm tired and somewhat emotional. I need to sleep for work now.
Allykai out.