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View User's Journal

i want to be left alone, so pfft you.
30)Are You Crazy? : yes
31)Were you honest?: yes
32)Are you sure? : yes
33)Really really sure? :yes
34)You are absolutely sure right?:yes
35)IQ You wish you had: innfinity
36)IQ You REALLY have: ...? i dunno?
37)Have you seen a therapist? : no
3A Psychologist? : no
39)A Psychiatrist? : no
40)Have you been in a mental ward: not yet (eheh. ^^ ' )
)Have you been in a straight jacket?: no ...eheh....
42)If so, how does it feel like? : how should i know!
43)Do you hear voices? : yes
44)If so, what are their names? : not sure, all they do is call out mine.
45)Do you like purple bunnies? : yes
46)If so, do they talk to you? : i wish they did!!
47)How are the leprechauns? : bad
4 cool Are you on any form of medication? :yes
49)What is it? : sugar
50)What is it for?: hyperness
51)Any Side effects?: dizzy and clutsiness
52)Is it working? : oh yeah
53)Do you think we, the creators of the survey, can track this email to your house? : no
54)Do you wash your hands repeatedly for no reason?: yes, everytime i get messy, i wash my hands, unless i'm painting or shading, or playing with pastels.
55)Do you listen to Crambo? : what!?!
56)Do you enjoy it? : um...i hate you?
57)Do you laugh a lot?: yes
5 cool Is it evil and maniacal?: yes
59)Do you giggle? : yes
60)If so, is it random?: yes
61)Are there germs eating away at you?: uh......i don't know?!? -goes and washes hands just in case-
62)Is some one following you? : yes
63)Does some one want to kill you?: yes
64)Is some one watching you (besides me)? : yup
65)Do you anger randomly? : yeah
66)Are you obsessed with taking over the world?: HECK YES!! MUAHAHA!!!
67)Do you already have an army? : yes, my army of psyco maniacs, and friends. XD don't forget the cookies!! we're going against santa, the evil easter bunny, the cookie monster and his demonic cookie friends, and the evil ceiling fan!!! and, the boss of this group is the MUFFIN MAN!! HE SHALL PERISH AT MY FEET!!! MUAHAHA!!!
6 cool Are you making your way towards your goal?: yups
69)Are you aware that the creator of this survey is already doing this and now plan to crush you? : *scoots away* uh...... I'LL SQUISH YOU FIRST!!
70)Can you concentrate on anything? : nope! not a thing! ^^ i'm a rather random person, and move from subject to subject.
71)Do your moods change randomly and quickly (excluding symptoms of PMS, Menstrual cycle and/or pregnancy) : ...uh...yes?
86)If so, are you suspicious of your closest friends plotting to stab you in the back? : sometimes, not all. depends on who you mean, lol.
87)Literally? : eheh... ^^ '
8 cool Do you read Shakespeare?: yes
89)Do you read it so much it isn't healthy?: nope
90)Can you compose sonnets? : um...question? what are sonnets?
91)Do you know what a sonnet is?: uh....no....
92)Have you any idea who Shakespeare is?: yeah
93)Are we off topic? : i dont know, are we?
94)On topic, Next section should come now? : ? huh?
95)If you said yes to the above question did you really think we would comply? : no
96)Do you lie? : yes
97)If so, how much?: not all that much -looks around- ^^ ' eheh
9 cool Do you think you're mean? : i hope not
99)How mean are you on a scale of one to ten?: i would like it to be zero!!!
100)Do you think you're nice? : i'd kinda like to think so. ^-^
101)Do you try to help people out when they've got problems? : um, heck yes? of course!!!
102)Do you blow people off a lot? : um...do i really have to answer this question?
103)Do you yell at people a lot? : yeah...sometimes
104)Do you hate people a lot? : not all the time
105)Do people hate you a lot? : um, yeah. ^^ '
106)Do you hate the world? : no
107)Does the world hate you?: maybe, who knows. but, the thing is, to the world i may be one person (who will be ruler of it soon, by the way) but to one person I may be the world, so someone is obviously my world as well, and i don't think they hate me, lol.
10 cool Do you think everyone owes you?: nope
109)Do you think you're god? : uh..no....you don't see me watching people make fools of themselves...wait a minute..that is me. ^^ ' um, you don't see me making miracles, there you go!!!
110)Do you think you've got problems? : um, i don't have to think it, i kinda know that.
111)Or do you think it's everyone else? : nope
112)Are you normal and everyone else is weird, or are you weird and everyone else is normal? : i'm weird! MUAHAHAHA!
113)Are you absolutely sure about the above answer?: duh....
114)Do you get used a lot? : no
115)Or do you use people? : no
116)If so, do you feel bad about it?: -.-' i already said i don't use people
117)Do you have a conscience? : yes
11 cool If not, do you feel guilty about lacking one? : i have one...remember?!?!?!?!
120)What are you SUPPOSED to be doing? : um...my chores maybe?
121)Why aren't you doing it? : well, your talkin to me!
122)What is the weather? : let me look out the window.....
123)What room are you in?: my computer room!!! ^^
124)What are you wearing? : clothes! or at least i hope so, lol.
125)What do you wish you were wearing?: -.-' none of ur biz
126)Who is in the room with you? : is it really your place to be asking that question?
127)Who do you wish was in the room with you?: a really cute guy! like youko! or...or....um..what's his name again? OH YEAH!!! um.. okay... i lost it again... um... oh yeah! SASUKE!!!!!!!!!
12 cool Are you aware that the previous answer you just gave more than likely makes you sound like a portuch? : -.-' do u want me to punch you?
129)Do you know what a portuch is?: nope
130)Would you like to know what a portuch is?: okay, that's it. you're going to be my first tortured person when i become ruler of the world!!
131)Back on topic, what would that person that you wish was in the room with you want you to be wearing? : on topic?!?! we're on topic!?! this thing has been completely random!!!
132)Did you answer ?naked?to any of the above questions on clothing?: -.-' no
133)If so, you DO realize that was perverted: i didn't do that you moron!
134)Are you eating anything, if so, what? : nope! not a thing! *eats ice cream* not a thing!
135)What would you like to be eating? : *looks raound cautiously* can you keep a secret? i want CANDY!
136)Are you drinking, if so, what? : no! i won't say it! *drinks milk* i won't say it!
137)What would you like to be drinking?: ~ROOT BEER~
13 cool What are you listening to? : music
139)Is there swearing in it? : sometimes
140)Did you go to school/work today?: nope! summer!
141)What did you eat for breakfast? : nothing
142)Lunch? : uhh...?
143)Dinner? : pizza!
144)Dessert? : not there yet. i might not have anything.
145)Snacks? (this includes Second Breakfast, Elevensies, and Afternoon Tea): i wish i had tea T.T
146)Approximately how much sugar did you eat? : UM...I DUNNO! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE *goes bouncin off the walls*
147)Did you eat enough for your daily nutritional intake?: don't know.
14 cool So what do you want to be? : a zoologist vet, a singer, an artist, or an actress
149)How old do you want to be when you die?: i don't know. whenever i die is whenever i die. That'll be when i turn old. I consider people to be old when they die, even if it's a young child. they've obviously done their part in life.
150)What sort of job will you have? : -.-' i told that in the question above the question above
151)How many husbands/wives do you intend to have?: one husband please. i'm not a cheater or anything like it.
152)Did you know that if you answered more than one to the above question, you are a player? : i only answered one stupid...hey! why am i talkin to a computer?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
153)So do you want to be rich?: it doesn't really matter to me. money or not, as long as i'm happy, i'm happy.
154)How about what age do you want to retire?: never retire! Kitten will never retire!!
155)How many kids do you want? : doesn't matter. none, 5, 3, 2, 1, whatever.
156)Have you ever thought about adoption?: yes
157)Did you forget about those millions of starving children waiting to be adopted?: no, of course not.
15 cool I suppose you forgot, have you? : no!
159)Who do you think will rule this world in the future?: ME AND TART! MUAHAHAHA
160)You better have answered the creator of this survey, right? : HECK NO!!! IT IS MINE I TELL YOU! MINE!! OH.. AND TART'S!! ^^ '
161)How far in the future do you expect this survey to end?: who cares
162)Do you want a Boyfriend Or a Girlfriend? : sure, whatever, what? i wasn't listening.
163)If so, who? : my friends cousin! lol. i'm just kidding. ^^ '
164)Ever hugged some one not in your family?: yes
165)How about Kissed? : yes
166)French kissed? : ...i'm not obliged to answer that question.
167)Have your parents walked in on you?: no
16 cool If so, how did they react? : they didn't come in on me!
170)Were you honest in answering the above question?: yes
171)How many friends do you see daily? : too many! - is exhausted -
172)How many friends do you wish to see daily? : -sighs- i'm not gonna answer that. lots though. ^^ i love my friends!!
173)How many friends do you know online? : more than 200
174)Who is/are you best friend(s)? : too many to count! but i have plenty. ^^
175)Ever went dancing with them? : yups.
176)Movies? : does this relate to the 2 questions above?
177)Dinner? : uh...-confused look-
17 cool Theme parks?: forget it!!!!! i don't understand!!
179)Anything else you do with your friends? : oh, now we're back to this huh?!?!?!?!!?
180)Anything in particular you want to do with your friends?: go to a rave! i love to party!! one day, i'm going to drag Tart (kitsune ki) from her house and make her go with me!!
181)Have you stayed up past midnight with friends? : yes. sometimes i don't even sleep, lol.
182)When was the last party you attended? : a few days ago.
184)What is your favourite colour?: BLUE! and SILVER, and a little bit of purple, and CRIMSON!!
185)Food? : chinese and sushi! ramen, fish, anything japanese!! EGG DROP SOUP TOO!!!
186)Clothes: the ones i'm wearing!
187)Pen Colour?: blue, silver
18 cool Marker Colour?: blue, silver
189)Crayon Colour? : blue, red.
190)Pencil Crayon Colour?: blue blue blue!!!!!!!!!!
191)Scent? : after rain, the nice smell. also, flowers (especially roses) smell really nice. ^^ and, cherry blossoms!!
192)Drink? : root beer, or milk. i love them both! don't forget any milkshakes or slushie thingies that are cherry and strawberry!!!
193)Alcoholic Drink? : although spanish liquor is very good, none. i don't do drugs. i never will.
194)Non edible taste? : i dunno?
195)Sound? : birds chirping
196)Sound effect? : thunder!!!
197)Song? : "It Ends Tonight" by All-American Rejects
19 cool Band? : lots.
199)Pop group? : lots.
200)Accent? : english (england)
201)Country?: japan AND CANADA!! DON'T FORGET CANADA!!i love japan, even though i'm from the u.s.
202)Animal? : cats (any kind) and wolves
203)Language?: japanese
204)Subject at school?: choir, art, science. anything where i get to be creative and me.
205)Watch Brand? : don't have one.
206)Clothing Brand?: i really like anything. i buy things and put my own styles together.
207)Computer Brand?: none
20 cool Shoe Brand? : ?
209)Electronic Brand? : ?
210)Pen Brand? : who gives a rip about this stuff?
211)University? : Yale, or Harvard
212)Hockey Team? : not sure
213)Baseball team? : not sure yet, although i don't mind the sport.
214)American Football Team? : uh...no.
215)European Football team? : yeah!!! and it's Futbol, pal!!! I have lots!! Aresnal, Manchester United, and somethin else i can't remember! lol.
216)Basketball Team? : STOP CONFUSING ME!
217)Lacrosse Team? : whats a lacrosse?!?!?!?!?
21 cool Army? : um..is this a trick question?!??!?!
219)Video Game? : FINAL FANTASY!
220)Video Game Company?: uh..sony i guess...is that a company??!?!?!
221)Book? : well, Dragonspell, unless it's anime. Then it's Amazing Agent Luna.
222)Book Series?: -thinks- MY HEAD HURTS! T.T
223)Author? : um...
224)Movie? :
225)Actor? : Jhonny Depp, or Van Deisel. I always loved army guys, lol.
226)Actress?: Angelina Jolie. She's pretty.
227)Director?: how should i know!?!??!!?
22 cool Writer? : is this another trick question?!?!??!!?
229)Movie Genre?: fantasy
230)Book Genre? : fantasy
231)Smurf? : -scoots away-
232)Dwarf From Snow White? : grumpy
233)Pokemon? : corsala
234)Digimon? : Gottomon!! lol.
235)Monster from Monster Rancher?: not sure
236)Care bear? : -.-' r u kidding me?!!? I don't like carebears, or at least not since I was three!
237)Anime Series?: INU YASHA! Galaxy Angel, Tokyo Mew Mew, shall I go on?!?!
23 cool Cartoon? : tokyo mew mew
239)TV Show? : inuyasha
240)Soap Opera? : passions
241)Reality TV Show? : survivor
242)Sitcom? : ?
243)Game show?: ?
244)Kid's show? : tokyo mew mew
245)Radio station?: 96.5 jam
246)MP3 Software Player?: none
247)MP3 Hardware Player?: none
24 cool Holiday? : Tanbata. (Japanese Star Festival)
249)Day Of Week?: Tuesday. Don't know why, It just feels like work day to me!! ^^
250)Month? : December. It's snowy month!! lol.
251)Weapon?: bazooka, katana, pan, spoon..-many others-
252)Mathematical Formula? : um.......
253)Gum Brand? : dentine
254)Gun Brand? : ?
256)Candy?: KTI KAT! give me a break..give me a break..break me off a piece of that KIT KAT BAR! i also love candy canes. ^^
257)Exercise Activity?: volley ball and swimming and riding my bike and walking
25 cool Sport? : volley ball
259)Famous Historical Figure? : uh......should i care? I tend not to look into the past much. maybe that's why my social studies teacher tries to make me study. ^^ '
260)City? : Seattle, washington
261)Athlete?: michelle kwan
262)Political Figure?: no one
263)Political Party? : democrat
264)Model? : ...
265)Club? : -.-' you really are stupid..ya know that...just kidding. Remingtons!! lol.
266)Weapon Of Mass Destruction?: now thats wat i'm talkin about! lol!! I'm already a weapon, lol!!!
267)Insult? : i don't insult unless nessisary.
26 cool Yo Mamma Joke?: -.-'
269)Blonde Joke? : thats offensive to me! well, not really. XD
270)chinese Joke? : don't know any, don't want to.
271)Website? : gaiaonline.com
272)Magazine?: j14
273)President of the USA? : i don't give a rip! one day it will be me! muahahaha. Well, if i have to. Washington. George Washington.
274)President Of Canada?(?if you answer anything but ?Canada doesn?t have a president? then?.I shall shoot you XDDD) : wat a bunch of psycotic lunaticks...but i lurve Canada!!
275)Current World Leader? : there is none! But i shall be soon enough!!
276)Random Person? : um............................................................. Mr. Banana?
277)Boys Names? : Rob, Nathan, Katsu (yes, it's a guys name, lol.), Alex, Matt.
27 cool Girls Names? : Kat, Kale, Ama, Kitten, Sakura, Rei, Ichigo, need i go on?
279)It Names? : it it it it it!
280)Dog Breed?: all doggies, even though they kinda scare me. ^^ ' i don't mind them though. I prefer big dogs compared to small ones.
282)Pig Breed? : uh.....is there more than one kind?
283)Oxymoron? : wats an oxymoron?
284)Saying? : fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we haveto alter it every six months
285)Wise Saying? : You know it's true love when the hardest thing to do is say goodbye. (thanks kale for that one. ^^)
286)Word? : psyco
287)Asian Symbol? : um....i have no clue whatsoever!
28 cool Survey? : -.-' no clue, but i can tell you this one isn't it. lol.
289)Free Email Provider?: wats that?
290)Tyrannical Corporation?: um...it would be good if i weren't stupid and actually understood half these questions
291)Microsoft Software? : -scoots away- computer nerd much? jk
292)Microsoft Bug? : -falls asleep-
293)Computer Virus?: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
294)Disease? : zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....polio i guess
29 cool And you did know Canada doesn't have presidents, right?: duh, you just said that, but I LURVE CANADA!!!
299)This Survey/Anything Else(don?t answer this one, we all know you love this one more) : yeah right... -sarcastic tone- i lovvvvvve this survey!
300)Pepsi/Coke?: pepsi
301)PC/Macs? : pc?
302)Toronto Maple Leafs/Montreal Canadiens?: i saw canadians!!!! i don't know in other words. ^^ '
303)Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera : christina, britney spears is bleh
304)Backstreet Boys/NSYNC : not interested in answering the question.
305)American Football/European Football?: Futbol!!!!!!!!!!
306)Mario/Luigi? : luigi, he was always cooler in green , lol.
307)Pikachu/Togepi?: togepi!!! aww! what a cutie!!
30 cool Yamato Ishida/Taichi Kamiya : yamato ishida, it sounds cute. ^^
309)Destiny's Child/TLC? : destiny's child?
310)KoRn/Limp Bizkit? : both.
311)Rap/Rock? : rock
312)MSN Messenger/AOL Instant Messenger?: msn
313)ICQ/MSN? : msn
314)AOL/Microsoft?: blah
315)Microsoft/Apple?: blah blah! heh heh
316)Nike/Reebok? : nike
317)McDonald?s/Burger King?: neither!!
31 cool Google/Yahoo? : google
319)Canadian Hockey/American Hockey?: canadian
320)Xbox/PlayStation 2/Game Cube? : playstation 2
321)Nintendo 64/Playstation? : playstation
322)Mario/Sonic? : sonic
323)Luigi/Tails? : tails
324)One Pillow/Two? : 2
325)Coffee/Tea? : tea
326)Chicken/Beef?: chicken
327) Me/You? : you. i don't feel like being selfish today.
32 cool Naruto/Bleach?: both please!!
329)Full Metal Alchemist/Hellsing?: FMA!
330)Sasuke/Itachi? : sasuke
331)Sakura/Ino? : sakura
332)Gaara/Kankuro?: kankuro
333)Ichigo/Kon? : ichigo
334)Rukia/Inoue?: Inoue
335)Eating/Drinking?: ....drinking?
336)Sober/High? : sober?
337)How Many Email addresses do you have? : lots
33 cool How many do you use? : 1
339)Do you use Hotmail? : yeah
340)Or Do you rather use Yahoo? : i have both, dummy.
341)Do you like shareware? : no
342)Do you pay to visit sites?: no
353)How many viruses do you get in your email? : none
354)Do you hack? : no
355)Do you like to hack?: i just said i didn't
356)Do you pirate software : no
357)Do you like doing that? : skip you!
35 cool Do you download MP3s? : no
359)Do you rip MP3s? : no
360)Do you miss Napster? : no
361)Do you like Kazaa? : no
362)Do you like Ares? : no
363)Do you like Bearshare?: no
364)Do you hate the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America): yes, if it had to do with bush! no offense to republicans but he sucks!
365)Would you like to nuke them? : maybe...
366)Are you a computer geek? : no
367)Do you consider yourself a computer geek? : no
36 cool Do you know what a TIF file is? : no, do i want to know? i mean, you are asking the question after all.
369)If you answered yes on the above, you do know it?s a photo file right?: i didn't know what it was you idiot!
370)If you were right, do you now think you're a geek? : i wasn't right, so i'm obviously not a geek. MUAHAHA!!
371)Do other people consider you a geek? : no
372)Do you play violent games online? : yes!!!!
373)Do you 0WN violent games online? : yes!!!!!
374)How many frags do you average per game if so?: huh?
375)Do you know what a frag is? : nope
376)Do you play Counter Strike? : nope
377)Do you 0WN at Counter Strike?: i dunno
37 cool Do you even know what Counter Strike is?: no
379)How many people are on your buddy list? : eheh^^ ' what??
380)Do you use IRC? : no
381)Do you know how to use IRC?: no
382)Are you good at IRC? : i don't know
383)How fast can you type?: fast enough
384)Can you out type people?: yes
385)How many hours do you log on your computer?: dunno?
386)How many hours do you spend doing anything else?: 14 at least.
387))Does the number you spend online out do the time you sleep? :yes, i barely ever sleep.
38 cool Did/Do you do well in school? : yes
389)What subject did you do well in?: music, science, and art!!
390)Which subjects did you do bad in?: social studies, but i managed to get a B this year!! lol.
391)Have you received a D(60% and lower) : no
392)Have you failed ever? : no
393)Do you intend to ever fail? : no
394)Do you like failing? : no
395)Did you ever get recess? : yes, but not this year. i'm aparently too old, although i really wanted a nap time!!
396)Was that your favourite subject in school?: choir, art, and science.
397)So what course did you like the most? : ?
39 cool How about hate? : i hate algebra!! i'm going into geometry!! T.T someone save me!!
399)Did you take any second or third languages?: yeah.
400)If so, what were/are they? : Spanish. I already know a little French and plenty of Japanese.
401)Are you one of the brains at school? : no
402)Or are you a jock? : no, although i love sports. ^^
403)Are you the queen of the school yard at school? : no, i'm not a priss.
404)Or are you the follower to the queen? : heck no! i'm no follower! I'm a flipping leader, and i don't take orders from anyone!!
405)Did/do you have a posse? :yeah
406)Did/Do you want one? : yeah, i have one, dummy!!
407)Do you even KNOW what a posse is?: yeah
40 cool What stereotype were/are you at school?: friends with some popular and friends with some not popular. i get along with everyone except drugarts and bullies. i tend to help those kinds of people with their problems and issues.
409)What stereotype did/do you want to be? : i don't really care. i'm me, and that's all i'll ever be.
410)Did you ever get called names? : yes, but who says they were bad, or i even cared?
411)Or Did you call people names? : no, i don't think i could, unless i was really ticked off and ready to tear their heads off!
412)Did you ever get into a fight? : yes, plenty of times.
413)Have you been Suspended? : almost, but no.
414)Expelled? : no
426)Laughed so hard you cried? : yeah
427)Watched Kid shows when you're much too older for it?: yeah, but that's because i was forced... -.-'
42 cool Watched Teletubbies? : no!!
431)Been so in love with some one, you'd die for them?: yes.
432)Had the person mentioned above possibly break your heart and you cried?: yes, but that was a while ago. i don't cry anymore because of it, and im a weaker person now, because only the strong cry.
433)Played with some ones heart? : no, i don't toy with emotions of the heart.
434)Fought with your best friend? : a little, not too much
435)Given some one the silent treatment? : yeah unfortunatly. i was rather stupid at the time though. i've learned better now.
436)Ever though about gory and sadistic things?: yups
437)Found pain enjoyable? : yes, i have before.
43 cool Been so crazy, you screamed out loud? : yeah!!! In social studies class!!!!
439)Wondered why the sky is blue? : yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
440)Proven through some complex formula why it's blue instead of some simple made up explanation everyone can understand?: no
441)Wondered when the world would end? : yeah.
442)Wondered if it could hurry because of this survey? : no
443)Wondered about extracting revenge on who ever sent this long thing to you?: no, revenge isn't my kinda thing unless i'm pissed off.
444)Wondered how LONG this survey is? : maybe!
445)Wondered how to kill the writer of this survey in revenge for writing this(note: I have an army, don't try and make a martyr of yourself!!!): yeah! AND MY ARMY IS BIGGER THAN YOUR ARMY!! HECK YEAH!!
446)Wondered when this section of Have you's will ever end?: yeah
447)Hacked some one's computer? : no
44 cool Sent some one a virus? : no
449)Nuked some one's internet connection?: no
450)How long do you think this survey is? : too long for its own good
451)Are you tired of filling it out so far? : yes
452)How long has it taken you to get to this point? : ... i hate you.... a lot....not!!! XD
453)Don't you agree this is the world?s longest survey? : no
454)Don't you agree this survey is long and cool enough to deserve its own section? : no
455)How many times have you thought about killing me while taking this?: 50 million times
456)How are you surviving? : just fine, but ready to die any second, lol. just kidding.
457)Do you fear there are still yet MORE sections for you to fill out?: no
45 cool What do you think of the Author so far? : should i really care?
459)How crazy do you think I am for posting this o.o;;?: not crazy cuz i'm crazy, and i don't like you
460)Have you suffered any violent thoughts during the course of this survey?: no
461)Not even the smallest bit? : no
462)Don't you agree this is the most random thing?: no. not the most randomest thing. i can do worse with my spare time, lol.
463)Think of a random number and type it here: 17, it's my favorite number! when i see the word number, automatically, 17.
464)How about a word: pain
465)How about a letter: R
466)How about a random curse word: kuso
467)How about a random object: ball of yarn
46 cool Look around your room, describe it: boring for the moment, until i move
469)Having fun yet? : no
470)How many pages do you think this is right now?: who cares
471)You are aware it's 13 at this moment correct? : -.-'
472)Anyways, tell me a random colour: blue
473)Tell me something random: you suck
474)Do you like random things? : sure
475)You were aware a lot of this survey was random, right? : yeah
476)You liked that, right? : i don't care. i don't care about much if you haven't noticed.
477)Are you going to tell anyone about this damn thing?: heck no, they'll kill me
47 cool If yes, why? : i said no, KUSO BAKA!!!
479)And if no, why?: because they'll murder me
480)Do you like taking surveys? : yes
481)How about this one? : don't care.
482)How about type out a random sound: rain falling
483)How about a sound effect: THUNDER GO BOOM!!
484)Are you tired of this yet? : nope. i can take it for hours.
485)Are your wrists tiring out yet?: no
486)Did you know if you filled this survey out ten times at once, you'd get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome? : -.-' your an idiot
487)Do you even know what that is?: no
48 cool You are aware that's a Repeated Stress Disorder of the wrist muscles? : sure, what ever
489)Anyways, Do you think this survey is almost over? : yes
490)You are aware that I am just dragging this out to torture you right? yes, good method of torture. i shall use it on you someday.
491)Good, then congratulations, you survived the world's longest survey! : yay
492)Did you survive? : yes, of course.
493)Were you aware I lied earlier? : about what?
494)Now we're not lying, congratulations, you survived the world's longest survey, are you happy? : will it make you stop talking to me? then sure!!

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