- `Real Life Stuffs`
[Been volunteering at a 'vacation Bible school' this week. Thing is, I don't belong to any certain religion (never was baptised). I know I'm half Jewish, though. :/ And I sort of believe Christian beliefs. I'm not, like, all hard-core, though. Whatev, though. I'll be able to spend more time on Gaia the following weeks, though.]
[Recently discovered the mahjikal p00werz of baked sour cream and onion poh-tay-toh chips. THEY BE YUMMY. xD And they go great with sandwiches. :B Yum.]
[Gaaah, I hate allergies. D: Never had them before. Now I realize why people with seasonal allergies b***h and whine about it. D; EET SUX. My eyes are like all: *itchitchOUCHIESitchscratch* and I sneeze so much I think I'm going to blow out something important. D:& And my nose is all stuffy. Ick.]
[I'm going to do some big-time artsy-fartsy scribblings over this summer. Scribbles shall include: all of our past pets (Shasta, Tahoe, Cheyanne, Bailey) and the dog of one of our friends (Dreamy). EET WIL BEE FUHN. ;D All I have to do is find the perfect pictures of each (Dreamy's going to get a professional picture done, though, so I have to wait for that). All scribblings will be in CHALKS. Yay! &33]
`Gaia Related Stuffs`
[FINISHED MAH NINJA HEADBAND QWESHT, Y0!!!!!111!1one Ohemgee, I should taking a break from questing for a while, ya know? xD And I want to give a HUGE thank you to Viva la Edgarmon for all her support and help, and everyone else who helped me or even just encouraged me during this long quest~ <33 Love ya, Viva!]
[Well, things in the SF have calmed down, and I'm really happy for that. I can FINALLY be in there without getting a headache. <3 Wewt.]
[I think I'm going to start a Penguin Slippers quest now. <33 Cuz it'd be really rad to have a pair for myself. They're one of the cutest items on Gaia! <33]
[Well, thanks for listening to me rant about my boring ole life. <33]
Kwa herini!
<33- Britt