Well all I can say is: MY SUMMER HAS BEEN LIKE HELL! okay now that I got that off my chest. I broke up with my boyfriend..He's a heartless jerk just like the last one but thankfully not as insane ^.^ He doesn't care about my feelings especially since alot has happened over the last few days. My horse has been sold, the one that I own since he was four! I had him for a long time! Then my sister wants nothing to do with me she is being a royal b***h. My father only beileves my sister and she lies. And now the breakup. Ya know I think in my life I was never ment to find love, everytime I try really hard, it doesn't work out. Maybe I am doom to die a virgin *sigh* I'll never find the one for me, now I see when I act like myself around a boyfriend he hates it! This is proof enough that love doesn't exist at least not for me. Its a fairy tale like genies and mermaids and unicorns. Its nothing more then a fantasy. I was stupid to think I was ment to be loved by a guy or anyone for that matter. I just want all the bad things to go away...