My Grandma died today.
I was at work with my dad and he got called by my mother and she said her mother died so we left to home.
I was crying the whole ride, that's 1 hour and when we got home...
I was sad but it was much worse for my mother, who has no parents anymore.
We don't have family here in the Netherlands.

Her dad, my Grandpa died 2 years ago...
She was broken...
But my mother is a strong woman and she went with my sister to Italy for the funeral.
Now she is really sad and depressed, who wouldn't be...
Weirdest is my Grandma had a better condition than me, she could walk mountain up mountain down without complaining she is tired or her feet hurt.

She was in her house in Sardinie, she always go there in the summer.(I don't know how it's called in English, it's the island next to Italy)
People where there, I don't know who or what they were doing but anyways.
She asked for a glass of water, but was strange my Grandma would never ask for a glass of water but anyways the woman grabbed a glass with water and give it to her, as she put back the bottle of water in the cooler she heared the glass fall onto the ground...She left earth...

I'm leaving tomorrow to Italy with my parents...

heart R.I.P Nona... heart