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Kiss my heada cause I hurt it!
prophercy child
In a time of darkness there existed a prophecy. This prophecy predicted that a young girl was to lift the curse placed upon the people of the land and free the light from the darkness. A young, newly married couple had become the parents of the prophecy-bound child. They were unaware that their daughter would forever change the world more than they ever dreamed before.

The mother of the child was a witch and the father, a wizard. Their newborn baby girl had inherited powers from both parents. They named her Keaira, meaning “little dark one” because of her shining black hair. The witch, not wanting her daughter to grow up seeing the dark and evil world around her, placed a curse upon her eyes so that the child would be forever unable to see unless she killed her very mother. It was a terrible thing to do but the mother decided it was for the best.

They lived in a small town near a forest where spirits of both good and evil were meant to live. If they moved elsewhere Keaira wouldn’t sleep at all and would keep her parents up as well.

The child grew up not knowing what her surroundings look like. She managed to find with guidance from her mother to memorise in her mind what her houses basic layout was. She memorized where the kitchen and the bathroom were and her room, her parents and the spare room were.

Keaira could tell the moods of people just from the tone and pitch of their voice. She could tell the personality of the person from the people around them and she knew that the world was tainted by hate and loathing just from the bitterness of the breeze.

Her mother knew she was a special child and secrets couldn’t be kept for long. To keep her secret from her daughter, the witch performed a spell every night on her child so that she was to forget whatever it is that she wasn’t meant to hear.

Going through school was hard and painful for young Keaira. She was constantly teased and bullied by her classmates for not being able to see. She didn’t have any friends to comfort her through the hard times, which meant she always had to find a place to hide to keep away from the hatred. She always senses when she is being glared upon and despised by others. And so dearly does she want to be able to see the world around her. She cared not of what her parents thought were best for her.

One night when Keaira couldn’t get to sleep she went to the kitchen for a glass of milk when she overheard her parents talking.

‘You do realize that if she finds out what you did to her when she was born she will kill you for it, and not just to raise the curse, but for revenge.’ Said a deep voice that was her fathers.

‘Yes, I am aware of that, but I feel that it is a risk that I must take. I don’t want her to see the evil world around her.’ Her voice softened. ‘But I don’t want to lose you if she finds out…’

The conversation abruptly ended there and Keaira knew that her parents had sensed something. She knew that it was time for her to return to her room. Quickly and silently she found her way to bed so that her parents wouldn’t suspect her eavesdropping. Yet after a glass of milk and peaceful thinking, Keaira couldn’t shake the thought of what her mother had done to her. Her father was right, she did want revenge but she couldn’t bear to kill her mother.

She had known subconsciously that she wasn't meant to be blind, and now that subconscious fact has been proved real.

She tossed and turned that night thinking of what she wanted to do. She wanted to see so badly but she couldn’t just kill her mother.

‘What should I do?’ thought Keaira. Suddenly a voice appeared in her head.

‘Kill her, she is the one who did the wrong’ said a deep voice filled with evil.

‘No don’t do that or you will be the one with the wrong on your shoulders’ said another voice, this time lighter and full of purity.

‘Don’t listen to that weirdo! Listen to me and do the right thing’ bellowed the demonic voice.

‘No! You’ll have guilt for the rest of your li…… ARRGGGHHH!!!!!’ The lighter voice came to a halt.

‘What did you just do?’ asked Keaira, slightly astonished.

‘I merely killed the weirdo over there so you would listen to me’ replied the deep, evil voice.

‘I don’t want to listen to u so go away!!’ the voices disappeared completely. Maybe it was because she had told them to go away or because they had heard her parents talking and making their way to her room. Quickly Keaira pretended to be asleep. ‘Awww isn’t that cute? She’s talking in her sleep’ it was her father’s voice.

‘Yes, I suppose. I was just afraid that she might have overheard our conversation. ‘Don’t worry she didn’t.’ His voice was gentle as he replied. The door closed and her parent’s footsteps faded into the distance. Relieved, Keaira slipped into the world where all the worlds’ wishes came true, her dreams.

School the next day was easier than usual but something was wrong and out of place. It turned out there was a new student who, for some reason, did not fit in with the others. The others teased her and made her feel bad about herself. Taking no more of it, Keaira got up and, using her cane, found her way to the bullies and with such precision and accuracy that surprised even herself, she belted them all. The new student rushed to Keaira’s side.

‘What’s your name?’ asked Keaira.

‘My name is Ciara. Why did those people hurt me?’

‘They dislike anyone different from themselves. They pester me as well because I’m blind.’

‘Oh. I’m sorry about that. I’m dark skinned and maybe that’s what they see is different of me.’

‘That probably is the reason’ Keaira thought for a moment.

‘So when did you get here and why are you here?’ asked Keaira politely.

‘I came here with my family from another country. We were trying to get away from the war that’s plaguing our home land and start a new life here…’ Ciara’s face saddened.

‘But it looks like this land is just like the others’ there was a crack in her voice.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry that you feel that way. Would you like me to show you around?’ ‘Yes please.’

Keaira and Ciara spent the rest of their time together talking and finding their way around. Surprisingly Keaira’s need to see died and was forgotten because Ciara was her eyes for the time being. The next day Ciara wasn’t there. ‘Strange’ Keaira thought ‘I wonder where she is’ Ciara didn’t come the next day or the day after, it seemed as if she just disappeared into thin air and the need to see came back as she found it hard to find her way around her house. Someone had rearranged it and Keaira didn’t know where things were. Her parents weren’t at home and no one was there to take care of her.

Frustrated Keaira searched for her room and the doors were locked. Now panicking Keaira heard the door slam shut and the lock put in place.

‘Oh no it was a trap, and I don’t know who’s there’ she though to herself.

‘Ok calm down and find a place to hide. But where the doors were locked and I felt as if everything had been put in such a place that the house was open and nothing could hide anywhere. Ahhh, where can I hide?’

Searching and finding nothing Keaira decided that the best thing to do was to stand and fight her attacker. Placing her hand on a bench she found a knife as if a spirit of a sort had put it there just for her to find.

‘Yes’ she though, now she had something to fight with and now all she needed to do was wait in the right place and wait for her attacker to find her.

The creak of the stairs gave her attacker away and waiting at the top Keaira waited for the right time.

“Creak” ‘5’ Keaira concentrated

“Creak” ‘4’

“Creak” ‘3’

“Creak” ‘2’

“Creak” ‘1’ Keaira lunged forward and grabbed the first thing she touched with warmth in it and then with the knife drove with such precision it startled herself the attacker died instantly. All of a sudden her eyes started seeing grey shapes then white ant then it seemed coloured.

‘What’s happening to me???’ Keaira said looking down at her hands and seeing shapes where there was once black cold misery.

“Well for a start you just killed your mother ending the curse on your eyes as you have always wished and now you may kill me too, for having a part in the death of her.’ Came a familiar voice she had talked to just a few days back. Taking a while to register it she though carefully and then came up with the right person


‘Well you wanted to see didn’t you?’

‘Yes but why?’

‘Well since you couldn’t do it yourself I did it for you rearranging the house so u thought it was trap was my idea as was the knife where I knew you would find it and thanks to a spell I placed on your stupid mother she went along with the plan I had devised. Does that answer your question?’

‘Sadly yes it does. And I also remember your voice from somewhere else.’

‘That would be the voice in your head. I killed that weirdo of a guardian angel that’s yours.’

‘YOU b***h!!’ yelled Keaira and lunged forward toward Ciara. The knife went straight through her as well as Keaira hand, arm and even her whole body.

‘You can’t kill me unless I let you to.’

‘Well can I kill you please so I can live my life and try and forget you and your cursed mind from hell?’

‘Sure go ahead im just going to come back in a different form to haunt you to the ends of the earth.’ Replied Ciara

‘Oh great a spirit that haunts for the fun of it, geeze why can’t u leave me alone.’

‘Cause it’s my job to haunt people and I like it.’

‘Well I have an idea for you.’


‘GO ******** YOURSELF!!!! I HATE YOU!!!’

‘Fine ill leave.’


Keaira stalked off leaving the spirit to do what it liked.

She walked and walked ending up in a forest near the village border. She kept going not caring for the superstitions from the local villages. Once she had calmed herself down she found a clearing with stones around a bigger one as if it was some sort of a table. Keaira went over and took a seat on one of the stones to rest her feet. Immediately a little elf creature with long pointy ears and nose with long scruffy hair walked up and took the seat beside her. A ghost and a nightwalker joined the little elf and Keaira later. They started talking not taking notice of her until she actually spoke up.

‘Ummmm who exactly are you guys? And what’s this place?’

‘What's your name child of the dark?’ asked the ghost

‘Its Keaira, as I asked before what's this place? And who are you guys?’

‘I see you won’t stop pestering Keaira. We are all spirits and beings of this forest we guard it and protect it from the dangers of the outside world it the only place where darkness hasn’t touched. This is our meeting place for when something threatens the forests purity.’ The nightwalker replied

‘So why are you guys meeting now and coincidently does it have anything to do with me?’

‘Well actually it does have something to do with you, but im not sure you know because your parents would have kept it from you when we told them about the prophecy when you were born.’ Finally the little elf spoke up in a weird voice that sounded like dry leaves being blown away with the wind.


‘Yes there is one concerning you but as tack said before’ the night crawler gestured and the elf, ‘your parents would have kept it from you.’

‘Are you going to tell me this “prophecy” or not? Or am i to believe that this is one big prank being pulled on my mind by a whole heap of freaks?’

‘Trust us we are here to help you fight the evil emperor that’s contaminating this world with hate. He was the one who makes people act not themselves so he can control the country a lot easier. Somehow you were unaffected.’ Whispered the voice of the ghost.

‘And where does the prophecy and I come into this exactly?’

‘We’re getting there.’ The elf paused the continued ‘you come into the world one year after the emperor took over the country on the exact date he set his plan in action. The prophecy is that a girl child was to lift the curse placed upon the people of the land and free the purity of light from the darkness of evil. This child was to be born one year after the darkness came.’

‘Ok that explains a lot but who is this emperor dude?’

‘That you will find out for your self it might be a shock though, im sorry I can’t tell you more than that. We will help you again when the time is again right.’ The night crawler drawled on, and as soon as it had finished that sentence all of them disappeared without warning leaving Keaira along at the stone table.

‘GREAT!!! What am I to do now? Ah crap im talking to myself again.’ Keaira got up and walked in a frustrate circle.

‘Ummm whose there?’ came the sound of a shy voice that seemed to come from nowhere. Keaira spun around looking for the spot where the voice came from.

‘Im up here.’

‘Up where?’ Keaira yelled

‘Please don’t yell it hurts my ears. Im up in the tree above your head.’

Keaira looked up to see a pair of yellow eyes staring back.

‘AHHHH!!!! Holy Jesus mother of crap who or should I say what are you?’

‘I’m a changing a creature that can chance shape at will.’ The creature drifted down from the tree morphing into a tall human with long ears. ‘And this is my normal shape.’

‘Hey cool! Were you eaves dropping just before?’

‘Oh, I couldn’t have the ancient ones shield all their meetings even from the creatures they trust. And by the way my name is…’ stopping in mid sentence he spun around looking into the trees on the other side of the clearing.

‘What is it this time?’ Keaira sighed with annoyance.

‘Shhhh… come.’ The stranger beckoned her to follow him into the thick scrub, Keaira followed cautiously after and when she turned around to try and see what the stranger had seen he eyes were met with amazement because as soon as she had disappeared from the clearing another creature entered. This time it wasn’t as friendly looking as the other one she had met just a few minutes before. It looked like a demonic skeleton beast, canines clearly visible and claws as shape as a newly bought knife.

‘I knew something was coming but I didn’t think it would be the emperors own guards! Quick climb up this tree. It’ll be safe up there.’

‘Ummm ok then, if you say so.’ Quickly and as quietly as Keaira could she climbed up as far as the stranger told her too. From there she got a perfect look at the creature circling the ground below sniffing at the ground.

Keaira fell asleep in that tree for the creature didn’t leave for quite a long time. She woke up in a room with the sun pouring its heat on her face. She looked around to find the stranger sleeping a distance from her.

She got up and headed for the door when a whisper came from the stranger.

‘I wouldn’t go that far outside you might end up with a shock.’

Keaira shrugged and walked out of the room and onto a deck, looking over edge she scrambled backward and clung to the floor as hard as she could, she was about a hundred metres in the air with a rope as the only thing keeping her from falling off the deck.

‘Told ya.’ Came a voice from behind her

‘Oh rub it in will ya’ Keaira poked out her tongue only to get the response of laughter.

‘My names Ragnar by the way, I didn’t want to tell you when I heard that “thing” coming. Not safe these days.’

‘Oh ok well that does explain why you were edgy and a little paranoid. Names Keaira.’

‘Huh? How could you tell I was edgy and paranoid?’

‘Not really sure stuff I picked up when I was blind, the talents still there though, plus my parents are both magical, of sorts.’

‘Do explain im confused, did you say you were blind once?’

‘Yeah, mum cursed me so I couldn’t see, that is until I killed her which a spirit tricked me into doing.’

Keaira spent another hour explaining her background and what had happened with her parents. Ragnar sat staring wide eyes at her most of the time but was still soaking it all up.

‘Wow!’ breathed Ragnar at the end of her long story. Keaira sighed glad to get off her chest.

‘Well sorta I guess but it wasn’t really nice killing mum.’ Keaira sent a silent curse out to Ciara. ‘I didn’t even see dad don’t know where he is don’t really care either.’

‘Well you were lucky to even know your parents even if they weren’t that nice. I was brought up by the ancients they taught me how to shape shift. They will have to teach you soon.’

‘Ummm why exactly?’

‘I may be just a meer shape shifter but I can tell your powers are strong and because your parents haven’t told you anything about magic your powers are untamed and can hurt a lot of people if not controlled.’

‘Oh ok so are you the ones whose gunna “train” me or something?’

‘Yeah pretty much.’

‘So when exactly do I start this training?’

‘Now if you want, it might be a bit boring at first though well that’s how it was for me anyway.’

‘Ok so what exactly do I do?’

‘We’re going to get your powers under control before anything else, so we’ll have to try and contain it. I need you to get into the comfiest position for you to be in this will take some hours. Its meditation by the way.’

‘Oh ok, it sounds boring but I guess ill have to do it anyway.’

Resettling herself Keaira did what she was told and closed her eyes. Ragnar sat down in front of her and instructed her to open her mind and find her inner heart, from there she must picture a small box then imagine her magic to go into this box. There it would stay until she needed it.

‘Now open your eyes.’

Kearia’s eyes took a while to open and when they did manage to open, she nearly fell over from exhaustion. Ragnar pushed food towards her and made her eat, then told her she should sleep after because of the lack of energy she had left over from that exercise. Keaira was to tired to argue back so she did what she was told.

thats all ive written so far sorry if i left u in suspence

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