The Shadow Cast Kamehameha: (Just called Shadow Cast for short)
A slight variation of Kakarott's Kamehameha wave. Mine is a black beam covered in strings of red electricity instead of the normal blue version.
The Flash Bang:
A burst of super charged energy in a focused direction. If the attack connects, it burns the target in a blinding flash of bright light resulting in nothing left but ashes that scatter to the wind.
(( Usually performed up close in the face of the target. ))
The Scatter Bomb:
I fly up into the sky and shoot my arms out to my sides pointing both left and right. I charge up and my entire self glows a bright white. A few flashes of light, a suddenly theres more than a dozen energy orbs floating in the air. I motion both of my hands toward my target and all the orbs fly kamikaze in their ordered directionn, but land in random places in that direction.
Hellstorm Shadowcast:
Performed by combining the attacks of my shadow Cast and Demonik Zero's Raging Inferno. A wave of black fire, covered in red electricity, large and wide enough to incinerate large groups of enemies or one gigantic enemy.
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SuperSaiyan Zero X
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