Welp, I've been really busy lately, and todays no different. gonk After I finish this I have to go to a charity picnic, and then straight after that I have to go to a friend's birthday party. It tires me out....
Before today I've had to go to vacation bible as a leader every night, and there was one kid who was so hyper he sarted licking people in the a**. gonk He even got me once. sweatdrop And the was another kid who licked his fingers all the time, and when it was time to hold hands.....
But I did spend the time I needed to update my wishlist, and add some stuff that I really don't need, but I want it anyway. 3nodding But if you ever give me a present, try to get the stuff that I really want first, then go for the stuf that I want, but don't really need.
Frost is working on his quest to get the chain wallet still, but I think that If he want's that nitemare scarf so much that he should go for that before he goes for the chain wallet. rolleyes But, it's his choice, so I won't complain. But I will complain that it's taking forever for me to get the staff of the angels. gonk And my avatar looks sooo pathetic right now, I'm wondering if I really should go for it first, maybe the winged anklets instead?
Who knows. All I want to know right now is what the new donation items are going to be! whee I can't wait, even though it's almost positively going to be a letdown.... But, last year I loved the items, and I liked the items the year before that, (even though I wasn't signed up back then) so I hpe that this august will be another satisfying month.
Well, that's my life right now. Feel free to comment. 3nodding
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