Welp, my birthday is coming around, august 23 people. The one person in this entire world that I want to go see, I can't, because my mom doesn't trust him or know his family. She say's all teenagers are the same, think the same and do the same thing. If she hasn't noticed by now when I'm about to be 17, that I am one of the weirdest teenagers in the history of time then she really doesn't know me. I don't follow other people. I don't lead other people. I do things how I see fit, if others follow...that's their issue. I wouldn't follow myself even if I had a map. She should know by now that I still think most boys are disgusting I annalyz ever situation like..if I'm going to die if I just off the roof, or something. I make sure there is an easy out every time and that I don't get to involved. I tried getting in deep once...and...it didn't turn out too well. So...a sad sad birthday it will be if I can see my one true love. crying crying crying I even turned down a consert with to of my favorite, cute, male artist. They are like...so hot and stuff....but I turned everything down for this person. I've been doing every job that I can do my age that fits me to earn the money to go see him, but she still refuses the money even though that was the issue in the first place! She has time to take her chuncky butt to conserts, drive halfway across the state for chicken, ANNNND go to stinkin Hawaii BYHERSELF to go she her little midget boyfriend who she doesn't really like, but she can't take me to see the one person who means everything to me. It would take more money to go to Hawaii then to go see him. We have a free place to stay, free meals, everything! But nooooo All I hear is, I'll think about, after I do this, I have to pay bills, gas costs to much. Sometimes I wish she would just say no instead of getting my hopes up and makeing them crash and burn like, dare I say it, the twin towers! There I said it.
Sheepuu · Sat Aug 12, 2006 @ 06:50pm · 3 Comments |