Yesterday was the best day of the whole flipping summer! Me, Heather, and Frank went to Six Flags since he's leaving for college in a week and he hasn't been there in "like 5 years".

Anyways... So the first thing he wanted to go on was Ragin Cajun and I told him even though its a roller coaster, it's really spinny and whippy, but apparently he didn't believe me... He believed me after! xp We all kept getting pushed around and falling on each other, it was pretty funny. Then we got our pic taken with Sylvester! Yay! whee After that we went on the Whizzer and annoyed Frank by screaming really loud, even though it's like the smallest coaster in the park. xd Then we went to Raging Bull and he loved that one, but we all love that one! Then we waited in line for Deja Vu for an hour, saw we weren't even a third of the way there, and decided to go get lunch at Olive Garden.

After lunch Frank wanted to go on a water ride, so we went to Roaring Rapids gonk . Yeah, we got pretty wet, but he got quite the kick out of it! After that we met up with Heather's internet friend, some 14 year old girl who screamed as soon as she saw Heather and just about scared the crap out of me and Frank... She went on Superman with us and Frank absolutely loved that one! He kept saying in a retarded voice "Huh, I'm Superman!" and waving his arms around like an idiot! It was really amusing... Then, once we were finally dry from the water ride, Frank is like "let's go on Roaring Rapids again!!!" So we did... Except this time, apparently me and Frank were sitting in the right seats and barely got wet at all while Heather and her friend got completely drenched! rofl

After the water ride we went on Batman and then searched for Franks damn car for 40 minutes and went back to Heather's house to give Frank his cake a present we made him. He was SO happy! He's like "I'm gonna hang it over my bed in my apartment!" whee After talking for a while it was already like 11:00, so me and Frank left. He better bring me my cake pan back!!!

Frank making faces while we were in line for the Whizzer... It's a video, just click it...