I didn't do my computing task (ITS WORTH ZILCH MARKS FOR SO MUCH FREAKING RESEARCH). Ah well the exam looks easy.
Back to getting my Ouran fix (finished Demon Diary(it was so short )).
I have the songs from the characters of Tamaki, Hunny and Mori. Mori's is so eek THE LONGEST song of the lot on the Ouran OST. Hunny's is so kawaii!~ heart But impossible for me to sing. Tamaki's song is perfect for his character but I still love Sakura Kiss the most. Shissou is excellent as well (didn't realize how great it is until the 5th episode of Ouran whee ).
Of the 5 songs Sakura Kiss and Itsumo Soba Ni(Takashi Morinozuka (Daisuke Kirii)) xd are the easiest to sing while Doki Doki Waku Waku(Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Ayaka Saitou)) is the most difficult. xp
*Ponders* Will the Twins and Kyouya get songs in the next OST? And Haruhi (who can't sing apparantly)? Well maybe her song can be Little Wing. biggrin
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