Well my dad was going to have his heart operation today. But once they got in there, they found a problem. So he needs more tests done, and most likely open heart surgery later. Good thing we found this though, because the doctor said if he had the heartattack it would have been doubtful that he'd survive.
So yeah, I've been working for nearly a week straight now with no day off. Things are getting stressful. Luckily, I finally get a day off sunday. So hopefully that goes well. Oh, on a nicer note. I'm complete stocked for the nintendo wii. If I could, I'd pay for it all right now.
I hope I know someone nearby that gets one too. So we can you know, play wireless LAN games. Just like with the wireless connect thing on the DS. Screw using ethernet cables, we can go wireless!
Um, theres more but my brain is dead. emo Here, look at a photo.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Sat Sep 16, 2006 @ 06:14am · 1 Comments |