Im not so precise today. But again it happened. Why must I be so foolish not to move? Scared and afraid my brain quivers in its steps forward. Getting nowhere - he jumps is, splashing me with my own 'fury.' Don't look like an a**!! Kiss him back!! Im sad to say, dear reader, that that didnt happen. Well, at least, the me kissing him back part. Quite sad actaully, really quite bad too - maybe its the right thing to let him , maybe its the wrong. But love is right, and love is in the right home.
Ok so lets jump to the not so formal or metaphorical brain of mine. Scared, I pulled my hood over my eyes. Stupid me right? Wrong. Heres my expresion to seconds or so later.
I know I was a mutant cherry, weather he thinks it or not, I was on the way home too redface
Ok well thats all. Ttyl!! :XP
I love YOU, Patrick!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Wow - I just realized that Im obsesed with Gaia journals. x.x
Next to come in my Gaian life: A mini Shop!!!
.Tea.Bag. · Sat Jan 08, 2005 @ 05:20am · 0 Comments |