To answer your question: Yes. |
Okay, details, since Fluffeh so obviously wants them. xp
My gripes: ~ He tends to disappear, whether online, on all-day storm chases, etc. without warning. ~ I also feel like we have nothing in common--he's agnostic, whereas I'm quite Lutheran; he hates reading, and doesn't seem interested in any poetry / stories I write, while I'm an English major; our political views are moderate, but lean in different directions when it comes to social politics; he's getting to the point where he'll refuse to watch movies I'd like to watch (i.e. A Hard Day's Night" wink , whereas I'll sit through crap like "Small Soldiers". ~ So instead of talking, I feel like he's always, always being physical. Never fear; I'm waiting until a long time from now to do any of that sex crap, so nothing extremely exciting (in both senses of the word xd ). ~ Sometimes he annoys me because he can be extremely immature, have ADHD-like moments and mess around when I'm busy or have a short amount of time to get things done. ~ Some of the things he jokes around about are sort of violent, like hitting pedestrians (including small children and babies). This could be a typical guy thing?
Things I like about him: ~ He's affectionate. ~ As far as I can tell, he's not jealous that I have two other best friends, one of whom is a guy who I spend a lot of time around. (The other is my [female] roommate.) ~ He has a car. (Wow, that's lame.) ~ He's good at fixing things, and is pretty much always in tune with what's going on, weather-wise. ~ He's very respectful of people who have religious views that he doesn't share. (But at the same time, I can't really talk to him or make jokes about church / Lutherans / God / etc., because he won't understand.) ~ He can be very funny, and he's good at cheering me up most of the time.
He has bad timing about sensitivity, though. Last night, when we were driving to Target, he asked what I was thinking about, since I looked pretty down, and was unusually quiet. I couldn't really tell him that I was debating whether I thought my personality fit better with his, or with aforementioned best guy friend. That's always a dangerous debate.
ANYWAY. Best Guy Friend and I have a lot of things in common--he's a different variety of Protestant, he enjoys reading my short stories and poetry, basic things like that. I really admire him because he wants to work in the Peace Corps after he graduates, and he's one of the officers of Amnesty International on campus. He's also extremely shy around people he doesn't know very well (I'm not, FYI; I took the initiative to meet him when he was sitting by himself one day, and voila).
Best Guy Friend and I had a class field trip yesterday (for a class in the honors college, of which there are three sections; all 3 classes went). (BTW, Jeff is not in the honors college.) We basically were together (meaning the classes) from 8:45 am until 3:45 pm, and got to visit a Hindu temple and a Greek Orthodox Church. It was fascinating, although I wasn't pleased with the destruction of my Saturday.
I forgot where I was trying to go with this. If I remember, I'll post again later.
Ersind · Sun Sep 24, 2006 @ 04:46pm · 1 Comments |