Woohoo! First journal entry! Let see I'll just write about my day which was rather interesting for a Sunday. So I got to work at 12pm and my boss left for our other store right after I got there leaving one of the other girls in charge. She had my rearrange all the costume accessories on this little shelf which was nuts, then after that these two women came in with there daughters and the kids when running through the store screaming. I was going to put some lables away when one of them actually ran head first into me xp After they left the girl in charge asked me if I wanted to go outside in a costume and wave at people driving by so of course I said yes. I got all dressed up like a pirate and instead of waving at people I danced blaugh So I had been outside dancing for about 1hr30mins when some guy pulls up, hands me $5 tells me I'm doing a great job and thatI should go buy myself a drink, then spins me and leaves. RANDOM! But hey I got $5 and the guy was really sweet plus he was listening to classical music! I think it was Beetoven or Bach but it doesn't matter because I heart classical music 4laugh Anyway I get home and there are children running amuck! Craft feathers everywear, cloth, conchoes it was like a mini explosion eek ! Thankfully my mom had it under controlland after about2 more hours of crazed children dunning about they all went home. Aside from all that I made 1400gg so I'm quiet happy 4laugh Well thats all for today. Later!
Dragonia Esperia Community Member |
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