YOU ******** STARFIRE/ROBIN PARINGS SUPER ******** STARFIRE/ROBIN/BLACKFIRE PAIRINGS! Um.... basically... ******** ROBIN, HE ******** SUCKS! HE JUST ANOTHER STUPID SO CALLED LEADER THAT DOES impossible things. I mean comon. A girl with dark powers can't defeat what he can? A girl with freakin energy balls and super strength and levitation can't defeat what he can? And how the ******** is he so ******** strong? He
's so ******** gay. ******** ROBIN. He's a gay a** ****
's so ******** gay. ******** ROBIN. He's a gay a** ****
uj4one3e:0="YOU ******** STARFIRE/ROBIN PARINGS SUPER ******** STARFIRE/ROBIN/BLACKFIRE PAIRINGS! Um.... basically... ******** ROBIN, HE ******** SUCKS! HE JUST ANOTHER STUPID SO CALLED LEADER THAT DOES impossible things. I mean comon. A girl with dark powers can't defeat what he can? A girl with freakin energy balls and super strength and levitation can't defeat what he can? And how the ******** is he so ******** strong? He
's so ******** gay. ******** ROBIN. He's a gay a** ********]
's so ******** gay. ******** ROBIN. He's a gay a** ********]