My profile was getting long... Okay, really, really long, so I'm putting my quizness in here... Not that anyone reads this >>

You are Luke Skywalker, the first jedi of the New Republic. You fought in the rebellion and defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor. You started a Jedi Academy on Yavin Four.
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Which character are you test by Naruto -

You have top-rated knowledge of Star Wars! Your rating is: Jedi Master Yoda.
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You are Kairi! Kind and selfless, you will do all you can to help others. You know that fighting isn't the answer: Love and Friendship is!
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You are Yuffie! She was first met wandering the forests in FFVII, after befriending the party she then stole all the materia! She just wanted to make her father proud, who lives in a village that revolves around materia. If you are anything like her, you are a free-spirited person who is still young at heart. You may be underhanded when it comes to getting your way, but most people forgive it because of your glowing personality.
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You are Marlene. Barret's "daughter" was a shy, young girl. She was Barret's main concern, above saving the planet. She noticed things before anyone else even recognized them. Not much is known about her, but she was special in some way.
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'Tomorrow Comes Today'. As the video debut of the Gorillaz, you have a very simple feel to you, what with those real backgrounds being combined with regular animation and everything scrolling by. Definitely a good one. Unfortunately, you weren't seen in America until the release of "Phase One: Celebrity Take Down".
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You're Star Wars guy is Anakin Skywalker. This guy has a passionate character- with a strong sense of right and wrong, he tends to go astray in his quest for power. He will love you all his life and do anything to keep you safe, even turn to the Dark Side...
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You Are 36% Bipolar

Overall, you're a pretty stable person. You may be a bit moody, but nothing out of what's normal.
As long as your emotions aren't severe, you're totally in control!
Are You Bipolar?
You Are 32% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?
You Are A Fun Friend

You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world
What Kind of Friend Are You?
Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2

"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"
You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.
What's Your Theme Song?
^ The weird thing is, I hate U2! XD ^
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